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Strategy and Tactics - Undead team, to use skeletons or zombies

spacerat - Nov 08, 2006 - 10:09 AM
Post subject: Undead team, to use skeletons or zombies
after much sucsess with my dark elf team (and pissing off sevral people) I figure it is time to retire them and start a new team, and undead poped out to me.
so far my team will have 2 mummies, 2 wights, 2 ghouls. and a minimum of 2 rerolls and spend what everything I have left over on fan factor.
so I want to find out peoples views on zombies vs skeletons, is it worth 10,000 more for -1 mv for +av?, etc and btw I don' t really want to do a mix.
so what are your views on this.
Jonny_P - Nov 08, 2006 - 10:40 AM
Post subject:
Zombies all the way. AV8 is a big improvement for only 10k. You don't need the movement with those guys either. MA 4 or MA 5 are both pretty bad anyways.
nyarlathotep - Nov 08, 2006 - 11:21 AM
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I have to agree. With the lineup you have there (which is identical to mine, by the way) Zombies are the only option.

Good luck with the undead!
spacerat - Nov 08, 2006 - 11:25 AM
Post subject:
thanks for the help.
so what I am thinking is 2 mummies, 2 wights, 2 ghouls, 5 zombies, 3 rerolls, and 5 fan factor
how does that look.
Jonny_P - Nov 08, 2006 - 11:40 AM
Post subject:
Looks good. Pretty standard lineup - which is not a bad thing. It's been awhile since I used Undead in a league, but I did some experimenting with more than 2 ghouls instead of wights. I went for making each one a "specialty" player. One speed guy, one catcher, one defense, I don't remember my other one. It's been awhile!
spacerat - Nov 08, 2006 - 12:38 PM
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or I could drop a ghoul, 4 fan factor and add a zombie and a reroll (for a total of 4 rerolls).
nyarlathotep - Nov 08, 2006 - 01:07 PM
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I'd stick with what you have. Each player on your team has it's own speciality: mummies make holes and scare people, wights perform alright as blitzers, but they are really just mobile cagers, ghouls exploit (to the extent that they can), zombies get knocked around and get up for more.

A single ghoul is putting your eggs into one (non-regenerating, non-apothecaried, nothing for these guys) basket.

Use two.
Azoth - Mar 07, 2007 - 08:50 AM
Post subject:
I'd go in the beginning for League with three ghouls and more skelettons than zombies...
You need the SPEED of the ghouls! they do your TDs... And you'll get the fourth ghoul rather quick, plus, with some luck, some additional zombies for free...

Over time, replace your skelettons with cheap zombies and you're fine... this will be a natural exchange process... Whereas those more TDs you score in your first games really matter!!!

Just my few cents worth of thoughts
SolarFlare - Mar 10, 2007 - 08:26 AM
Post subject:
Generally, zombies are significantly better. A skeleton or two, however, is not always a bad thing... especially if you plan to foul a couple times a game. Skeletons are a bit faster to get in position for a foul and not as much of a loss when they get tossed.

For the most part, though, zombies are definitely worth the extra 10k because you don't really expect much from these players (i.e., zombies/skeletons). You really only expect that they will be a "filler" on the board--providing tackle zones/harrassing the other team. The extra AV means that zombies stay on the board better--which is all you really want from them anyway.
Hangus - Mar 27, 2007 - 01:19 AM
Post subject:
My Undead Line up is 2 mums, 2 wights, 3 ghouls, 3 zombs, 2 skeles. 3 RR and 0 FF for a tournament. Skeles are not too bad to plug holes when you lose a zombie and as Solarflare said to foul. Even taking two ghouls is a risk. Lose one and you are in trouble as you only have one ball carrier. If it is a league i would drop a skele and go with 11 players and FF 3.
CoffinDodger - Mar 29, 2007 - 09:10 AM
Post subject:
Hi there,

Skellies all the way for me! The Coffin Dodgers pride themselves on being the fastest undead team in the west! 4 Ghouls, 2 wights, 2 mummies, fill up with RR and Skellies - also, with the cost change 4 skellies vs 3 zombies - adds a bit of depth to allow an occasional foul?


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