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Strategy and Tactics - Minotaur or Bull Centaur

Kwek - Oct 29, 2006 - 05:19 AM
Post subject: Minotaur or Bull Centaur
I'm going to a tournament with Chaos Dwarves
LRB 5.0
5 games Swiss
2 mvps after each game (auto skill for the once that get it)
No spp are commited, everything is healed

Whats the best way of creating your Chaos dwarf team.

I was thinking abouth 3 RR , cause 3 is more then enough for normal chaos dwarves.

Setup 1: (13 players- 2 for fouling and reserve purposses)
5x Hobgoblin
6x Chaos Dwarves
2x Bull Centaur
1x FF
3x RR

Setup 2: (12 players)
4x Hobgoblin
6x Chaos Dwarves
1x Bull Centaur
1x Mino
3x FF
3x RR

what would you guys pick ? And Why?

Skill choices:

Mino : Juggernaut (of course)
Bulls : Break tackle first , Sure hands OR block second
Chaos Dwarves : Guard first, MB second
Hobos : Dirty Player / Sure hands (1 guy)/ Block ... Did i forget something ?

I could also go for an apothecary to save that important player... But the new apo isnt that good (unless you rolled a BH in the first place) so I dont think its worth it.
I could also go for 4 RR.

My personal favourite is the first set up (2 Bulls), I just hate Wild Animal... But if the bull actually DOES his job, he has Mighty Blow and gets people of the field. On the other hand... AV eight * sigh *

What is your guys oppinion Surprised)
Pls let me know
nyarlathotep - Oct 29, 2006 - 09:16 AM
Post subject:
I'm assuming that this is a 1.1M tourney.

I would use the 1st setup. I just played CDs in a LRB 5 tourney with the mino. He was fun when he stayed on the field, but he only finished 1 game in 5. Armor 8 (and the day-glow target on his chest) is his downfall. In two of the games, he was gone by turn 2 of the first half.

Two centaurs, however, is a mobile _predictable_ threat. You can count on them to perform more often than the Mino.
Spazzfist - Oct 29, 2006 - 09:24 AM
Post subject:
      nyarlathotep wrote:
Two centaurs, however, is a mobile _predictable_ threat. You can count on them to perform more often than the Mino.

I wholeheartedly agree with this point. I often find that those big guys will let you down at the worst times with a bad dice roll.

To be honest I have never played Chaos Dwarves, but I have a lot of experience with Nurgle's Rotters, and I have found that losing the beast for the extra rotter makes for a much more functional team. I think the same principles would apply with this team.

Go with what you can count on.
Chairface - Oct 29, 2006 - 06:50 PM
Post subject:
I have been playing quite a bit with Chaos Dwarves lately. Go with the two centaurs. They are fantastic, especially once you give them block.
SolarFlare - Oct 30, 2006 - 06:23 AM
Post subject:
I just played a tourney with the mino. He's great, but so is the BC.

If you can get multiple skills on players, I would be tempted to get block and frenzy on a BC by the end of round 2. (That would make for a reliable player to knock people off of the field.)

I can confirm that Juggernaut on the mino works very well, by the way. But it tends to commit your blitz move to the mino. Don't roll a "1." Smile
Grumbledook - Oct 30, 2006 - 08:28 AM
Post subject:
Having played chaos dwarfs for 4 years in tournaments without ever using a centaur, I give credit to the mino.

The centaurs are too expensive for what they provide imho. They are great with break tackle and block, with just one of the other I find them limited compared to their cost.

However the mino is now somewhat at a disadvantage due to the increase in cost and the fact the apoth isn't what it was. Though juggernaut offsets the block issue now. Also with dauntless being a normal skill pick now the higher st players aren't so much an issue.

I guess it will come down to your playstyle more than anything, with lots of guard and horns you should be getting 3 dice hits in with the mino as standard and just caging down the pitch. Here the use of frenzy on the mino helps and juggernaut makes it easier to clear paths. Also the addition of loner at a pinch gives then a 50/50 safety net.
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