NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - For the Nurgles in Us...

DarkDancer17 - Jan 01, 2007 - 12:09 AM
Post subject: For the Nurgles in Us...
Well, versus Goblins at any rate!

1. Does Foul Appearance do anything to those little Goblin Fanatics? Do they have to roll before moving into a square with a ugly fellow?

2. Do Tentacles affect the Fanatics? Not that it'd be much help - but just curious!
Spazzfist - Jan 01, 2007 - 12:38 PM
Post subject: RE: For the Nurgles in Us...
I would say no on both counts.

They are not moving into a square on their own volition, so the fact that they are repulsed by the player, would not make a difference.

Also, you cannot get near them to attack, or even lend an assist, so there would be no chance of laying a tentacle on him.
Doubleskulls - Jan 01, 2007 - 10:59 PM
Post subject: RE: For the Nurgles in Us...
#1B&C skill description "it even ignores Foul Appearance!".
#2 Is a no since tentacles only works when you try to dodge (and B&C says no dodge).
DarkDancer17 - Jan 02, 2007 - 08:45 AM
Post subject: RE: For the Nurgles in Us...
Much as I figured! Thanks! I missed the ignores foul appearance bit! Very Happy
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