NAF World Headquarters

North America - The Challenge of Q'ermitt III - April 28-29, 2007.

Spazzfist - Jan 25, 2007 - 09:49 AM
Post subject: The Challenge of Q'ermitt III - April 28-29, 2007.
This is the third annual Challenge of Q'ermitt*.

(* Q'ermitt operates under some funky Aztec calendar which explains why it has not been in the same month two years in a row! Razz We'll see if we can sort him out for next year!)

In this tournament participating teams will have an opportunity to span the globe, as they are transported via the portals of the Old Ones, to play in Blood Bowl pitches all over the world to determine who is truly the mightiest.

Players will have the chance to play on specially constucted boards which represent different geographical locations (e.g. desert, ice, goblin swamp stadium). Each pitch will have their own special rules (for weather, etc.) which will be included in the tournament package. The two players who advance to the finals will be playing in the temple of the mighty Slann, Q'ermitt, who (for reasons known only to him) is set to determine who is the mightiest Blood Bowl team in the world and bestow them with the mystical Plaque of Q'ermitt.

I have booked the same room for the tourney that it was held in last year (the Monte Carlo Inn - Brampton Suites). Kudos again to Ben Tusim for finding this location for the Canadian Open, as it is now the home for both of these tourneys. Great location, hotel above, and they will bring us beer and food while we play! Who could ask for more!

Date is set in stone - April 28th, 29th.

I will probably also be running the Stunty Cup on the Saturday night as I did last year. I will post a separate thread for that one. This one will be based totally on interest of people who are attending. If you want it, I will host it! I'm sure Clan-Skaven will be there to defend his Stunty Cup title, and will also be attempting to re-creat the feat of winning while being too drunk to remember doing so! Very Happy

Any feedback from those who attended last year that can help me make this a bigger and better tourney I would love to hear from you.

Hope to see you there,


New Rules Edit

The following are the new rules for the team creation and skill advancement at the tournament:

Team Creation:
King Teams will be created at TV120
King Inducements may be bought for their regular cost as permanent parts of the team.
King Star players MAY be bought! (Q`ermitt wants to see the best of the best after all)
King Halflings may hire the Master Chef at a cost of 50,000 gp
King Goblin teams may buy bribes at a cost of 50,000 gp
King Wizards may not be bought, Q'ermitt does not want any rivals present!
King Special play cards may not be bought

Costs of Skills During Team Creation:
Regular Skill - 20K
Doubles Skill - 30K
+MA/AV - 30K
+AG - 40K
+ST - 50K

*Any one player cannot have more than two skills or attribute increases given to them during the team creation (or one skill and one attribute increase).

Skill Advancement:
After each round the T.O. will roll a d6, the result of this roll will apply to ALL TEAMS. The d6 result will dictate what kinds of skills are available. To know, consult the chart below.

d6 roll of
1-2 - Regular skill
3-4 - Doubles Skill
5 - Players choice of either MA or AV
6 - Player's choice of either AG or ST

** Players may receive only one skill from the skill advancement phase regardless of how many they gained in the Team Creation.

***Star players are peaked - meaning that the cannot get any more skills than what they already start with.

Who's Making An Appearance?
These people have said that they ARE planning on attending:
Spazzfist (I will be my own odd-man-out)
Notorious JTB
Peter Meers
Ben's nephew

These people have said that the MIGHT be attending:
Trevor (Clan-Skaven's roommate)
Ben's Brother
Two Dice Block
Anthony Times
Spazz's Big Brother (coming out of a 15 year retirement!)
Notorious_jtb - Jan 25, 2007 - 09:57 AM
Post subject: RE: The Challenge of Q
Bring it ON!!

Another trophy for the Ottawa Massif to obtain this spring!

Spazzfist - Jan 25, 2007 - 10:47 AM
Post subject: RE: The Challenge of Q
I have booked four standard rooms (with two beds in each room) for the tourney. People should let me know whether they will be wanting rooms, and then I can make the reservations. If we need more than four then I need to know ASAP.
Notorious_jtb - Jan 25, 2007 - 11:04 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
      Spazzfist wrote:
I have booked four standard rooms (with two beds in each room) for the tourney. People should let me know whether they will be wanting rooms, and then I can make the reservations. If we need more than four then I need to know ASAP.

We can have a chat about it this weekend, I think a bunch of the Ottawa folk will be keen!

Spazzfist - Jan 25, 2007 - 12:09 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: The Challenge of Q
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I have booked four standard rooms (with two beds in each room) for the tourney. People should let me know whether they will be wanting rooms, and then I can make the reservations. If we need more than four then I need to know ASAP.

We can have a chat about it this weekend, I think a bunch of the Ottawa folk will be keen!


Excellent! I know even the TBBF likes to get rooms there as it is so convenient! You stagger out of bed, come downstairs and you're there! Allows for tons of drinking without the fuss of having to get home afterwards!
Clan_Skaven - Jan 26, 2007 - 08:33 AM
Post subject:
I put in the time off request, so I'll see if I can get it?

Spazzfist - Jan 30, 2007 - 09:27 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
I put in the time off request, so I'll see if I can get it?


You have to be there man! Must defend your title of the drunken champion of the Stunty Cup! Very Happy
Clan_Skaven - Jan 30, 2007 - 09:34 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
I put in the time off request, so I'll see if I can get it?


You have to be there man! Must defend your title of the drunken champion of the Stunty Cup! Very Happy

I remember the first turn..... insulting Glen's hair..... farting a bunch..... oh & then a TD ..... I won?

Isn't BEER Grand?

Spazzfist - Jan 30, 2007 - 09:51 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
I remember the first turn..... insulting Glen's hair..... farting a bunch..... oh & then a TD ..... I won?

Yeah, I remember! I also remember wondering whether Glenn was going to punch you in your drunken face! You were seriously pushing you luck that night!

As for the farts, they were wretched! I think that is what threw everyone off of their game and allowed you the win!

      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Isn't BEER Grand?

That it is my friend, that it is. Much better than Jaegermeister, right Ben? Ben? Oooh dude, lucky that did not get in the taxi........ Laughing
Talons - Jan 30, 2007 - 02:18 PM
Post subject:
I think they should change the name to....Yackermeister in honor of Ben"the fallen Jedi Master."

Hey Craig, how about I bring Terri up on the 10th of Feb. so she can hangout with Monica while we go to league night at Ben's????
Spazzfist - Jan 30, 2007 - 02:27 PM
Post subject:
      Talons wrote:
I think they should change the name to....Yackermeister in honor of Ben"the fallen Jedi Master."

Hey Craig, how about I bring Terri up on the 10th of Feb. so she can hangout with Monica while we go to league night at Ben's????

Sounds good. Are you guys coming up this weekend for UFC?
Eric.R. - Jan 30, 2007 - 03:35 PM
Post subject:
Count me in for Q'ermitt, I may even volunter to be the Odd Man [again] if you ask nicely.
angryrob - Jan 30, 2007 - 04:01 PM
Post subject:
Spazzfist - Jan 30, 2007 - 04:49 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Count me in for Q'ermitt, I may even volunter to be the Odd Man [again] if you ask nicely.

Thanks for the offer Eric, but I am going to be my own odd man out in this year's tourney. I feel that i am comfortable enough with running a tourney now and I mean c'mon if JTB and Jones can play in their own tourney, then I am sure that I can handle it! Wink
Talons - Jan 30, 2007 - 07:52 PM
Post subject:
Craig, it looks as though I won't be able to make it up this weekend for the UFC......I will try to rearrange something to make it work.
KarlLagerbottom - Jan 30, 2007 - 08:39 PM
Post subject:
Looks like the Leafs are home this wonder why Darcy Tucker finally believes in his "scoring" ability.
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

EDIT: I think this is pretty funny and is meant in good fun. Hopefully it is received this way.
Spazzfist - Jan 30, 2007 - 08:51 PM
Post subject:
What is it with you and hijacking threads?
KarlLagerbottom - Jan 31, 2007 - 04:43 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
What is it with you and hijacking threads?

It's funny though right? Wink


P.S. Besides this is a response to your talking up the UFC for this hijacked your own thread there bub!
Spazzfist - Jan 31, 2007 - 04:58 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
blah blah blah ... you hijacked your own thread there bub!

Thanks for pointing that one out for me there, Wolverine!

You going to make it to the Q'ermitt again this year? Much better location this time around!
Spazzfist - Feb 04, 2007 - 10:05 AM
Post subject:
For those who are thinking about coming to this tourney - please look over the following thread in the "Hosting Tournaments" section - it is a system that I may want to try out for this year's tourney.
Spazzfist - Feb 06, 2007 - 12:50 PM
Post subject:
Would love to get some indications of who is planning on attending, and who is going to be staying at the hotel. I have made reservations for four rooms, but unles I start hearing from people I am going to let those go as I do not want to pay for rooms that I am not using!
Eric.R. - Feb 06, 2007 - 01:03 PM
Post subject:
I am in, no hotel needed
Notorious_jtb - Feb 06, 2007 - 03:45 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Would love to get some indications of who is planning on attending, and who is going to be staying at the hotel. I have made reservations for four rooms, but unles I start hearing from people I am going to let those go as I do not want to pay for rooms that I am not using!

i think a couple or 7/8 of us from ottawa might be keen, but i have no idea of any real numbers yet.
angryrob - Feb 06, 2007 - 05:05 PM
Post subject:
I'm in!
Spazzfist - Feb 06, 2007 - 05:23 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
i think a couple or 7/8 of us from ottawa might be keen, but i have no idea of any real numbers yet.

Great! I expect you guys to put some serious heat on those Ottawa boys, get them to experience the tourney scene!

I am updating the first post to include who has said that they will and might come. So far it is looking promising as I have only added a few of the TBBF guys - will get more solid confirmation from them.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 06, 2007 - 11:11 PM
Post subject:
Still have not heard anything concrete from work (one managaer said It probably will be ok, but in this place I don't bet on Probably all that much!!!)

Spazzfist - Feb 07, 2007 - 06:59 PM
Post subject:
At this year's Q'ermitt we will have no less than twelve boards! That is not counting Glenn Jones, should he bring down the Khorne field like I was begging him to do (that thing is so freakin' awesome!), or anyone else who plans to bring their custom board to the tourney.

The boards I am supplying will be as follows:
* boat pitch
*halfling pitch
*graveyard pitch
*goblin swamp pitch
*orc pitch
*skaven sewer pitch
*khemri desert pitch
*temple of Q'ermitt
*chaos dwarf pitch

*norse pitch (this one is almost finished it's repairs that kept it from use last year and will look 100% better than it ever did!)

*Mordheim pitch (this one was meant to be included in the Challenge of Q'ermitt I - but the person who was meant to build it was too busy having a stroke! Really!) I have finally taken the torch and am going to build it for this year's tourney.

*Dwarf pitch - a new creation for this year, be sure to keep your eyes on the "House Rules section for rules for this new field.

I will post pics of any new and improved pitches as they get finsihed.

Notorious_jtb - Feb 08, 2007 - 07:40 AM
Post subject:
Oh my, this sounds like it will be one crayzeee tournie!
Like it!

Taxal - Feb 08, 2007 - 08:12 AM
Post subject:
Damn it !!!!!!!!!!

Another year I have to miss it. One of these years I will make Craig.

Spazzfist - Feb 08, 2007 - 08:24 AM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
Damn it !!!!!!!!!!

Another year I have to miss it. One of these years I will make Craig.


Damn it! One of these years I expect to see you out there!

And Joe, it can get a bit crazy, but it is a lot of fun! The chance for your team to play a game of Blood Bowl with a special flavour - be it by the race that is hosting the game, or the geographic region.
Shadowseer2005 - Feb 10, 2007 - 08:53 AM
Post subject:
I like the new board ideas and hope to be able to play on them. This should be a great tourney. I hope you get a great turn out this year. I look forward to seeing everyone and to drink a few with Rod. Very Happy
angryrob - Feb 11, 2007 - 04:48 PM
Post subject:
Hey, any word on team creation for this one. I'm very interested to know what teams are good for the Stunty Cup. I need to start painting soon.
Spazzfist - Feb 11, 2007 - 09:35 PM
Post subject:
I would plan on having teams created with the 1 million, as with the advancement system I have come up with, there will be alot of skills coming throughout the tourney. Start off as rookies, is the way I think I am going to go with it.

As for the Stunty Cup, I think the website (see link on my signature) has the excel sheet with all the info for the teams.
Eric.R. - Feb 14, 2007 - 10:27 AM
Post subject:
Spazz, if you want to have a real Website for the Q'ermitt I would be willing to donate some web space to it.
Spazzfist - Feb 15, 2007 - 12:43 PM
Post subject:
I am in the processing of ordering dice for this year. I know that last year a lot of people had bought dice for friends who were not able to make it (indeed it was great hearing people yell "Double Q'ermitts!" at the Capital City Kick Off!).

So I was wondering if people would be interested in purchasing extra dice from the tourney - while in some ways it makes it a good incentive to actually come to the tourney, I also figure it is good advertising to have more recognizable stuff out there that informs people of my tourney!

Let me know in the next few days.

Spazzfist - Feb 18, 2007 - 05:14 PM
Post subject:
The rules for the Dwarf Pitch are now in the "House Rules" section - please take a look at them and let me know if you have any feedback.

Grell - Feb 19, 2007 - 04:57 AM
Post subject: IF I can get the time off
I will be there if I can get the time off from wok

Spazzfist - Feb 19, 2007 - 06:35 AM
Post subject: Re: IF I can get the time off
      Grell wrote:
I will be there if I can get the time off from wok


Well you still have to defend your Stunty Cup title! You and that drunken sod who won it last year. What was his name again?
Clan_Skaven - Feb 19, 2007 - 06:41 AM
Post subject: Re: IF I can get the time off
      Grell wrote:
I will be there if I can get the time off from wok


Working in a Japaneas Restaraunt? Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Clan_Skaven - Feb 19, 2007 - 06:42 AM
Post subject: Re: IF I can get the time off
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Grell wrote:
I will be there if I can get the time off from wok


Well you still have to defend your Stunty Cup title! You and that drunken sod who won it last year. What was his name again?

Yup the CoQ has been ruled by Niagara Falls , Grell the first year with Goblins & myself the 2nd Year with Skinks!

Spazzfist - Feb 19, 2007 - 06:57 AM
Post subject: Re: IF I can get the time off
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Grell wrote:
I will be there if I can get the time off from wok


Working in a Japaneas Restaraunt? Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing


I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere......
Spazzfist - Mar 01, 2007 - 08:14 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: IF I can get the time off
The orc pitch is going to be featured in March's issue of Endzone Magazine! Be sure to look out for it!

Q'ermitt is getting some international recognition! Woo hoo!
Eric.R. - Mar 01, 2007 - 08:18 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: IF I can get the time off
      Spazzfist wrote:
Q'ermitt is getting some international recognition! Woo hoo!

Just like your mom, eh Spazz!!!
Clan_Skaven - Mar 01, 2007 - 08:27 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: IF I can get the time off
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Q'ermitt is getting some international recognition! Woo hoo!

Just like your mom, eh Spazz!!!

Eric, Gallons is not Spazz's Mom, he is Spazz's Bitch (Big differance) Umm, well at least to everyone else that is, maybe its all the same to Spazz.

Spazzfist - Mar 01, 2007 - 09:08 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: IF I can get the time off
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Q'ermitt is getting some international recognition! Woo hoo!

Just like your mom, eh Spazz!!!

At least my mom is a woman of international acclaim, not some back alley crack ho like your momma! Very Happy
Daggers - Mar 02, 2007 - 06:58 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: IF I can get the time off
Dind't I just see this thread somewhere else?
Notorious_jtb - Mar 02, 2007 - 07:11 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: IF I can get the time off
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Dind't I just see this thread somewhere else?

its just spazz, he is a trash magnet!

all topics he posts on end up like this Wink
Spazzfist - Mar 02, 2007 - 07:28 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: IF I can get the time off
How dare you sir!

I only speak the truth!

Besides, I am not playing in this one, so there is no need for me to declare my superioirity over you all. I leave the rest of you to fight amongst yourselves as to who feels they have the upper hand at my tourney!
Spazzfist - Mar 06, 2007 - 07:10 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: IF I can get the time off
Announcement -

The Challenge of Q'ermitt is going to be teaming up with another cutom board tourney: The Sandgroper Cup in Australia! to this end there will be a prize awarded for whomever brings the best built custom pitch to either tourney. So get building people!

More info to follow.
Taxal - Mar 06, 2007 - 11:18 AM
Post subject:
Hey Spazzfist in case I do not make it down to the tourney, is it possible to buy a couple sets of dice off you.


Dan (Taxal)
Spazzfist - Mar 06, 2007 - 12:14 PM
Post subject:
Maybe I should just say "no" and force you to come down to the tourney! Wink

Seriously though, if I do have extras, then I will save a couple sets for you. But I will have to give them first to the people who attend, however. You understand.

For the record I am ordering 50 dice, which would then be 25 people, so 24 participants (I save the first set for myself, of course!)

Clan_Skaven - Mar 06, 2007 - 12:41 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Maybe I should just say "no" and force you to come down to the tourney! Wink

Seriously though, if I do have extras, then I will save a couple sets for you. But I will have to give them first to the people who attend, however. You understand.

For the record I am ordering 50 dice, which would then be 25 people, so 24 participants (I save the first set for myself, of course!)


What if you get 30 people?


ooooooooooooooooooooooooh never thought of that did ya Mr. Tourney Organiser eh? Whose the Big Kahoona Now? Ahhh are you getting flustered? Feeling a wee bit silly ? Poor widdle Tourney Organiser gonna cry? Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

LOL Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Just being my usual self.....
Spazzfist - Mar 06, 2007 - 12:54 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

What if you get 30 people?


ooooooooooooooooooooooooh never thought of that did ya Mr. Tourney Organiser eh? Whose the Big Kahoona Now? Ahhh are you getting flustered? Feeling a wee bit silly ? Poor widdle Tourney Organiser gonna

You're such a dumass! If I have more people than dice, then the dice got to those who prepay first! One of the great challenges of the TO is figuring out how to get people to pay (and thereby commit) to the tourney before they just show up on the day.

And for those who do show up on the day it is first come first serve.

All taken care of buddy.

Who's looking stupid now? Is it yooooouuuuu? Oh yes it is! Oh yes it is! Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Mar 06, 2007 - 08:43 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

What if you get 30 people?


ooooooooooooooooooooooooh never thought of that did ya Mr. Tourney Organiser eh? Whose the Big Kahoona Now? Ahhh are you getting flustered? Feeling a wee bit silly ? Poor widdle Tourney Organiser gonna

You're such a dumass! If I have more people than dice, then the dice got to those who prepay first!

Who's looking stupid now? Is it yooooouuuuu? Oh yes it is! Oh yes it is! Laughing

".........then the dice got to those........"

Me Spazz.... Me Caveman..... Me talk like Troll....... Me say me smarter than you......

Whose the dumbass now?

Spazzfist - Mar 06, 2007 - 09:15 PM
Post subject:
Excuse me forwhat is obviously a typo. It is supposed to be "go to". Jerk....

At least mine is an honest mistake, yours is bad grammar.

      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Whose the dumbass now?

It should actually be "Who's the dumbass now?" Because you are saying "who is" which is contracted by using the apostrophe 's'.

Now are you going to stop hijacking my thread to hack on me! Talk about the tourney git!
Clan_Skaven - Mar 07, 2007 - 01:17 AM
Post subject:
What is it with you & the use of the term "hijacking my thread" that you use all the time?

Oh & so this is not considered a hijacking......... umm, yeah I'm going to win the CoQ! (There now its not a so called Hijacking Rolling Eyes )

Spazzfist - Mar 07, 2007 - 06:59 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
...blah blah blah

Any idea on what team you might be bringing? Something different? Or are you sticking with da boyz?
Clan_Skaven - Mar 07, 2007 - 07:46 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
...blah blah blah

Any idea on what team you might be bringing? Something different? Or are you sticking with da boyz?

Well that depends on a few things....

but it will be Orc, Lizard, or Skaven possibly a new race but I really hate painting so who knows.


"Slann Jose Skinks will be defending the Stunty Cup though!"
Eric.R. - Mar 14, 2007 - 07:53 AM
Post subject:
Any new updates about the tourny? Such as the tourny rules? Team creation?

I am planning on bringing a new team and to save time I want to know what players I need to paint and customize. Here is a sneek peek:
Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2007 - 08:14 AM
Post subject:

That is funny! What is with the apples on the heads? Dare I ask the team's name?

I have the team creation rules etc. ready to go up I am just getting some second opinions on them before I post them. Once they are posted I do not want to change them.

But teams will be buying skills, attributes for the cost listed in LRB 5, and there will be star players available. I will have more posted around lunch time today.
Eric.R. - Mar 14, 2007 - 08:35 AM
Post subject:
Well, I could go with the obvious apple based names: Rotten Apples, One Bad Apple Spoils the Bunch, Blocky Appleseed, etc.

But their concept is that they are worshippers of the Greek Goddess of Chaos, Eris (Discordia to the Romans). The apple is the the golden apple of discord. I could ramble on further but I will leave it at that.

As for the name: Five Fingered Fist of Eris
Clan_Skaven - Mar 14, 2007 - 08:54 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Well, I could go with the obvious apple based names: Rotten Apples, One Bad Apple Spoils the Bunch, Blocky Appleseed, etc.

But their concept is that they are worshippers of the Greek Goddess of Chaos, Eris (Discordia to the Romans). The apple is the the golden apple of discord. I could ramble on further but I will leave it at that.

As for the name: Five Fingered Fist of Eris

I think "Fruit of the Loom" would be better!

Or better yet "Fruit of your Mother" !

Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2007 - 09:10 AM
Post subject:
Okay boys, the rules are now up for your perusal on the first post of the thread. I am trying out some new things this year and am curious as to how they are going to work out.

These rules are set in stone now, so be confident in planning your teams.
Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2007 - 10:41 AM
Post subject:
The question was raised as to why I am limiting the skills during creation to only two?

There was also another concern: are star players too powerful to be allowed in tournament play?

Ben had pointed out to me that Varag Ghoul Chewer was a glorified orc blitzer. He has the following advantages of a rookie blitzer: (+1 Strength, Jump up, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull). Like all star players he also comes with the Loner nega-trait. All this for 260,000 g.p.

To buy this same player from a rookie blitzer it would break down as follows:
Blitzer - 90K
+1 St - 50K
Jump Up - 30K
Mighty Blow - 20K
Thick Skull - 20K
Total - 210K Heck for that price I could make him Strength 5 and still not have the Loner trait!

Some also thought that Morg might be too powerful. Morg is an ogre with the following advancements: +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Armour, and Block. He has the Loner trait as do the Human's ogres (but not the ogres on an ogre team, but the big notable difference is that Morg does not have Bonehead. But at a whopping 430,000 g.p., he carries a hefty price.

Compare that to a rookie ogre with the same stats.
Ogre 140K
+1 Strength - 50K
+1 Agility - 40K
+1 Armour - 30K
Block - 30K
Total - 290, 000 g.p. for this price you could get an ogre of Morg's calibre (with bonehead) plus another rookie ogre. Is the extra 140, 000 you pay for Morg really worth it for getting rid of the Bonehead?

So in many cases it was more economical to tool up a regular positional player to the level of a star player (with the exception of star players with Exceptional skills). Seeing as star players were already seen as "too powerful" then by allowing the teams to create most of them, it did not make sense to allow it.

By allowing only two skills per player, it allows for a lot of team development, as well as makes the Star players more of a consideration to shell out the big bucks for.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 14, 2007 - 10:50 AM
Post subject:

Take all flings & give em dirty player & sneaky git!
Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2007 - 10:53 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

Take all flings & give em dirty player & sneaky git!

Better yet, do that with goblins and then buy a whole whack of bribes cheap! Twisted Evil
Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2007 - 10:56 AM
Post subject:
Oh, the point had been brought up so I would like to clarify a point about star players.

Should two teams show up to a match and both have the same star player, then both teams will be allowed to play with that star player. Given the method of going from board to board; travelling through warp tunnels, Slann magics, etc etc, it is quite feasible that the player could be in two places at the same time. Don't try to understand the logistics of it, just play the damn game!
Blank_Page - Mar 14, 2007 - 01:55 PM
Post subject:
I am indeed interested.

Cheap skills and a lower starting TR is pretty crazy. Especially when you consider the skill combos out there.

Personally, I would been a lot more strict on the limitations, allowing only one skill per player.

Clan_Skaven - Mar 14, 2007 - 03:27 PM
Post subject:
      Blank_Page wrote:
I am indeed interested.

Cheap skills and a lower starting TR is pretty crazy. Especially when you consider the skill combos out there.

Personally, I would been a lot more strict on the limitations, allowing only one skill per player.


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't give him more suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or he will change his mind again & create the final rules set again for the final time finally! Laughing

Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2007 - 03:48 PM
Post subject:
If anyone is giving me ideas, it's you.

The only reason I would change the rules at this point would be to spite you!
Eric.R. - Mar 14, 2007 - 04:15 PM
Post subject:
      Blank_Page wrote:
I am indeed interested.

Cheap skills and a lower starting TR is pretty crazy. Especially when you consider the skill combos out there.

Personally, I would been a lot more strict on the limitations, allowing only one skill per player.


For the love of Nuffle!! it is TV NOT TR . . . Stop living in the past!!!

Sorry, but this is a pet peeve of mine. ask anyone in the TBBF . . . .
Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2007 - 05:09 PM
Post subject:
Blank Page is in the TBBF - he's George "Get in the Urn" Hewitt!

While we're at it, let's teach them to stop saying "loose" instead of "lose" (e.g. Clan-Skaen will always "lose" when plays against Spazzfist). Smile
Eric.R. - Mar 14, 2007 - 07:09 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Well, I could go with the obvious apple based names: Rotten Apples, One Bad Apple Spoils the Bunch, Blocky Appleseed, etc.

But their concept is that they are worshippers of the Greek Goddess of Chaos, Eris (Discordia to the Romans). The apple is the the golden apple of discord. I could ramble on further but I will leave it at that.

As for the name: Five Fingered Fist of Eris

I think "Fruit of the Loom" would be better!

Or better yet "Fruit of your Mother" !


You know, after this past weekend I vowed to give up 1of 2 things: Drunk Driving or 'Yo Mamma' and I chose 'Yo Momma'. But all I get is 'Yo Mamma' shoved in my face daily.

So you know what? Fcuk it! My team is gonna 'five finger' your mom before they fist her. What else can I say? Yo mamma's gitch is like a roast beef sandwich; aged and nothing but loose meat. Want more? Bring it on!!
Spazzfist - Mar 15, 2007 - 08:45 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
You know, after this past weekend I vowed to give up 1of 2 things: Drunk Driving or 'Yo Mamma' and I chose 'Yo Momma'.

Spazzfist - Mar 15, 2007 - 08:46 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
You know, after this past weekend I vowed to give up 1of 2 things: Drunk Driving or 'Yo Mamma' and I chose 'Yo Momma'.

Word. I hear you there my white brotha gansta.

I think we offended enough people's sensibilities with that one over the weekend of the CO! Time to move on to newer and even more offensive jokes! Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Mar 15, 2007 - 10:18 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
You know, after this past weekend I vowed to give up 1of 2 things: Drunk Driving or 'Yo Mamma' and I chose 'Yo Momma'.

Word. I hear you there my white brotha gansta.

I think we offended enough people's sensibilities with that one over the weekend of the CO! Time to move on to newer and even more offensive jokes! Laughing

Like Spazz's collection of Pentmouse Magazines Exclamation

I heard Talons' Crookback Mountain Cowboys were in one of the issues!

Well thats what Eric told me anyways.

Taxal - Mar 15, 2007 - 02:14 PM
Post subject:

So you know what? Fcuk it! My team is gonna 'five finger' your mom before they fist her. What else can I say? Yo mamma's gitch is like a roast beef sandwich; aged and nothing but loose meat. Want more? Bring it on!!

That is so wrong on every level possible, but for some reason i can`t stop laughing.
Spazzfist - Mar 15, 2007 - 03:10 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, Eric can be one mean hombre when you start in on his momma!
Notorious_jtb - Mar 15, 2007 - 07:47 PM
Post subject:
Rules look good and fairly simple.

Interesting twist with the star players though, hmmm............

I am still hoping to come, but it depends how my doctors feel my leg is healing. They currently say no need for surgery but that is being reviewed in the next couple of weeks.............

fingers crossed

Cramy - Mar 18, 2007 - 11:01 AM
Post subject:
Well, it's looking pretty promising for me to attend the Q'ermitt. Joe, do you know how many people from Ottawa plan to go?

Spazzfist - Mar 18, 2007 - 12:06 PM
Post subject:
That's awesome Cramy, glad to hear it!

Joe, could you guys talk to the crew up there and see if you can co-erce them into coming down? It would be great to get some of them out again - and ot get more inspiration from Eggball!

Spazzfist - Mar 19, 2007 - 07:05 PM
Post subject:
A big thanks to Eric R. who is designing a new web page for the tournament! We worked at it today, and from we discussed, it is looking to be pretty sweeeeet!
Spazzfist - Mar 20, 2007 - 08:17 AM
Post subject:
Stunty Cup Announcement

It is important that all coaches who plan on attending the Stunty Cup this year get back to me ASAP! Remember that the first eight coaches who register for this event will be the ones selected. So far I have received word from the following coaches:

Eric R.
Clan-Skaven (to defend his drunken title from the Stunty Cup II!) Very Happy
Grell - he is coming to the Q'ermitt, and as the Stunty Cup I champion, coming to defend his title against the drunken usurper!

Could any of the Ottawa boys let me know if Glenn planning on attending again this year, in an attempt to bring glory to Alex's gnome team?

It should also be noted that with changes made in LRB5 that there will be slight modifications made to some of the rosters. For examples the halfling with the cleaver will now have stab instead of claw which, frankly, is now useless againat all stunty teams. I will review those rules and post word in this tonight.

Eric.R. - Mar 20, 2007 - 08:20 AM
Post subject:
Don't thank me yet, we'll see how it really ends up.
Cramy - Mar 20, 2007 - 12:07 PM
Post subject:
I'm in for the stunty cup, assuming that Goblins can participate. I haven't had a chance to go look at the Q'ermitt rules yet, so have no idea what teams/rules are to be used for the Stunty cup.

Spazzfist - Mar 20, 2007 - 12:58 PM
Post subject:
Goblins are alllowed, can take one of each secret weapon, plus a "kicker (goblin with dirty player). I will repost tonight. You can have up to seven players (if memory serves correctly) and there are NO big guys.
Shadowseer2005 - Mar 20, 2007 - 07:37 PM
Post subject:
I'm up for some stunty fun. Count me in Craig.

Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2007 - 09:02 AM
Post subject:
Stunty Cup Rosters

1) All teams will be created with eight players, no more, no less
2) All coaches will have 500K to create their teams
3) To ensure speed of play - NO REROLLS WILL BE ALLOWED (with the exception of halfling and fairy teams who can purchase the chance to get them see rosters)
4) Coaches may buy a Fan Factor of up to 9.
5) To determine who receives the first (and only) kick off of the game, each coach rolls 2d6 and adds their Fan Factor - the winner receives.

Chaos Halfling
0-2 Carver 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty Chainsaw, no hands 70K
0-12 Halfling 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty 40K

Eshin Adepts
0-1 Assassin 8 2 4 7 Dodge, Pro 90K
0-2 Night Runner 7 2 3 7 Dodge, Stab, Stunty 70K
0-2 Eshin Stalker 6 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Shadowing 60K
0-8 Eshin Adept 6 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty 40K

0-2 Pixie 7 1 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Very Long Legs, Hypnotic Gaze 50K
0-8 Brownie 6 1 3 7 Dodge, Jump Up, Stunty 40K
0-8 Leprechaun 6 1 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Strip Ball 40K
Lucky Charms (allows rerolls on 2+ done on "as need" basis - like pro) 50K

0-2 Daredevil 5 2 2 8 Block, Thick Skull, Stunty, Dauntless, Frenzy 80K
0-2 Mad Bommaz 4 2 3 8 Dodge, Thick Skull, Bomb, Stunty, No Hands 70K
0-8 Gnome 4 2 3 8 Dodge, Thick Skull, Stunty 50K

Goblin Cheaters
0-8 Goblin 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty 40K
0-2 Kicker 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Dirty Player 50K
0-1 Fanatic 4 6 3 7 Ball & Chain, no frickin' hands 50K
0-1 Chainsaw 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Chainsaw, Stunty, No Hands 70K
0-1 Pogo 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Dirty Player, Very Long Legs, Leap 50K
0-1 Bomber 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Bombs, Stunty, No Hands 70K

0-8 Halflings 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty 30K
0-2 Angry Chef 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Stab (Cleaver) 50K
Extra Ingredients (allows rerolls on 2+done before half starts)40K

0-8 Nurglings 5 2 2 7 Dodge, Stunty, Foul Appearance, Disturbing Presence 50K
Tentacle mutation may be bought for nurglings at a cost of 50K each

0-2 Jaguar Warrior 5 2 3 6 Stunty, Stab, Shadowing 60K
0-2 Alligator Warrior 3 2 2 8 Thick Skull, Stunty 50K
0-2 Eagle Warrior 7 2 3 6 Leap, Stunty 50K
0-8 Pygmy 4 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Shadowing 40K

0-2 Adept of Sotek 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Stab 90K
0-8 Skink 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty 60K

Squig Herders
0-8 Goblin Herder 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Thrall 40K
0-4 Squig 5 4 4 7 Really Stupid, Piling On, Off For a Bite, No hands, Dirty Player, Very Long Legs, Leap 70K
0-2 Squig Hopper 6 4 3 7 Leap, Sprint, Piling On, Off For a Bite 90K
Cramy - Mar 21, 2007 - 10:14 AM
Post subject:
Well, I got a bunch of questions.

1) I notice that there is no mention of the Secret Weapon skill. The players with secret weapons don't get thrown-out after a drive?

2) In the Goblins roster, lots of SW guys lost their Stunty skill, while the LRB5 says that they have Stunty. Is this intentional?

3) Goblin roster again, many SW guys have No Hands in the LRB5 (all except for the Pogoer). Do they have hands in your roster?

4) I'm assuming that Bombs means Bombardier in the LRB5 roster? That one's pretty obvious, but want to make sure.

5) The Pogo Stick doesn't exist in LRB5. It is replaced with a combination of Dirty Player, Leap and Very Long Legs. What is the intent of Pogo Stick?

Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2007 - 10:51 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Well, I got a bunch of questions.

I'll do my best to answer them!

      Cramy wrote:
1) I notice that there is no mention of the Secret Weapon skill. The players with secret weapons don't get thrown-out after a drive?

Doesn't matter, as it is first touchdown wins. This is a quick tourney after the main action - even doing it this way took us 'til after midnight last year!

      Cramy wrote:
2) In the Goblins roster, lots of SW guys lost their Stunty skill, while the LRB5 says that they have Stunty. Is this intentional?

I will change that then - doing it quickly at work, so did not have the rulebook, and a lot of this was from when it was LRB4. Note The Pogoer will still not have Stunty - doesn; tmake sense if he is riding a giant pogo stick!

      Cramy wrote:
3) Goblin roster again, many SW guys have No Hands in the LRB5 (all except for the Pogoer). Do they have hands in your roster?

No, they would not have hands - again LRB4.

      Cramy wrote:
4) I'm assuming that Bombs means Bombardier in the LRB5 roster? That one's pretty obvious, but want to make sure.

You are correct.

      Cramy wrote:
5) The Pogo Stick doesn't exist in LRB5. It is replaced with a combination of Dirty Player, Leap and Very Long Legs. What is the intent of Pogo Stick?

Sure, go with what it is now - I have edited the post.
Grell - Mar 21, 2007 - 12:56 PM
Post subject: I will be there
I will defend my Title as first stunty Champ.

angryrob - Mar 21, 2007 - 05:58 PM
Post subject:
Count me in for the Stunty Cup for sure.

Can't speak for Glenn or Chris don't know if they'll make it, bartenders have a hard time taking weekends off
Notorious_jtb - Mar 21, 2007 - 07:17 PM
Post subject:
If I can make it I think I will take a break and just laugh at everyone elses dice during the stunty cup. Seems like there are more than enough folks who want to play. and I get crabby after 3 games of bloodbowl too Smile
Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2007 - 07:31 PM
Post subject:
      angryrob wrote:
Count me in for the Stunty Cup for sure.

Can't speak for Glenn or Chris don't know if they'll make it, bartenders have a hard time taking weekends off

They better come! And you better let Jones know that he got a phone call and never returned it, so he is SOL for the Stunt Cup! We have our eight now!
Cramy - Mar 21, 2007 - 08:17 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for the info Craig. I think that you forgot no Hands on the Fanatic ... Although I wouldn't mind a fanatic ball carrier.
Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2007 - 08:30 PM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Thanks for the info Craig. I think that you forgot no Hands on the Fanatic ... Although I wouldn't mind a fanatic ball carrier.

Grumble grumble.......


Thanks for keeping me honest! Wink
Cramy - Mar 22, 2007 - 10:51 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Cramy wrote:
Thanks for the info Craig. I think that you forgot no Hands on the Fanatic ... Although I wouldn't mind a fanatic ball carrier.

Grumble grumble.......


Thanks for keeping me honest! Wink

Spazzfist - Mar 23, 2007 - 06:57 AM
Post subject:
Before Cramy could correct me any further, I just fixed some other oversights I noticed in the Stunty rosters! Wink

Notably, the squigs have dirty player, leap and very long legs now to replace their obsolete "pogo stick", and any secret weapons (with the exception of stabers) have the "no hands" trait.
Notorious_jtb - Mar 23, 2007 - 06:58 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Before Cramy could correct me any further, I just fixed some other oversights I noticed in the Stunty rosters! Wink

Notably, the squigs have dirty player, leap and very long legs now to replace their obsolete "pogo stick", and any secret weapons (with the exception of stabers) have the "no hands" trait.

surely the pogo dude has hands as he is meant to carry the ball.....
Spazzfist - Mar 23, 2007 - 07:00 AM
Post subject:
Gah! yes of course. With that exception.....

Jeez Joe, correcting me is Marc-Andre's job! Wink

(I had just noticed that I had left it off the halfling carvers - that was what I was referring to)
Spazzfist - Mar 24, 2007 - 09:10 PM
Post subject:
Just wanted to post an update that I have been working for most of the day on the Mordheim board and it is really starting to come together!

I will post some pics when it is more complete, but will take some work in progress pics as well for the archives.
Shadowseer2005 - Mar 25, 2007 - 02:36 PM
Post subject:

I was curious about the Skink list. The teams for the stunty cup are to be created using 500,000. That means that the skink team can only ever have 8 skinks. They will never ba able to take the adept of sotek.

ie: skins 7 x 60k = 420,000
adept 1 x 90k = 90,000
total = 510,00

is this intentinal so we can't take them or an oversight. I was planing on taking skinks and hoping to take 1 adept but I can't even do so. I guess I will look at a different team to bring unless you can change either the cost of the adept or raise the starting money for team building.

Apart from that I am looking forward to the tourney.

See ya there.

Spazzfist - Mar 25, 2007 - 03:59 PM
Post subject:
An oversight of course, I am not such a ruthless tease! The Stunty lists were taken from FUMBBL and then, in order to make for faster game play Rod and I came up with the reduced rosters and money lists with no re-rolls. This never came up last year, so I just assumed all was well/

I guess we can take the cost of the adept down to 80K. Problem solved!
Shadowseer2005 - Mar 25, 2007 - 04:44 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Craig....are you this easy going with yourstudents also. Where were teachers like you when I was in school. Kids now a day have all the luck. Razz

Spazzfist - Mar 25, 2007 - 05:30 PM
Post subject:
No ways man! I am tough on those little monsters! Razz
Spazzfist - Mar 26, 2007 - 06:42 AM
Post subject:
The Monte Carlo Inn called me ont he weekend to confirm my reservation(s). I confirmed the conference room, of course, but seeing as no-one had got back tome on the hotel rooms, I thought it best to let those ones go. So if anyone was planning on staying at the hotel, you're on your own now to make reservations as I am not going to be paying for rooms that are not being used!
Eric.R. - Mar 30, 2007 - 06:37 AM
Post subject:
I am not sure if Spazz ever got my email , or if he even cared Wink .

A website has been created for the challange of Q`ermitt and can be found here:

It is stll extensively under construction but the basics are there in terms of rules and costum pitch rules. Also there is a Sign Up page (found under the tourny section) so that we know who is comming. If you come across any problems use the Contact page and not this forum (Spazz does not want this forum to get Highjacked Razz ). Please be gentle, I am in no way a programmer by trade, I do this for fun - or special 'services' that Spazz Offers . . .

PS: I know there are alot of dead links. I cannot do much about that till I get the hell out of Thunder Bay and back to civilization . . . .
Spazzfist - Mar 30, 2007 - 08:25 AM
Post subject:
Of course I care, ya big lug!

A big thanks to Eric for all the work he has done on this, it look awesome, and I cannot wait until it is totally done! (Especially to get all the spelling errors out of there! Razz) Laughing
Cramy - Mar 30, 2007 - 10:11 AM
Post subject:
I like the new site. Looking forward to being able to read the Comprehensive Rules (broken link), and to be able to see the custom pitches.

Notorious_jtb - Mar 30, 2007 - 11:09 AM
Post subject:
Looks good we'll need to put some stuff together here in Ottawa for the CCKO and update the deathbowl website.

Good work Eric!

Spazzfist - Mar 30, 2007 - 11:14 AM
Post subject:

I went into Blockbuster today, and saw that they have posters up of some of the most influential stars in some of their biggets roles: Sean Connery as James Bond, Marlon Brando as the Godfather, Mike Myers as Austin Powers, and then Kermitt the frog! Don't know about you guys, but I take this as a good sign! All hail the Kermitt omen! Laughing
Eric.R. - Mar 31, 2007 - 08:05 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Of course I care, ya big lug!

A big thanks to Eric for all the work he has done on this, it look awesome, and I cannot wait until it is totally done! (Especially to get all the spelling errors out of there! Razz) Laughing

Man, u r anal arn't you . . . Razz I would hate to have been one of your students.
Ben - Mar 31, 2007 - 11:07 AM
Post subject:
NIce work on the website Eric.

Now on to the TBBF website so we can view the standings and everyone can see that i am in first place Smile
Clan_Skaven - Mar 31, 2007 - 11:40 AM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
NIce work on the website Eric.

Now on to the TBBF website so we can view the standings and everyone can see that i am in first place Smile

Ya but I have an Orc Blitzer with 7 3 4 9 Block
Ben - Mar 31, 2007 - 01:44 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Ben wrote:
NIce work on the website Eric.

Now on to the TBBF website so we can view the standings and everyone can see that i am in first place Smile

Ya but I have an Orc Blitzer with 7 3 4 9 Block

That won't help you.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 31, 2007 - 03:22 PM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Ben wrote:
NIce work on the website Eric.

Now on to the TBBF website so we can view the standings and everyone can see that i am in first place Smile

Ya but I have an Orc Blitzer with 7 3 4 9 Block

That won't help you.

Well I'm still undifeated!
Spazzfist - Mar 31, 2007 - 05:06 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Well I'm still undifeated!

And you spelling still sucks! Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Apr 01, 2007 - 02:56 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Well I'm still undifeated!

And you spelling still sucks! Laughing

Ya I know, my spelling has always been that of a Black Orc/Rat Ogre cross breed! Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

KarlLagerbottom - Apr 01, 2007 - 11:56 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Well I'm still undifeated!

And you spelling still sucks! Laughing

At least he's not the teacher. Smile

You spelling not two good all so.
Clan_Skaven - Apr 01, 2007 - 01:30 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Well I'm still undifeated!

And you spelling still sucks! Laughing

At least he's not the teacher. Smile

You spelling not two good all so.

But that's not poor spelling it poor grammer on his part.

KarlLagerbottom - Apr 01, 2007 - 04:18 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

But that's not poor spelling it poor grammer on his part.


Yeah!!! Take that Spaz! Smile

P.S. Still undifeated Rod?
Spazzfist - Apr 01, 2007 - 05:17 PM
Post subject:
Rolling Eyes
Spazzfist - Apr 02, 2007 - 07:46 PM
Post subject:
Wow! It is already April, only a few more weeks to go! I am confident that I will get all the work I need to done in time, but there is still a fair bit to do!

Work has begun on the Dwaf Giants' pitch (named after the champion of Q'ermitt I and II) who was that that played them? I think it was Glenn.... Wink It will be a firly straightofrward one to make, and I am not worried about getting it done on time.

The Mordheim pitch is going to be the showpiece this year. I have been working steadily on that one and went and ordered some supplies I need to finish it today, until then I can get that one about 99% done and then add the final touches.

Keep checking out the Q'ermitt website for updates and pics, as I plan on taking some more pics of the boards and sending them off to Eric so that we can show off some of what you can expect in a few weeks time!

I am thinking also that I will stral Brian's idea from the last Deathbowl and offer a $5 for every person that you bring to the tournament that has never come to the Q'ermitt before. And before any of you mutts try it, my brother is coming because of me, so none of you can claim the discount for him! Smile So get out there and encourage all those old BB veterans to come out and support the local tournament scene! I believe that Anthony Watts, Ian Dundas and several other notable TBBF members have not come out before, so if any of you have any sway or leverage with them then earn yourself a discount!

See you in a few weeks!

Eric.R. - Apr 04, 2007 - 07:19 AM
Post subject:
And, do not forget to sign up for the tourny online. I did not waste my time learning to program it `cause it was good for my health . . . . Razz
Spazzfist - Apr 04, 2007 - 08:55 AM
Post subject:
And on that note, I will be offering prizes for those who register on-line, and a better one for people who actually commit by making a payment to me through Paypal. (Have not decided on the on-line registration prize)

Paypal payments can be made to my account: The prize for that will be a Deathball Ogre - one of the two seen here:
Cramy - Apr 04, 2007 - 10:43 AM
Post subject:
Aahh, some incentive for me to register. That's a good way to get us lazy (and cheap) people to do something. Tell us that you may give us something for free. And you don't even need to tell us what the free thing is. Wink

Notorious_jtb - Apr 04, 2007 - 11:57 AM
Post subject:
haha, too right Marc-Andre,

as soon as I know for sure I'm coming, I'll be signing up!

Spazzfist - Apr 04, 2007 - 01:34 PM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Aahh, some incentive for me to register. That's a good way to get us lazy (and cheap) people to do something. Tell us that you may give us something for free. And you don't even need to tell us what the free thing is. Wink


Whatever it takes! Very Happy

I will tell you this much - it will be something that I am ordering from Impact!
Notorious_jtb - Apr 05, 2007 - 08:53 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Cramy wrote:
Aahh, some incentive for me to register. That's a good way to get us lazy (and cheap) people to do something. Tell us that you may give us something for free. And you don't even need to tell us what the free thing is. Wink


Whatever it takes! Very Happy

I will tell you this much - it will be something that I am odering from Impact!

People in glass houses eh!

For a dude who corrects people's spelling on an hourly basis you sure don't check yours enough..................

Spazzfist - Apr 05, 2007 - 10:45 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

People in glass houses eh!

For a dude who corrects people's spelling on an hourly basis you sure don't check yours enough..................


Geez..... Everyone just LOVES to pick on the teacher! What's wrong Joe? Did you get beaten by the nuns too often back in the English Boarding school? Wink

To amend my previous statement - I just came across some figs that were kindly donated by NAF for the tourney, so one or two of those blisters will be given away as prizes for early registrants. I will still keep the Deathball ogre for one lucky person who pays early.

Cramy - Apr 05, 2007 - 07:48 PM
Post subject:
Question. When you will do the skill roll, will we know who we are matched-up against for the next game before or after the roll?

Spazzfist - Apr 05, 2007 - 09:13 PM
Post subject:
The skill roll will happen after the last game of a round is done, and before the match-ups are made. It will give you something to think about while I am busily entering results and trying to ensure that players are not playing on any given custom pitch more than once (if I can help it!)
Spazzfist - Apr 08, 2007 - 11:35 AM
Post subject:
As incentive for people to sign up now, I will be doing a draw of the names that are registered on the website (see the link in my sig) winner will get a prize - which can be picked up when you attend the tournament.

I will do another draw on the 15th and then again on the 22nd, people who win will NOT be removed from the chance of winning future prizes. This means the sooner you enter the more prizes you have chances of winning!

Also, don't forget the Deathball ogre prize for early payment. I will do the same system for this prize, but only for every week (starting tonight) that I get payment for the tourney entry fee via Paypal (or if you want to bring it to my house in cash!) then I will enter an extra ballot for you to win the Deathball ogre. So, someone who were to pay by midnight tonight would have three ballots as oppose to someone who pays early the week of who would only have one chance, or the person who pays at the door who has no chance!

Get off yer butts people! I need solid numbers!
Eric.R. - Apr 08, 2007 - 11:56 AM
Post subject:
What is the cost, Spazz?!?!?!
Spazzfist - Apr 08, 2007 - 01:32 PM
Post subject:
The cost is $30.00 - I had posted it where the tourney toolbar is, but guess I had never mentioned that here.

BTW - Ordered a bunch of models for prizes for the tourney from Impact! should be here shortly.

Eric.R. - Apr 09, 2007 - 06:59 AM
Post subject:
Never was it mentioned in the forums. I also thought there was a discount for pre-registration, although I could be confused with other tournies. Or maybe Q'ermitt is fcuking with my head . . . .

Also, tell me I won the draw already! I would like to know what I got Razz
Spazzfist - Apr 09, 2007 - 10:03 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Never was it mentioned in the forums. I also thought there was a discount for pre-registration, although I could be confused with other tournies. Or maybe Q'ermitt is fcuking with my head . . . .

Also, tell me I won the draw already! I would like to know what I got Razz

I would like to offer a discount for pre-registration, but as it is I am not sure that I am going to cover my costs. That is the one big bummer about the low attendance in the north American tourney scene, if we could have 30+ like the Europeans, then I could charge less....

For the draw the randomiser will be courtesy of this link:

As I don't have all your e-mails, I can only post the result here, normally you can have the results e-mailed to ensure fairness. I will have them e-mailed to Ben and Eric as witnesses:


According to the roll, the number 1 was rolled which means that Eric is our first winner. Congrats Eric! There will be a shadowforge blister for you at the tourney.
Eric.R. - Apr 09, 2007 - 11:45 AM
Post subject:
LOL, I knew it . . . . Very Happy
Spazzfist - Apr 09, 2007 - 02:40 PM
Post subject:
Also, Eric is the only one to have sent in payment for the tourney, so he will have that much more chance to win the Deathball ogre for early payment reg. Get your payments in now and increase your own chances too!

Whaddaya think Eric, are you going to win that one too do you think? Wink
Eric.R. - Apr 09, 2007 - 04:59 PM
Post subject:
I'll bet the Ogre I am about to win on it Wink
Notorious_jtb - Apr 10, 2007 - 11:01 AM
Post subject:
Ok, I've registered, I think there is a good chance of my attendence....
I'll pay tonight, probably.

Ben - Apr 10, 2007 - 12:52 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Ok, I've registered, I think there is a good chance of my attendence....
I'll pay tonight, probably.


That a boy Joe. It would be great to see you again.

Shadowseer2005 - Apr 10, 2007 - 04:22 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Ok, I've registered, I think there is a good chance of my attendence....
I'll pay tonight, probably.


I hope you make it Joe...I want another crack at your guys Very Happy
Spazzfist - Apr 11, 2007 - 04:42 PM
Post subject:
Hey Joe, saw that you registered, thanks for that! Noticed however that you have Da Avalanche listed as the team that you are bringing. I thought you were going to give da boyz a rest and bring a new team. Any word on that?

Also, have you talked to Eggball and the other Ottawa ladz to see if you can get some tourney fever going on with them? Would love to see the North American tourney scene growing (especially at my tourney! Wink)
Shadowseer2005 - Apr 11, 2007 - 07:31 PM
Post subject:

I've been promoting your tournament out this ways. I will be going out to some gaming stores this weekend and next to promote my tourney and yours. Do you have an ad or poster that I can print out and post at the stores? I did one up and will be posting them in the stores. If you got something then send it to me at

On a side note I am bringing a new team to the Qermitt and I think you will get a kick out of them. Only 16 more days to go.

Spazzfist - Apr 11, 2007 - 09:06 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for the promos Dan!

As for the team, looking forward to it! Maybe this one will be able to take the Best Team award again this year!
Shadowseer2005 - Apr 12, 2007 - 07:33 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Thanks for the promos Dan!

As for the team, looking forward to it! Maybe this one will be able to take the Best Team award again this year!

Don't know about that but it fill be fitting for an up comming tourney (ooops maybe i said too much) Rolling Eyes

Spazzfist - Apr 12, 2007 - 08:56 AM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Thanks for the promos Dan!

As for the team, looking forward to it! Maybe this one will be able to take the Best Team award again this year!

Don't know about that but it fill be fitting for an up comming tourney (ooops maybe i said too much) Rolling Eyes

Think I could guess it! <in my best Charlot Heston voice> Argh! I'm stuck in his tackle zone! Get your hands off me you damn dirty --- !

(I left the blank not because it is a swear, but to not give it totally away!)
Notorious_jtb - Apr 12, 2007 - 09:10 AM
Post subject:
Hey hey,

feelin' da luv'!

I am talking to the Ottawa folk about Q'ermitt for sure, we shall see, but I think Cramy and me should make it and then its open.....

Now that I am a bit more ambulatory I am planning on taking those cards to Fandom II Dan, so if you and Spazz can email me posters I will be happy to put them up on the notice boards they have there. PM me if you dont have my email.

Re teams, I kinda didn't get motivated to paint a new team yet, although I played a second game with my dark elves against Jones and they did ok, so maybe I'll finish the painting on them...

Also, don't feel like Da Ladz have a high enough ranking yet, and a couple of results at the Open really hurt Sad

You know who you are!
Spazzfist - Apr 12, 2007 - 09:25 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Also, don't feel like Da Ladz have a high enough ranking yet, and a couple of results at the Open really hurt Sad

You know who you are!

Yeah baby! Very Happy

Although Ben claims that one tie over your means nothing, to him it is fluke until I repeat the feat or actually succeed in beating you. Until then, I am still a bottomfeeder in his eyes. Sad
Notorious_jtb - Apr 12, 2007 - 11:16 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Also, don't feel like Da Ladz have a high enough ranking yet, and a couple of results at the Open really hurt Sad

You know who you are!

Yeah baby! Very Happy

Although Ben claims that one tie over your means nothing, to him it is fluke until I repeat the feat or actually succeed in beating you. Until then, I am still a bottomfeeder in his eyes. Sad

Well all I will say on that is, that it was in the 7s round, which is quite a different game. Who knows what way it would have gone in regular BB. I think that pesky goblin might have been even more anoying..........
Daggers - Apr 12, 2007 - 02:03 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Also, don't feel like Da Ladz have a high enough ranking yet, and a couple of results at the Open really hurt Sad

You know who you are!

Yeah baby! Very Happy

Although Ben claims that one tie over your means nothing, to him it is fluke until I repeat the feat or actually succeed in beating you. Until then, I am still a bottomfeeder in his eyes. Sad

Well all I will say on that is, that it was in the 7s round, which is quite a different game. Who knows what way it would have gone in regular BB. I think that pesky goblin might have been even more anoying..........

Yeah, 7's rounds skew the stats. I beat Glenn last tournament because of the screwy rosters. Forcing him to leave out his Minotaur and 2 of 4 Choas warriors. until I beat him on a regular game, I will always be the punching bag.
Daggers - Apr 12, 2007 - 02:07 PM
Post subject:
Hey Joe,

If I was able to go, we could turn a vehicle into a "gimp" mobile, with special storage for our crutches and extra leg room for the leg with the cast. Then design a table on top of it to play practice games, casts make great table supports.
Notorious_jtb - Apr 12, 2007 - 03:02 PM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Hey Joe,

If I was able to go, we could turn a vehicle into a "gimp" mobile, with special storage for our crutches and extra leg room for the leg with the cast. Then design a table on top of it to play practice games, casts make great table supports.

Sounds good, go team "Gimp"!
Spazzfist - Apr 12, 2007 - 04:58 PM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Hey Joe,

If I was able to go.....

So do you really mean if I "was" or if I "am"? Is there a chance you may make it yet?
Cramy - Apr 12, 2007 - 06:49 PM
Post subject:
Hey Joe. Can't believe that you are bringing those brutes again. I'm starting to wonder if you know how to play anything else Laughing Laughing Laughing

And I still haven't decided what I'll bring yet ...
Spazzfist - Apr 12, 2007 - 07:37 PM
Post subject:
Bring the pain man, bring the pain!
Daggers - Apr 13, 2007 - 06:20 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Hey Joe,

If I was able to go.....

So do you really mean if I "was" or if I "am"? Is there a chance you may make it yet?

Sorry Spazz, I mean if I "was". I won't be able to make it that weekend, family event I have to go to. That, and I don't know if I will be able to travel that far, until I know the pain will subside.
Spazzfist - Apr 13, 2007 - 06:32 AM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
That, and I don't know if I will be able to travel that far, until I know the pain will subside.

Yeah! Let that be a lesson to the rest of you! Don't mess with me! Razz
Daggers - Apr 13, 2007 - 08:36 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
That, and I don't know if I will be able to travel that far, until I know the pain will subside.

Yeah! Let that be a lesson to the rest of you! Don't mess with me! Razz

I meant the pain in my leg. The pain in my ass you cause will never go away. ;P
Spazzfist - Apr 13, 2007 - 09:39 AM
Post subject:
Is that from Talons dry-humping your leg at the CCKO? You just have to hit him with a rolled up newspaper and he'll go away. He's pretty harmless really.
Spazzfist - Apr 14, 2007 - 11:11 AM
Post subject:
Just a reminder for people to get registered with the tourney ASAP! There will be another draw for the early registrant prize for those who are registered before midnight on Sunday (see the link in my signature).

Also, there is going to be the Deathball ogre prize for people who pay early via Paypal (or mail if you really want to)! The sooner you get me the money, the more chances you have of winning!
Eric.R. - Apr 16, 2007 - 08:20 AM
Post subject:
Unfortunatly the Five Finger Fist of Eris will not be able to make it out as their team uniforms will not have arrived in time for the tourny (Damn CN Rail strike Wink ). Q`ermitt has not yet decided upon which team should be chosen in their stead (Gryphons, Rebelles or Scared Hitless). Whichever team is chosen a triumphant victory is sure to follow . . .
Spazzfist - Apr 16, 2007 - 09:10 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Unfortunatly the Five Finger Fist of Eris will not be able to make it out as their team uniforms will not have arrived in time for the tourny (Damn CN Rail strike Wink ). Q`ermitt has not yet decided upon which team should be chosen in their stead (Gryphons, Rebelles or Scared Hitless). Whichever team is chosen a triumphant victory is sure to follow . . .

For the other team!

Looks like Eric may win that Deathball ogre by default! Still he is the only one to pre-pay! Did i mention the European tourney which is the same weekend as mine and already has 28 people who have pre-paid??? What does a Northa American TO have to do to get some committment out of the coaches here?
Eric.R. - Apr 16, 2007 - 09:27 AM
Post subject:
Sexual favours may be in order, Spazz ;-þ

Man, at this rate of luck I may actually win a game . . . or even the tourny Razz
Shadowseer2005 - Apr 16, 2007 - 01:36 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Sexual favours may be in order, Spazz ;-þ

Man, at this rate of luck I may actually win a game . . . or even the tourny Razz

The only reason the rest of us haven't pre-paid is so that Eric can win something besides the wooden spoon Very Happy

See buddy we're looking out for ya. Cool
BB_Babe - Apr 16, 2007 - 02:54 PM
Post subject:
In case any Q'ermitters haven't been following the discussion thread in the Announcements area, NAF is currently holding a vote for a new Tournament Director.

n discussions about their candidacy, Bryan Mitchell (Xtreme) indicated strong support for keeping the current NAF tournament sanctioning system as it is. The other candidate, David Candlish (Indigo), wishes to change the system to limit the rules editions that would be sanctioned and to somehow segregated tournaments using different game variations. David's approach would likely cause strong changes here in the Northeast with the ArisiaBowl, the Death Bowl, and the Challenge of Q'ermitt tourneys.

You can view the discussion thread here:

And you can vote here:

Eric.R. - Apr 16, 2007 - 04:02 PM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Sexual favours may be in order, Spazz ;-þ

Man, at this rate of luck I may actually win a game . . . or even the tourny Razz

The only reason the rest of us haven't pre-paid is so that Eric can win something besides the wooden spoon Very Happy

See buddy we're looking out for ya. Cool

That hurts . . . well no actutually is doesn't since I am the one with a prize at the end of the day Razz

Thanks for the support non-the-less. And, I will be wearing last years wooden spoon on a chain with pride as it take a real man to admit that he sucks . . . at bloodbowl, that is Wink
Ben - Apr 16, 2007 - 04:09 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
And, I will be wearing last years wooden spoon on a chain with pride as it take a real man to admit that he sucks . . . at bloodbowl, that is Wink

And squash. You suck pretty bad at that too Laughing
Eric.R. - Apr 16, 2007 - 04:12 PM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
And, I will be wearing last years wooden spoon on a chain with pride as it take a real man to admit that he sucks . . . at bloodbowl, that is Wink

And squash. You suck pretty bad at that too Laughing

Don't even start Ben. It was my first time and I am still sore . . . . Embarassed

Next time I will rough you up Twisted Evil
Spazzfist - Apr 16, 2007 - 05:29 PM
Post subject:
Okay, time for the second early registration draw! The following people have registered on the website (and nobody has any excuses for this one - if you have internet, you can get to this site!)

#1- Eric
#2 - Rob
#3 - Dan
#4 - Marc-Andre
#5 - Ben
#6 - Rod
#7 - Joe

The results will be mailed to Ben and Eric (can only mail to two people ) for verification. The result is......

......requested that 1 roll of a 7-sided die be rolled. The lowest die for each roll won't be counted.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 4.

Mail was sent to you at and to (Mail addresses have not been confirmed.)

So that means that the second earlybird prize goes to Marc-Andre. Congratulations Marc-Andre, you can pick up the prize at the tourney!

Eric.R. - Apr 16, 2007 - 05:47 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
......requested that 1 roll of a 7-sided die be rolled. The lowest die for each roll won't be counted.

Hey!! I am the lowest roll being number 1!! What a gyp!! Wink
Spazzfist - Apr 16, 2007 - 09:49 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
......requested that 1 roll of a 7-sided die be rolled. The lowest die for each roll won't be counted.

Hey!! I am the lowest roll being number 1!! What a gyp!! Wink

Hear what you are saying, but it works out properly - You were number one for the first one too, and you won that! So stop yer bellyachin'!
VBZ - Apr 17, 2007 - 02:25 PM
Post subject:
Hey,what's this business about sexual favors?
Spazzfist - Apr 17, 2007 - 04:46 PM
Post subject:
See what you guys did? All that dirty talk has summoned Billy now!

If that what it takes to get you active on the BB scene again Billy? A bunch of guys talking about sexual favours? Wink
Cramy - Apr 18, 2007 - 06:55 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Okay, time for the second early registration draw! The following people have registered on the website (and nobody has any excuses for this one - if you have internet, you can get to this site!)

#1- Eric
#2 - Rob
#3 - Dan
#4 - Marc-Andre
#5 - Ben
#6 - Rod
#7 - Joe

The results will be mailed to Ben and Eric (can only mail to two people ) for verification. The result is......

......requested that 1 roll of a 7-sided die be rolled. The lowest die for each roll won't be counted.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 4.

Mail was sent to you at and to (Mail addresses have not been confirmed.)

So that means that the second earlybird prize goes to Marc-Andre. Congratulations Marc-Andre, you can pick up the prize at the tourney!


yey. Less than two weeks before the tourney. Can't wait.

Cramy - Apr 18, 2007 - 06:57 AM
Post subject:
      BB_Babe wrote:
In case any Q'ermitters haven't been following the discussion thread in the Announcements area, NAF is currently holding a vote for a new Tournament Director.

n discussions about their candidacy, Bryan Mitchell (Xtreme) indicated strong support for keeping the current NAF tournament sanctioning system as it is. The other candidate, David Candlish (Indigo), wishes to change the system to limit the rules editions that would be sanctioned and to somehow segregated tournaments using different game variations. David's approach would likely cause strong changes here in the Northeast with the ArisiaBowl, the Death Bowl, and the Challenge of Q'ermitt tourneys.

You can view the discussion thread here:

And you can vote here:


yeah, I read that the other day, and found it a bit disturbing. Joe, can you let Glenn, Chris and Rob know about this?

Notorious_jtb - Apr 18, 2007 - 10:40 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
      BB_Babe wrote:
In case any Q'ermitters haven't been following the discussion thread in the Announcements area, NAF is currently holding a vote for a new Tournament Director.

n discussions about their candidacy, Bryan Mitchell (Xtreme) indicated strong support for keeping the current NAF tournament sanctioning system as it is. The other candidate, David Candlish (Indigo), wishes to change the system to limit the rules editions that would be sanctioned and to somehow segregated tournaments using different game variations. David's approach would likely cause strong changes here in the Northeast with the ArisiaBowl, the Death Bowl, and the Challenge of Q'ermitt tourneys.

You can view the discussion thread here:

And you can vote here:


yeah, I read that the other day, and found it a bit disturbing. Joe, can you let Glenn, Chris and Rob know about this?


Yeah will do, I think its an interesting issue that comes with having a global organisation. We should probably all vote Xtreme, unless you don't like the different rules....
Spazzfist - Apr 18, 2007 - 11:35 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Yeah will do, I think its an interesting issue that comes with having a global organisation. We should probably all vote Xtreme, unless you don't like the different rules....

In which case you can keep your comments off of the thread which is about a tournament which uses boards with different rules!

But having re-read his statements, I am not entirely certain whether he was just talking about BB7s and Streetbowl and games like that which are significantly different than a regular game, whereas the Q'ermitt boards are regular games with different kick off tables and maybe one or two variances which do not affect game play that much.

But given that that was not clear, I did vote Xtreme. The last thing I need is for someone to not allow my tourney to be sactioned! That would really kill the attendance!
Spazzfist - Apr 18, 2007 - 07:34 PM
Post subject:
Prizes came in today from Impact! They made good time! Will post some pics later.
Ben - Apr 19, 2007 - 10:55 AM
Post subject:
Ummm, what happened to Rod's post saying he wasn't coming?

Was he drunk again?

I was going to comment what an ass he was but his post is gone Question
Spazzfist - Apr 19, 2007 - 02:40 PM
Post subject:
Dunno Ben, maybe you were the one who was drunk! Wink

Rod is coming. End of story.
Hoshi_Komi - Apr 19, 2007 - 11:54 PM
Post subject:
damn brother's wedding getting in the way of this......I told him to have his wedding this weekend....but his dang fiance chose next weekend.... Hope u guys have fun.

Clan_Skaven - Apr 20, 2007 - 12:33 AM
Post subject:
Sorry to disapoint you Ben, but I'll be there with my Lizards to dethrone you of the CoQ Cup!!!

(Or at least score the winning TD on you to defend my Stunty Cup Trophy )

Clan_Skaven - Apr 20, 2007 - 12:33 AM
Post subject:
      gken1 wrote:
damn brother's wedding getting in the way of this......I told him to have his wedding this weekend....but his dang fiance chose next weekend.... Hope u guys have fun.


Sorry you can not make it Ken, you will be missed.

Cramy - Apr 21, 2007 - 08:40 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Stunty Cup Rosters

1) All teams will be created with eight players, no more, no less
2) All coaches will have 500K to create their teams
3) To ensure speed of play - NO REROLLS WILL BE ALLOWED (with the exception of halfling and fairy teams who can purchase the chance to get them see rosters)
4) Coaches may buy a Fan Factor of up to 9.
5) To determine who receives the first (and only) kick off of the game, each coach rolls 2d6 and adds their Fan Factor - the winner receives.

Chaos Halfling
0-2 Carver 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty Chainsaw, no hands 70K
0-12 Halfling 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty 40K

Eshin Adepts
0-1 Assassin 8 2 4 7 Dodge, Pro 90K
0-2 Night Runner 7 2 3 7 Dodge, Stab, Stunty 70K
0-2 Eshin Stalker 6 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Shadowing 60K
0-8 Eshin Adept 6 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty 40K

0-2 Pixie 7 1 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Very Long Legs, Hypnotic Gaze 50K
0-8 Brownie 6 1 3 7 Dodge, Jump Up, Stunty 40K
0-8 Leprechaun 6 1 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Strip Ball 40K
Lucky Charms (allows rerolls on 2+ done on "as need" basis - like pro) 50K

0-2 Daredevil 5 2 2 8 Block, Thick Skull, Stunty, Dauntless, Frenzy 80K
0-2 Mad Bommaz 4 2 3 8 Dodge, Thick Skull, Bomb, Stunty, No Hands 70K
0-8 Gnome 4 2 3 8 Dodge, Thick Skull, Stunty 50K

Goblin Cheaters
0-8 Goblin 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty 40K
0-2 Kicker 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Dirty Player 50K
0-1 Fanatic 4 6 3 7 Ball & Chain, no frickin' hands 50K
0-1 Chainsaw 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Chainsaw, Stunty, No Hands 70K
0-1 Pogo 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Dirty Player, Very Long Legs, Leap 50K
0-1 Bomber 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Bombs, Stunty, No Hands 70K

0-8 Halflings 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty 30K
0-2 Angry Chef 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Stab (Cleaver) 50K
Extra Ingredients (allows rerolls on 2+done before half starts)40K

0-8 Nurglings 5 2 2 7 Dodge, Stunty, Foul Appearance, Disturbing Presence 50K
Tentacle mutation may be bought for nurglings at a cost of 50K each

0-2 Jaguar Warrior 5 2 3 6 Stunty, Stab, Shadowing 60K
0-2 Alligator Warrior 3 2 2 8 Thick Skull, Stunty 50K
0-2 Eagle Warrior 7 2 3 6 Leap, Stunty 50K
0-8 Pygmy 4 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Shadowing 40K

0-2 Adept of Sotek 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Stab 90K
0-8 Skink 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty 60K

Squig Herders
0-8 Goblin Herder 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Thrall 40K
0-4 Squig 5 4 4 7 Really Stupid, Piling On, Off For a Bite, No hands, Dirty Player, Very Long Legs, Leap 70K
0-2 Squig Hopper 6 4 3 7 Leap, Sprint, Piling On, Off For a Bite 90K

Hi Craig,

Finalizing my strategies for the Stunty Cup Smile Smile Smile

Noticed that the Pogoer and the Fanatic don't have stunty, but the LRB5 states that they do have stunty. Is this done on purpose?

Also noticed that the Pogoer has MV6, while LRB5 states that he has MV7. Is this done on purpose?

Spazzfist - Apr 21, 2007 - 10:17 PM
Post subject:
Thanks again Marc-Andre this is because the Stunty Cup was taken from LRB4 and I've been too focussed on getting the boards ready for the tourney to notice those differences.

LRB5 tourney, LRB5 rules. This applies if you notice anything else I've missed! Wink

Less than one week now! It would seem that Eric will win the Deathball ogre by default as no-one else has paid me yet except him!* Get you money in by tomorrow midnight for a chance!


* Strictly from the standpoint of a TO it helps a LOT when you know how many people you can count on coming (because you have their money as oppose to just their word), and to be able to buy prizes and stuff from the money from the tourney, rather than out of your own pocket.
Eric.R. - Apr 22, 2007 - 11:50 AM
Post subject:
Umm, I am not going to be able to make it after all . . . . just kidding Razz

BTW, if you need a hand transporting stuff on Sat. morning and Sun. afternoon give me a shout. Although therewill be a 'De-Flocking' deposit required to compensae for the clean up required for shedding boards Wink
Spazzfist - Apr 22, 2007 - 03:47 PM
Post subject:
You had me for a second there B*TCH!

I will be okay with getting the stuff there as I have the transporter for the boards and Monica's van. Thanks for the offer though! Will surely need a hand once I get there to load the baords in as quickly as possible so that we can start on time.
Cramy - Apr 22, 2007 - 08:26 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Thanks again Marc-Andre this is because the Stunty Cup was taken from LRB4 and I've been too focussed on getting the boards ready for the tourney to notice those differences.

LRB5 tourney, LRB5 rules. This applies if you notice anything else I've missed! Wink

Thanks Craig. The only other standard players are Halflings and Skinks, and they look OK. For next year, it could be funny to have a Snotling team.

Spazzfist - Apr 23, 2007 - 09:24 AM
Post subject:
Alright boys, we are into the final few days here before the tourney! Time to start talking it up!

Rod's computer is down but he asked me to pass on the following message:

"uhhhhh my name is Rod, and I am drunk. I am going to beet all youz guyz. Go beer! Wheeeeee!"

Are you going to take that from him? Smile
Eric.R. - Apr 23, 2007 - 09:49 AM
Post subject:
Take what? The Beer? God no, he'll rip my arm off. Razz
Spazzfist - Apr 23, 2007 - 10:06 AM
Post subject:
Well Eric, you are the winner of the Deathball ogre (by default) as you are the only player to have paid me early. Congratulations? Confused

The last draw for those who registered on-line will happen when I get home tonight, as the board firewall will not let me do it from the school.
Spazzfist - Apr 23, 2007 - 10:10 AM
Post subject:

Some bad news, the dwarf board will not be making an appearance this year.

I am not going into the whole sob story here, but a lot of things have been going on, and repairs on other boards and the accidental marring of the dwarf board mean that it is just not going to be ready. Apologies to anyone who was looking forward to it.

But let me assure you that the Mordheim pitch is the finest I have built to date, and it alone is going to be worth the price of admission! Smile I am going to take some pics of it soon and get the up here to get people pumped up.

Blank_Page - Apr 23, 2007 - 04:31 PM
Post subject:
Mordheim FTW! Its possible I can make it, but not likely.
Spazzfist - Apr 23, 2007 - 04:57 PM
Post subject:
Sorry George, FTW?? What does that mean?

Not able to make it now? You were telling me at the Open that you would make it for sure! Hope that the rest of the TBBF doesn't bail on me, otherwise I am seriously going to have re-examine this tourney.....
Spazzfist - Apr 23, 2007 - 07:23 PM
Post subject:
Okay, here is the last early-bird registration draw...

The following people have registered and will be numbered as follows:
4-Marc Andre
7-Joe Byers
8-Joe Michaud
9-Peter Meers

....and the result is.....

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 8.

So that means Joe Michaud is the final winner for the registration prize! Cingratulations Joe, you can pick up your prize at the tourney.

See you in a few days boys!

Cramy - Apr 23, 2007 - 08:41 PM
Post subject:
OK, where do we prepay? Went through most of the posts here and the qermitt web site, and can't find any info.

Clan_Skaven - Apr 23, 2007 - 08:54 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Sorry George, FTW?? What does that mean?

Not able to make it now? You were telling me at the Open that you would make it for sure! Hope that the rest of the TBBF doesn't bail on me, otherwise I am seriously going to have re-examine this tourney.....

FTW= For The Win

Spazz you Newb!

Rod Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Spazzfist - Apr 23, 2007 - 09:57 PM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
OK, where do we prepay? Went through most of the posts here and the qermitt web site, and can't find any info.


Prepay by paypal to

Thanks Marc-Andre, appreciate it!
Eric.R. - Apr 24, 2007 - 02:38 PM
Post subject:
The meeples are coming, the meeples are comming!!!!

Thats all I got to say . . . .
Spazzfist - Apr 24, 2007 - 07:54 PM
Post subject:
Important Notice

I am looking into cancelling the booking for the conference room for the Q'ermitt tournament, as the committment level is too low and I stand to lose a lot of money.

I just got word that more people are dropping out and that puts me at about 10 people that I can count on for sure to be coming.

10 x $30 = $300

I am spending $400 alone on the room, plus the cost of the prizes, etc. means that I am standing to lose a couple of hundred bucks which just isn't worth it to me.

I regret to say it, but if I can cancel the room, I am going to. If I am unable to find an alternative space, then this means the end of the tourney.

I would say that I am sorry, but really I have nothing to be sorry about. I did everything I could and have gone ahead based on the promises that people assured me that they would attend. I will not be held accountable for them bailing on me at the last minute.

My regrets.
Eric.R. - Apr 24, 2007 - 07:58 PM
Post subject:
I for one will not begrudge you for doing so as I have attempted such things in University and have had similar results.

Maybe Ben could lend his basement?
Shadowseer2005 - Apr 24, 2007 - 08:40 PM
Post subject:
Say it ain't so Spazz. I got a unique team done up for the tourney and everything. That really sucks, but I understand. I feel for ya and don't want you to loose your shirt over this either. Hopefully things will work out and the tourney can proceed. I'll keep appendeges crossed.
Cramy - Apr 24, 2007 - 08:54 PM
Post subject:
Wow. That's really too bad. I'm really looking forward to this. Hopefully you'll be able to find an alternative venue.

But if you do have to cancel, I understand. Losing a few hundred bucks is not fun.

Keep us posted. Rob, Joe and I are in the process of finalizing the logistics of getting down there on Friday.

Ben - Apr 24, 2007 - 09:03 PM
Post subject:
My basement is available and the fiance isn't home this weekend.

So just say the word and it yours.

Clan_Skaven - Apr 25, 2007 - 12:21 AM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
My basement is available and the fiance isn't home this weekend.

So just say the word and it yours.


Even better than my sugestion, I was going to say to ask Ben if his location for the CDN Open was still available, but if Ben is offering his basement, even better!

three cheers for Ben.....

Hip hip hurray,

Hipp hi ......

(ahh you get it)

Notorious_jtb - Apr 25, 2007 - 05:59 AM
Post subject:
Keen for basement if it saves you all sorts of cash Spazz!

Spazzfist - Apr 25, 2007 - 06:52 AM
Post subject:
Thanks a bunch Ben, really appreciate it! CErtainly beats having to cancel the whole tourney outright! Certainly a lesson learned here though....

Will be talking to the hotel today to find out what this situation is. The upside to all this is that if I do get out of it without having to pay, then I can charge you all a lot less! Wink

Ben - Apr 25, 2007 - 07:25 AM
Post subject:
I wrote this to the tbbf also.


Don't stress over it. Hopefully you can cancel the room reservation with little or no penalty and just have the tourney at my place.

You have done the best you can by advertising it, offering great pitches to play on and lots of prizes.... what more can you do?

I would not worry or concern yourself with things that are out of your control.

Things come up, people change their mind. I would just suggest that you find a cheaper venue next year as I did. Unfortunately we don't have the luxury in N.America as the Europeans in getting 30+ people for every tourney.

Look at Brian for example, I don't think he could do any more to make the Deathbowl better and he would still only draw in the 20's with a lot of the local players not even showing up to support.

So lets make this a positive for the people who are attending. I'm pumped for some Bloodbowl.

Shadowseer2005 - Apr 25, 2007 - 07:57 AM
Post subject:
I agree with Ben. No point in besting yourself up on things you can't control. It is sad when the local community does not come out to support a tourney in their own back yard. Whether we play at the Monte Carlo Inn, Ben's or another venue I am sure all who attend will have a blast.

See you all on Saturday for some good times.
Cramy - Apr 25, 2007 - 08:19 AM
Post subject:
Yep. As long as we play the tourney, doesn't matter too much where we do it. Can't wait to see all the custom pitches. This is gonna be fun.
Spazzfist - Apr 25, 2007 - 09:08 AM
Post subject:

The conference room at the Monte Carlo Inn has been cancelled, which is a real shame, as it was by far the best location for any tournament that I have ever been to. Kudos to Ben for finding it!

Seeing as I did not give them the 14 days notice that was required, I am still facing a $200 charge for the cancellation, which means that factoring in that and prizes, I will still have to be charging the same for the tourney. Sorry, no break there!

Huge thanks again to Ben for providing us with a place to play, my wife was very supportive and offered our place, but to be honest, we do not have the room to do it properly and Ben's basement is very well suited for this size of tourney.

So things are still on. Thanks to all of you who are supporting the tourney and coming out. I am going to look at this whole experience as a learning curve, and have plans to do things a little differently next year. In fact, this whole experience has changed my perspective on the North American BB scene, and what we can do to improve it.

I look forward to seeing an odd number coming out, so that I can vent my frustrations on you all by whupping your butts at Blood Bowl! Very Happy

It's gonna be fun!

Ben - Apr 25, 2007 - 09:16 AM
Post subject:
Sounds good to me.

My house address is as follows:

49 Southbend Drive
Brampton, Ontario
L7A 1K5

My cell #: 416.565.8326

Let me know if any of you guys are to lazy to mapquest it and i will give you directions.

There is plenty of room in the basement and i have a big cooler so be sure to bring your alcoholic drinks. Oh and bring darts if you play as i just installed a dart Board in the basement.

Cramy - Apr 25, 2007 - 09:28 AM
Post subject:
Great news Spazz. And thanks to Ben for offering his basement.
Blank_Page - Apr 25, 2007 - 09:31 AM
Post subject:
Does this mean everyone is staying at Ben's?
Spazzfist - Apr 25, 2007 - 09:33 AM
Post subject:
      Blank_Page wrote:
Does this mean everyone is staying at Ben's?

I don't think we have that few people!
Notorious_jtb - Apr 25, 2007 - 11:27 AM
Post subject:
So, it looks like the ottawa boys will be making off with all the trophies from within the very lair of the dragon itself.
What glory awaits!

Shadowseer2005 - Apr 25, 2007 - 12:12 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
So, it looks like the ottawa boys will be making off with all the trophies from within the very lair of the dragon itself.
What glory awaits!


No if I have anything to say about it Joe. If we play again you will be facing a different team and a coach hungry for revenge. Lets see those Qermitt's.
Eric.R. - Apr 25, 2007 - 06:32 PM
Post subject:
You, Ben & Spazz, might want to look into street parking passes for those who are staying over night at at Ben's as the parking space may be lsmaller than those who are crashing.
Eric.R. - Apr 25, 2007 - 06:36 PM
Post subject:
For those out of towners, and in towners, who want to do some 'friendlies' on friday night give a shout.
Ben - Apr 25, 2007 - 06:54 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
You, Ben & Spazz, might want to look into street parking passes for those who are staying over night at at Ben's as the parking space may be lsmaller than those who are crashing.

I can can accomodate 6 cars on my diveway and 1 in the garage as the wife is away.

I think we will be fine.
Talons - Apr 26, 2007 - 06:31 AM
Post subject:
I would just like to Thank Ben, for stepping up to the plate and helping Craig out. Ben, you are definitely a good friend and I am sure Spazz appreciates it very much!!!

As for the tourney..........I don't think I will be making it Craig...........Just Kidding!!!!! LOL LOL LOL

Seriously, I guess this is my oppurtunity to take home a cheesy victory just like you guys did at the spike!!!!!
Spazzfist - Apr 26, 2007 - 06:41 AM
Post subject:
If you call beating Joe and Ben and most of all Eric a cheesy victory, then you are welcome to it my friend!

Sorry, but the level of your competition (MOBB) have not indicated that they are coming. Sorry buddy. You will have to get your BB education elsewhere!
Clan_Skaven - Apr 26, 2007 - 07:25 AM
Post subject:
Unless there is a last second change I'll be bringing my Lizardmen team "Slann Jose Crocs"

You all are going to feel some 'cold-blooded luv'n' ....... Oh yeah, who wants it first! BOOOOOOYA!!!!

Spazzfist - Apr 26, 2007 - 08:39 AM
Post subject:
Not sure which team I will bring as the odd-man out. Just really hoping that there is an odd number, as I am itching to play!
Shadowseer2005 - Apr 26, 2007 - 10:40 AM
Post subject:
Bring it on Rod. I ain't scared of your lizzies ( hmmm maybe because I am bringin their long lost trice removed cousins) Either way I think you'll be tasting a lot of pitch this weekend.

Long live Lord Bongo
Daggers - Apr 26, 2007 - 11:54 AM
Post subject:
I have to agree with Ben. The fact that you have successfully run this tournament is a huge deal, but you don't want to lose money. There is a decent community of players that try to support each other to keep tournaments going, but in the end whoever shows up is all you can ask. Do the best you can, and if its in a basement or something, thats fine. I would just be happy playing BB against other coaches, location isn't a big deal.

On a side note, I had to cancel my plans this weekend, but still can't come since the doctor told me to stop doing so much until my leg heals more. Next year, count me in Craig.
Ben - Apr 26, 2007 - 12:15 PM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
I have to agree with Ben. The fact that you have successfully run this tournament is a huge deal, but you don't want to lose money. There is a decent community of players that try to support each other to keep tournaments going, but in the end whoever shows up is all you can ask. Do the best you can, and if its in a basement or something, thats fine. I would just be happy playing BB against other coaches, location isn't a big deal.

On a side note, I had to cancel my plans this weekend, but still can't come since the doctor told me to stop doing so much until my leg heals more. Next year, count me in Craig.

Dude, get your ass out here. I mean all your doing is playing Bloodbowl and sitting on your ass all day. It can't be that hard on your leg.

PLus we'll be playing at my house which means there will be zero travelling with the exception of driving from Ottawa.

Come on.... If you come we might actually be the attendence of last year as George Hewitt is now coming too.
Blank_Page - Apr 26, 2007 - 12:33 PM
Post subject:
Just because I'm slumming the forums, and trying to make arrangement to get there, doesn't mean I'm coming.

However, I've free'd myself of my prior engagements, and will be making an effort to get out to Bramptonladesh, even if it means hanging out in some lameass basement...

Kareoke FTW!
Spazzfist - Apr 26, 2007 - 04:37 PM
Post subject:
      Blank_Page wrote:
Just because I'm slumming the forums, and trying to make arrangement to get there, doesn't mean I'm coming.

That there is a quality example of the Canadian gung-ho spirit! Rolling Eyes
Eric.R. - Apr 26, 2007 - 06:23 PM
Post subject:
Is there going to be a 'Flea Market' table this year as well?
Spazzfist - Apr 26, 2007 - 06:34 PM
Post subject:
Sure! If people want to bring stuff to sell, then I am sure we can find space for it. I know I have some stuff I could stand to get rid of.
Eric.R. - Apr 26, 2007 - 07:03 PM
Post subject:
Kool, I got some BB and none BB stuff I would like to sell/trade. Woo-hoo free market at it's finest.
Chairface - Apr 26, 2007 - 09:12 PM
Post subject:
Craig - I wanted to say how sorry I am that I am not able to make it up to the Quermit this weekend. I have been looking forward to it for a while, but with my wedding day approaching (May 20th) and us getting the keys to our new appartment this weekend it was just not possible. I was looking forward to seeing everyone again too..... Oh well. Have a great time guys. I'll be moving heavy furniture while you play..... Crying or Very sad

Chairface - Apr 26, 2007 - 09:14 PM
Post subject:
OH! I'm looking for this Vamp:
tm. If anyone has an extra talk to Dan and he'll make a deal with you.
Eric.R. - Apr 27, 2007 - 06:08 PM
Post subject:
just over 12 hours . . . . Woo Hoo!! I guess I should actually plan my team, eh?
Spazzfist - Apr 29, 2007 - 09:29 PM
Post subject:
It's all over!

Congratulations to Joe Byers (Notorious JTB for going undefeated and winning the Challenge of Q'ermitt III! Runner up was Marc-Andre Rochon with the first dark elf team that I had ever seen played at a tourney! Interesting to see, and judging by how well he did with them, I reckon we will be seeing them a lot more in the future.

Will post the results later, and have the new rankings up in the next day or two.

Thanks again for all those who came out to support the tournament.
Blank_Page - Apr 30, 2007 - 09:21 AM
Post subject:
Joe Byers Oh Noes! QQ
Notorious_jtb - Apr 30, 2007 - 01:58 PM
Post subject:
Wow, what a weekend!

Yet again Team Ottawa made out like bandits, boo yah!

Big thanks to Craig for the tournament, I know I was a big doubter about the 'crazy pitch rules' but I loved it, except when that crocodile ate my poor orc Sad

Big thanks also to Ben for putting up with us Ottawa B***tch*s all weekend and hosting the whole event, good stuff!

The tournament really was a big test, as each game you not only changed the race and opponent but also the field of play, tough stuff.

I would like to thank Gruff Orcawold for his sterling work in our glorious victory, 7 TDs and one TD pass is not a bad return for 150000.....

I would also like to thank my oponents, who were, on balance, probably less lucky with the dice than me this time around, Particularly Talons (long Bomb Q'ermitt Q'ermitt Smile)
All the games were really close run things which could easily have ended up with a different result, although the amzons did die a bit too easily for Eric, sorry about that mate, but the lads in the hold did have a great time of it.

Oh, and the high point was getting a vote for most sporting, although it did cross my mind it was an ironic vote I have decided to believe it genuine Smile



p.s. George, I have thought about your comment and have not got a clue what you mean, although I suspect it is a little unfriendly Sad
p.p.s. George again, were you too scared to come to Q'ermitt for fear of a rematch? Wink
Clan_Skaven - Apr 30, 2007 - 04:27 PM
Post subject:
Well I had a great time, my Lizards went 3 wins & 3 losses (7th out of 12). My Skinks in the Stunty Cup retained thier title & so I'm the CoQ Stunty Cup Champion 2 years running!

Thankyou Craig for a great tourney & thanks to Ben for the location. I hope I was not too "bitchy" in my attempts at assitsting Spazz with his tourney. Embarassed

Look forward to next year & the stats going up. Will try & upload pics.

Clan_Skaven - Apr 30, 2007 - 05:06 PM
Post subject:
Heres my CoQ 07 Pics....

Blank_Page - Apr 30, 2007 - 05:13 PM
Post subject:
Joe, Learn Korean noob!

Oh noes = oh my god no, no, no, noooooooooooo!!!
QQ = two crying eyes, its a smiley

the eyes are crying because you won

I'm happy to hear it was a fun event. I did intend to come, made last minute plans for transportation, had my bags packed, my mini cooler full, my team sheet printed three times, my team strat figured out, and everything else imaginable was all set to go for Saturday morning. Unfortunately, you can't be in two places at once, and my attendance was necessary somewhere else on Saturday.
Spazzfist - Apr 30, 2007 - 05:24 PM
Post subject:
      Blank_Page wrote:
Unfortunately, you can't be in two places at once, and my attendance was necessary somewhere else on Saturday.

Yeah, check out the Toronto Sun for notices of a new spandex-wearing crimefighter in the GTA!
Spazzfist - Apr 30, 2007 - 05:37 PM
Post subject:
Great pictures Rod! I think my favourite has to be the one of Joe and eye with the matching slants of the head and the funny expressions!

Definitely some good memories in those pics! Thanks for that - will post mine soon.
Blank_Page - Apr 30, 2007 - 05:57 PM
Post subject:
Nice pics. Cool boards.
angryrob - Apr 30, 2007 - 06:31 PM
Post subject:
Nice pics, but where's the ones of me rockin' out with Guitar Hero?
Notorious_jtb - Apr 30, 2007 - 07:01 PM
Post subject:
      angryrob wrote:
Nice pics, but where's the ones of me rockin' out with Guitar Hero?

true, that was a highlight also, going to buy that to play with the missus!
Spazzfist - Apr 30, 2007 - 07:33 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      angryrob wrote:
Nice pics, but where's the ones of me rockin' out with Guitar Hero?

true, that was a highlight also, going to buy that to play with the missus!

It is the only game my wife and I play together (despite my many attempts to sway her to the side of Blood Bowl) , and I know that Angryrob and Mrs. Angry also play it together! Definitely the marriage cement of the playstation realm! Very Happy
Eric.R. - May 01, 2007 - 07:43 AM
Post subject:
Awsome tourny . . . from what I remember Razz

here are some more pix:
Spazzfist - May 01, 2007 - 04:56 PM
Post subject:
Alright, the results are entered. Just waiting for Ben to push the button.
Cramy - May 01, 2007 - 05:56 PM
Post subject:
Great tourney. Had a blast. Thanks to Craig for organizing this, and to Rod for helping-out. Thanks to Ben for hosting the tourney.

The custom pitches were a lot of fun.

Clan_Skaven - May 02, 2007 - 05:46 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Great tourney. Had a blast. Thanks to Craig for organizing this, and to Rod for helping-out. Thanks to Ben for hosting the tourney.

The custom pitches were a lot of fun.


I agree the custom pitches rock ( 3 years in a row & I have yet to play on the Chaos Dwarf Pitch Shocked )

No problem with the helping, I actually kinda enjoyed it, (good practice for my tourney in Sept.)

Ok, kiddies lets get that button pushed, I wanna see if my rankings go up a smidgin or down a smidgin!!!!

Ben - May 02, 2007 - 09:18 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Cramy wrote:
Great tourney. Had a blast. Thanks to Craig for organizing this, and to Rod for helping-out. Thanks to Ben for hosting the tourney.

The custom pitches were a lot of fun.


I agree the custom pitches rock ( 3 years in a row & I have yet to play on the Chaos Dwarf Pitch Shocked )

No problem with the helping, I actually kinda enjoyed it, (good practice for my tourney in Sept.)

Ok, kiddies lets get that button pushed, I wanna see if my rankings go up a smidgin or down a smidgin!!!!


The button has been pushed.
Notorious_jtb - May 02, 2007 - 09:50 AM
Post subject:
Hooray for button pressing!
Shadowseer2005 - May 02, 2007 - 07:56 PM
Post subject:
I had a blast. Can't complain walking way with 2 awards. I know this is a repeat but a huge thanks to Ben for the space for the tourney and to Rod for helping out.

Craig it was a blast as always playing on the special pitches. Now if I can play Rod one of these days i'll truly have been blessed.
Spazzfist - May 02, 2007 - 08:08 PM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
Now if I can play Rod one of these days i'll truly have been blessed.

Don't go giving that big ape a swelled head! Wink

Seriously though, the truly blessed are those who do not have to sit behind Rod after a night of his Guiness binging! Shocked
Shadowseer2005 - May 02, 2007 - 08:24 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
Now if I can play Rod one of these days i'll truly have been blessed.

Don't go giving that big ape a swelled head! Wink

Seriously though, the truly blessed are those who do not have to sit behind Rod after a night of his Guiness binging! Shocked

Come on Spazz you might give him a complex talking about him like that.... Very Happy
Clan_Skaven - May 02, 2007 - 08:34 PM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
Now if I can play Rod one of these days i'll truly have been blessed.

Don't go giving that big ape a swelled head! Wink

Seriously though, the truly blessed are those who do not have to sit behind Rod after a night of his Guiness binging! Shocked

Come on Spazz you might give him a complex talking about him like that.... Very Happy

No its true, after a night of boozin, I have like Poisoned Wind Globe Farts all day!

Anyone who sits right behind me is in for a real treat! Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

Paul - May 03, 2007 - 06:13 PM
Post subject:
Wow, Joe picked up the win? I guess the quality of the tournament goes down when I can't make it eh?

Seriously though, congrats to everyone. I really missed the Q'Ermitt this year. I had a good feeling after finishing 2nd the past two years. Congrats again Spazz and hopefully I'll be able to make it next year.
Notorious_jtb - May 03, 2007 - 06:45 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Wow, Joe picked up the win? I guess the quality of the tournament goes down when I can't make it eh?

Seriously though, congrats to everyone. I really missed the Q'Ermitt this year. I had a good feeling after finishing 2nd the past two years. Congrats again Spazz and hopefully I'll be able to make it next year.

I'll get you next time Connors!
Clan_Skaven - May 03, 2007 - 09:04 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Wow, Joe picked up the win? I guess the quality of the tournament goes down when I can't make it eh?

Seriously though, congrats to everyone. I really missed the Q'Ermitt this year. I had a good feeling after finishing 2nd the past two years. Congrats again Spazz and hopefully I'll be able to make it next year.

Hey don't forget I won the CoQ III Stunty Cup (2nd year in a row!)


Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Spazzfist - May 04, 2007 - 06:39 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Hey don't forget I won the CoQ III Stunty Cup (2nd year in a row!)


Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

No Rod, we won't forget, probably because you won't let us!
Lycos - May 04, 2007 - 02:19 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Hooray for button pressing!

It's the least I can do for the NA scene! I must add...Mrs Lycos wont touch the PS2... except for Guitar Hero...... we with the others above!

edit: ok... in the pics... Spazzfist giving out the certificates? ( I sent them to Ben). Now Joe is Notorious who won yes? Who is who on the photo's? My admin powers allow me to view all the tourney stats and I can see who played who and which race but there are a few pics there with lots of you in them.
Im really keen to get Canada and the USA moving on the tourney side and it kinda helps to get who's who.
Spazzfist - May 04, 2007 - 04:02 PM
Post subject:

Will put up some thumbnails with names ASAP.
Cramy - May 04, 2007 - 09:21 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:

Will put up some thumbnails with names ASAP.

Wow, now I'll be famous. Smile Smile Smile
Spazzfist - May 05, 2007 - 12:17 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:

Will put up some thumbnails with names ASAP.

Wow, now I'll be famous. Smile Smile Smile

What do you mean "now"? Weren't you always? Razz
Spazzfist - May 07, 2007 - 08:30 AM
Post subject:
BTW if anyone is interested, I still have quite a few of the blue CoQ dice from this year, if youwould like to buy then, I will sell them for $5 a pair.

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