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Rules Questions - Take Root and Pro

SBG - Apr 08, 2003 - 06:32 PM
Post subject: Take Root and Pro
Can you roll pro if the Treeman takes root ??

Gattolardo - Apr 08, 2003 - 06:45 PM
Post subject:
As Take Root is a pre match roll, you cannot use a skill to reroll it...

Ona side note an interesting modification is the one presented in the BBRC Hot Topics 2003 that bring Take Root on the pitch...

"Given that OFAB seems to be moving to an on-pitch effect, can we get all the nega-traits to be on-pitch for consistency with Pro and Leader use on nega-traits. Consider the following wording for Take Root:
"Before taking an action with a player with this characteristic that is neither prone or stunned, roll a D6. On a 2+, he is fine and may continue his action as normal. On a 1, he takes root into the pitch and loses his action for this turn. For the rest of the drive, no actions may be taken with this player. In addition, he loses his Tackle Zone for the rest of the drive.""

Cheers Smile

SBG - Apr 08, 2003 - 06:51 PM
Post subject:
Thank you Rob!

Makes a lot of sense and I hope that the proposed version of Take root will be adopted, it sounds like a better alternative to me.

Gattolardo - Apr 08, 2003 - 07:00 PM
Post subject:
Never mind Fred.
I must say that I like a the proposed version too a lot more than the original one, dispite being a regular Wood Elf opponent.. Smile

Sometimes I do suffer for the poor WE and Halfling coaches when their treemen fail to show Wink (las league day, 3/3 Treemen missed their first half....) I believe we'll give that rule a try, so to make the treemen running in the race for the "stupidiest player in the league award" Rolling Eyes

Dragoonkin - Apr 08, 2003 - 07:58 PM
Post subject:
I think WElfs should just lose Trees PERIOD...they don't need them. Take Root isn't a negative at all for WElfs... "Oh no, this hugely uncharacteristic bashy player doesn't show up for the first half...oh well, I'll just score three TDs without him and beat the crap out of people the second half."
Dragoonkin - Apr 08, 2003 - 07:59 PM
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That's pretty cool, I read Galak's post, replied, then mine was over his. Something's screwy with the timezones methinks.
GalakStarscraper - Apr 08, 2003 - 08:01 PM
Post subject:
The MBBL will be testing that version of Take Root is season 3 also.

I think it makes Treeman a LOT less attractive for Wood Elves and a lot more attractive for Halflings which is a very good move in my opinion.

Wood Elves have a good team without the Trees. So they could really care less usually if they fail the Take Root roll. Once a Tree is one the pitch he has no negatives which is all gravy for the Wood Elves.

The Halfings really need the Trees for the Line of Scrimmage. Without them the team really gets beat up.

So On-Pitch Take Root makes trees not so good for Wood Elves by given them the ability to just become useless, and it supports the Halflings by allowing them the use of the Trees every drive. (However, if you roll a 1 on the opening turn it will really suck, so I don't think Halflings will suddenly become good by any stretch with this).

If you test this and you like it ..... PLEASE PLEASE write in to Fanatic (they put their email in every BB Mag) and let them know. This one doesn't have a whole bunch of support but is one of the best suggestions I've seen so far. It also makes Pro a little more useful for the Tree.

Mordredd - Apr 09, 2003 - 04:23 AM
Post subject:
I greatly like this idea. I had already been thinking of something similar, but rolling once after kick off with 50/50 chance of failure and no losing tackle zone. Either would be a vast improvement over the current daft one.
Dave - Apr 10, 2003 - 05:49 AM
Post subject:
like it galak

Shall we form a 'can't reach TBB club' ??

got 4 members from the beginning, at least
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