NAF World Headquarters

General - NAF stuff in the UK?

Rab - Nov 08, 2006 - 09:08 AM
Post subject: NAF stuff in the UK?
Hi all, don't know if this is the right forum but thought I'd ask anyway...

Is there a NAF merchandise seller in the UK so I can be a cheapskate and avoid international shipping costs? Or, if not, is it bad form to get a couple of bits printed up for myself from a UK based equivalent to cafepress?
Darkson - Nov 08, 2006 - 01:59 PM
Post subject:
No on the first question ( Sad ), no idea on the second.
Rab - Nov 09, 2006 - 04:25 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the quick reply. This will bump the thread and if no-one shouts me down I think I'll just go ahead. After all, it wouldn't be for selling on or anything. More an homage than anything else Smile
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