NAF World Headquarters

Converting - The Brampton Blowflies

Spazzfist - Nov 18, 2006 - 09:27 AM
Post subject: The Brampton Blowflies
Here are some pics of my new team: The Brampton Blowflies.

Give me a deadline and some inspiration and I can whip up a team! This one was created in about two and a half weeks for the TBBF league which I will be playing in - well today in fact! I have been dying to play in a proper BB league for a while, and we are also going to be making use of the LRB 5.0 rules. Can't wait!

This is a pic of the whole team including a couple of inducements I have been working on:

This is the warriors of Nurgle (would like opinions on the shorter guy, does he work for the team do you think, or should I have a consistency with the tall guys):

Here's another picture of the shorty:

Here is my plaguebearer pestigor that I will be using (other plaguebearers will be fielded as the team develops):

Here are the rotters. The pink colour was inspired by the model done by Eggball for the legacy team. (although he later informed me it was liche purple brough up to bright highlights).

The nurglings will act as my reroll and turn counters:

I got caught up in an idea and made a chainsaw warrior.

A work-in-progress. Still have to finish painting the team's Igor:

One thing that you cannot see by these pictures is that I have put rare earth magnets (I love those little things!) in the elbow sockets of the chaos warriors and another into their wrists. This way I can pop out their hands if (and when) they mutate. Then if (and when) they die and I have to start over, I can pop the claw/tentacle/big hand off and put the regular mitt back on.

So that is what I have right now! Appreciate all comments.

Kilcin - Nov 18, 2006 - 10:09 AM
Post subject:
They look great! I think you should keep the shorty since it adds some variety to the line, which IMO is always good. Excellent idea on the earth magnets. I've given some thought to how to do the mutations, but it didn't ever cross my mind to use the magnets. Which is funny since I have them to switch out my weapons in my 40k army...
Artico - Dec 28, 2006 - 03:06 AM
Post subject:
clap clap clap clap
no good pics Sad
Temujin71 - Dec 28, 2006 - 08:19 AM
Post subject:
great looking team and yes, keep the short one, consistancy is not chaos trait
Spazzfist - Jan 17, 2007 - 09:23 AM
Post subject:
You know, I did end up going for the consistency - not that it is in keeping with the fluff, but whn playong with the team, you get used to loiokg for the tall guys with the capes for the warriors, and sometimes lose track of the little guy.

As it is, the "little guy" is now a rotter (and one on my team that has -1 movement at that!) Quite a demotion I know! Laughing

Will post updated pics when I get them.

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