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General - The Halfling Scribe returns ...

Tim - Dec 11, 2006 - 03:14 PM
Post subject: The Halfling Scribe returns ...
The Halfling Scribe League Management Sheet for MS Excel is back ... and he's learned quite some things:

- LRB 5.0 support, fully automatic tracking of team value
- handles skill picks for players (complete list of LRB5 rosters)
- handles inducements (including a database of all Star Players).
- handles Journeymen.

And the regular stuff:
- Manages leagues of up to 25 teams (if needed, i can also make a 50 team version, but you'll need a good computer to run it smoothly).
- Keeps statistics for teams and players.

You can download it from my website:

I've tested this version with maxed out rosters, so i'd consider it final. However, if you find an error, let me know.

A big thanks to Sebastian (Da_Crusher on this forum), who sent me an LRB5 version of the old sheet, which sparked my interested again. Instead of just testing and releasing this as planned, i ended up redoing half of the sheet Rolling Eyes
Tim - Dec 14, 2006 - 07:21 AM
Post subject:
V3.0 had an error in inducement value calculation. Please get V3.01.
Buggrit - Dec 15, 2006 - 11:38 AM
Post subject:
Cheers, I've downloaded that and hopefully I'll have a play with it this weekend and transfer my team onto it to see how it runs.
Tim - Dec 19, 2006 - 01:51 AM
Post subject:
V3.02 is up with a fixed Kroxigor price.
If you already populated data to the sheet, here's how to fix your version:
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