NAF World Headquarters

North America - Blood Bowl Tournament at GAMES DAY BALTIMORE

endzonemagazine - Jan 07, 2007 - 03:49 PM
Post subject: Blood Bowl Tournament at GAMES DAY BALTIMORE
I talked with GW this past week and they gave EndZone Magazine the go ahead to run a tournament will full support from them including prizes.

Once I get all the details finalized they will post notification on the GAMES DAY BALTIMORE 2007 homepage.

I would like some feedback on this, especially b/c ive never done anything this big before. I hope to hear your thoughts and see you there on June 23rd.


James M. Luft
EndZone Magazine
Doubleskulls - Jan 07, 2007 - 07:23 PM
Post subject: RE: Blood Bowl Tournament at GAMES DAY BALTIMORE
Mod - just moved this to the North American section as its about a NA tournie.
bampf - Jan 07, 2007 - 08:06 PM
Post subject: RE: Blood Bowl Tournament at GAMES DAY BALTIMORE
Just to give you fair warning, we at the Adventurer's Guild have attempted to run this tourney at past Baltimore GTs and Games Days and have gotten limited support from GW.

Make sure you stay on them and make arrangements early. They are incredibly busy on that weekend so make sure you re prepared going in.
endzonemagazine - Jan 10, 2007 - 06:55 AM
Post subject: All The Advice One Could Ever Need/Want
Im up for the challenge at GAMES DAY.

Here is what im looking for:
NAF Sanctioning
Advice or Ideas for the type of tournament
Let me know if you're thinking about going -

GW seemed extra willing to help me with this and they promised prize support.
I have no reason to think that they will be difficult to work with. Everything so far seems to be the contrary.

Please let me know if there is anything that I should need to know....

This is my first REALLY BIG TOURNEY.

I've run small events locally, but not anything like a GAMES DAY tourney...


bampf - Jan 10, 2007 - 02:32 PM
Post subject: RE: All The Advice One Could Ever Need/Want
Actually, we ve had more success running Games Day tourneys than at Grand Tournaments. We had, I think, 12 for GD tourney two years ago. We did 3 rounds Swiss.

Don t expect a huge turn out just because there s a lot going on at GD and not a lot of people are willing to commit the full day and the $40 entrance fee to just BloodBowl (some people are silly like that). But if GW does some advertising for you, you should definitely be able to best our turn out of 12... that was on a couple of days notice!

We can discuss further at the Bar Brawl.
vt_doogie - Jan 14, 2007 - 09:42 AM
Post subject:
FNBBL would probably be good for 2-3 perhaps more depending on details.

$40 just to get in the door is on the steep side... especially for us BB only types Smile

We are only a short drive away from the Northern VA (DC) area.

Things to help get people there:
- Details of how it is going to be run early... Money to start team, LRB4/5, skill progression.
Also whether non-GW minis will be permitted and whether painting is required (part of the points system)
- With one day only to play with depending on opening/closing time you get 3 games max in there. Check with some of the others that have one day tourneys (Arisabowl for one).
- Determining a winner may be difficult given the 3 games, unless the numbers are very low. Be prepared for using some tie-breaker method.
- Prizes, Prizes, Prizes if GW is stepping up with prizes, then use it advertise what they are so it will draw in folks.

jkarr - Mar 19, 2007 - 05:08 PM
Post subject:
Is this thing going to happen? If not I wouldnt mind running one at Games Day but I need to know if this is going to happen.
SteelThunder - Jun 09, 2007 - 09:47 PM
Post subject:
I'm in! I can't wait to try out the Blood Bowl 7's! Just not sure what team to try! I downloaded the rules from the Endzone magazine site, are these correct?
Rune_Master - Jun 18, 2007 - 08:13 AM
Post subject:
Anybody? Anything new to report on this?
StoutYoungblood - Jun 19, 2007 - 07:40 AM
Post subject:
I believe EndZone is dead. Sad
Rune_Master - Jun 19, 2007 - 10:23 AM
Post subject:
      StoutYoungblood wrote:
I believe EndZone is dead. Sad

If that is it a fair assumption that the Games Day Tourney is dead as well?

EDIT - I just spoke with Direct Services, while they had info on one other "club" tournament, they know nothing of a BloodBowl tournament. Of course, that's not to say anything won't happen, but I wouldn't expect it.

Screw it, drive to Boston for the Brouhaha!!!
KarlLagerbottom - Jun 23, 2007 - 08:45 PM
Post subject:
Apparently there were 20-25 folks playing Blood Bowl at Games Day. (According to what I heard from Non-Blood Bowlers at my local game store.)

A big thanks goes out to EndZone for confirming the tournament...thanks alot.


P.S. I will apologize in advance if this turned out to be a completely different Blood Bowl tourney held at Games Day.
Sugarwookie - Jun 27, 2007 - 11:42 AM
Post subject:
Hey James,

Be careful with what GW promises you mate. I speak first hand and can tell you horror stories of our local store who runs VERY successful tourneys for all GW events and they have literally crapped on us many times and not came through with anything prize related. You might want to have a back up plan just in case.
Glad to see you're still active and hope the Necromancers have done well for you Smile


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