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Strategy and Tactics - +MA/+AV on Hafling

juggler434 - Dec 01, 2006 - 12:53 AM
Post subject: +MA/+AV on Hafling
I'm playing a hafling team in our league right now, and one of the little guys lived long enough to get a skill roll, and he rolled a ten. I've been debating whether to give him the movment or the armor. The other teams in the league are skaven, 2 wood elf teams, a human team, and a chaos team. Any thoughts?
Glorian_Underhill - Dec 01, 2006 - 02:30 AM
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Movement for sure.

He is then the proud to fly to your opponent and then has the chance to score with one gfi less.
Spazzfist - Dec 01, 2006 - 06:35 AM
Post subject:
      Glorian Underhill wrote:
Movement for sure.

I dunno...

The most likely number to roll on two dice is a 7, which means that when knocked on his butt, probability says that the little guy is going to get hurt. I would go for armour.
Notorious_jtb - Dec 01, 2006 - 09:27 AM
Post subject:
Armour for sure!

the movement would be nice but he is never going to score if he is dead!
Just think, if you roll 10 again you can have an armour 8 fling, practically an Iron Man!

You can also now throw him and you have a good chance of him surviving the fall Smile
Styfen - Dec 01, 2006 - 09:37 AM
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F: How can I live my life when I can't tell good from evil?
B: They're both fine choices, whatever floats your boat.

Basically, there is no right answer here, 'flings benefit from +MA players and +AV players. +AV 'flings have a slightly longer lifespan and will get targeted a bit less than the rest. +MA 'flings help move the ball from your back field and are better at scoring.

When it's their first roll the decision is up to you. If the 'fling had some Doubles or other Stat increases it would automatically be +AV, if it was a 'fling with skills like Catch, Sure Feet, Sprint then +MA. But on a rookie 'fling they're both fine choices.
juggler434 - Dec 02, 2006 - 05:18 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for the input, I think I'm going to go with the AV, hopefully improving his lifespan long enough to get another roll.
TuernRedvenom - Dec 04, 2006 - 01:30 AM
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I would have taken the MA. Indeed, for a fling with doubles or another stat increase AV would be the best choice. But hey, halflings die, a lot. Even AV 7 halflings will die. But before they die maybe they can be of some use to your team, and MA helps more with that IMO.
Spazzfist - Dec 04, 2006 - 08:28 AM
Post subject:
Yeah, they will die, but they are much more likely to die with only 6 armour as oppose to 7. A dead halfling is no use to anyone - not even an undead team!
TuernRedvenom - Dec 05, 2006 - 04:39 AM
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But a halfling with +AV and no extra skills isn't much use either. And AV 7 + STR 2 + Stunty also breaks if there's just a soft breeze. +MA on a halfling however is very usefull immediately. That's my halfling philosophy, make the most of them while you have them, cause they fall like leaves in autumn.
Buggrit - Dec 08, 2006 - 12:49 PM
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+AV 'flings would get targeted MORE by me because they have higher AV and would be more fun to squish Smile
Bouncergriim - Dec 08, 2006 - 02:46 PM
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2nd roll 10 also, the amazing tubbo a halfing with av8 due to his astounding girth. (always a dream I have had, if the flings would ever last more than one stat increase.)
juggler434 - Dec 08, 2006 - 03:25 PM
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I'm going for the MA, if he had had a skill on him before I would have gone for the AV, but I think the MA is going to be more beneficial.
KarlLagerbottom - Jun 07, 2008 - 10:08 AM
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Yep...and on your next "normal" skill...I'd go with JumpUp. As long as he doesn't get bruised, he doesn't need to stick the landing to be effective after the throw. (Assuming he didn't have the ball before the throw of course.) Smile
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