NAF World Headquarters

Rest of the World - Sandgroper Cup 1 - Perth

raider888 - Jan 22, 2007 - 10:56 PM
Post subject: Sandgroper Cup 1 - Perth
Welcome to the first 2 day Bloodbowl tourney, to be held in the most isolated city in the world.
The Sandgroper Cup 1, will consist of 6 games of BB using LRB 5.
Team Value will start at 1,200,000.
You can hire a max of 1 star player which is included in your starting costs.
Reset rosters after each game.
4 standard skills can be assigned to start off with and 2 skills/increase's will be added in the draft in the bar, at the end of day 1.
Every player that purchases a ticket before April 22nd will receive a free Shadowforge Referee Minature.
Cost $50
The event will be held on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of May 2007, at the Oxford Hotel in Leederville, WA.
Any players over east who are mad enough to travel this far can pm me and I'l arrange for places to stay with some of our local gamers.

For more info contact drew on
ClayInfinity - Jan 23, 2007 - 02:26 AM
Post subject: RE: Sandgroper Cup 1 - Perth
Good Luck!!

Be great to see pics of the event and some of the WA coaches I have met online...
Virral - Jan 23, 2007 - 03:39 PM
Post subject: RE: Sandgroper Cup 1 - Perth
Oooo a second resurrection tournament in Australia. Awesome Smile

I enjoy travelling for these things, but sadly in May I will be in Italy and therefore slightly out of range! Good luck!
Doubleskulls - Jan 23, 2007 - 07:01 PM
Post subject: RE: Sandgroper Cup 1 - Perth
Good luck with it mate.
raider888 - Jan 24, 2007 - 06:36 AM
Post subject:
Thanks guys.

Will post up some pics afterwards, will have at least 3 custom pitch's being used as well.
OZjesting - Jan 30, 2007 - 01:43 AM
Post subject:
How many are you expecting? One might travel for a big weekend..but if it is "boutique" it may not justify the costs Wink

Good Luck regardless!
raider888 - Jan 30, 2007 - 05:40 AM
Post subject:
      OZjesting wrote:
How many are you expecting? One might travel for a big weekend..but if it is "boutique" it may not justify the costs Wink

Good Luck regardless!

I was expecting about 20, being the first real BB tourney done over here in many a year I don't really know. The tickets have just gone on sale through the GW stores as well as myself this week, and there has been a very good response to start off with. If the numbers grow I'll post it up here and let you know. Still got 3 1/2 months, so anything can happen Very Happy

What size events do you have over east? I was planning to actually come over for an event this year, but a few unplanned expenses may have put pay to it. Although I was speaking to a couple of guys in our league this week about Cancon being on, and they were quite keen to go next year.

As I said in my original post, if anybody does travel over, let me know and I'll sort out some where to stay with our local gamers.

Babs - Jan 31, 2007 - 01:46 AM
Post subject:
We had 30 playing coaches at CanCon this year, 32 at Eucalyptus Bowl last year, and 42 at CanCon in 2006 (and 40 at EucBowl 2005) (there was some uncertainty about CanCon this year which probably contributed to the decline for CanCon in 2007).

These, however are the exception raither than the rule - most tournaments have somewhere between 6 and 20 coaches with the average being around the middle of those numbers.
ClayInfinity - Jan 31, 2007 - 01:50 AM
Post subject:
Leviathan had a good turn out last year, but the results were cocked by a toooo heavy waiting on Sportsmanship and we have had a change of organising committee... plus Leviathan will be the first LRB5 tourney afaik so we will see what that does to numbers as well.
Babs - Feb 16, 2007 - 04:46 PM
Post subject:
Actually Leviathan 2005 had 20 coaches, and 14 (from memory - I only visited briefly) in 2006. - It had 14 (or 15) in 2004 as well.
raider888 - Feb 16, 2007 - 07:35 PM
Post subject:
We have got 11 confirmed so far. Still plenty of interest and 3 months to go, so we will hopefully crack the 20 Very Happy
Babs - Feb 17, 2007 - 11:39 PM
Post subject:
Good to hear. PM me about prizes then!
raider888 - Mar 25, 2007 - 05:56 AM
Post subject:
We now have 17 confirmed with 6 weeks still to go, at this rate we should definatley beat the 20.
raider888 - May 08, 2007 - 02:58 AM
Post subject:
The trophies, awrds and prizes for this weekend's Sandgroper Cup. There is also a bloodbowl poster, which is still at the framers as well.

The Sandgroper Cup.

The Sandgroper Cup is a powerful item, used by the Khemri to resurect the dead. The wealthy business man, Gill Bates, wants to have his own Bloodbowl tournament, but is worried that teams won't have enough players left at the end of the season to play in it. So he hires Jana Kroft, Tomb Raider, to steal the cup from a Khemri Tomb Pyramid. Gill uses it as a prize for his own BB tournament. Because of the cups power, all teams start every game fully healed and ready to go. Because of this and the generous purse, the Sandgroper Cup has no shortage of teams wanting to play in it.

The Q'ermitt-Sandgroper Award

The Q'ermitt-Sandgroper Award, is something that myself and fellow BB nut (spazzfist) have come up with. He runs a tournament in Canada called the Challenge of Q'ermitt. The theme behind his tourney is that the massively powerful Slann Mage Priest Q'ermitt is transporting Blood Bowl teams all over the world to face off to find out which is best for his own mystical purposes. The teams are tranported by means of portals created by the Old Ones. This tournament also uses a lot of custom pitch's, last year he had over 12. We both love playing on custom pitch's and so came up this idea to have a cross promoted event. The trophy is a perpetual trophy, so the person who makes the best custom pitch at each event will get their name put on it. The trophy also represents the portals used by Q'ermitt, with the sand on one side to represent Australia, and snow on the other to represent Canada.
Babs - May 08, 2007 - 03:30 AM
Post subject:
Awesome group of stuff to give away. Love that Q'ermitt trophy! Looks like it will be an awesome tournament - enough to put us Eastern siders to shame (well, speaking for myself anyway).

Really nice trophies are a nice touch!
Rabid_Bogscum - May 08, 2007 - 03:50 AM
Post subject:
That cup is awesome... looks like a truly great set of prizes.. youve done really well raider. Set the bar high for all us tournament organisers
Spazzfist - May 08, 2007 - 02:41 PM
Post subject:
Wow Raider! Shocked

That certainly puts what I was working on to shame!

I will steal the idea and design for that one, for consistencies sake, and it is so freaking cool! Very Happy

What did you use for the shimmering doorway?

raider888 - May 19, 2007 - 02:10 AM
Post subject:
Thanks guys, they really did come out well.

@spazzfist, the portal is just a thin bit of clear perspex that I stippled some light blue and white paint onto, then to get the wet look I put some circles of PVA glue onto it. Thats it. Smile

Well the event ran last weekend and was a lot of fun. Congrats to Julian Palmer with his Skaven the Foulpeak Musksquirtters, who took out the cup. They beat another Skaven team the White Mountain Skulkers, coached by Chris Poli in the final. The winner of the Q'ermitt-Sandgroper award for this year went to Oliver Paun for his undead pitch. Oliver also won best painted team as well. Michael Spierings was voted MVP by the other players, a big achievment considering his team also caused the most casualties for the weekend.

Some pics from the event. When I get the pics of the winners I will post them up as well

Thanks to Babs for all his help with getting this up and running. It will hopefully become an annual event, so even bigger and better next year Very Happy
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