NAF World Headquarters

North America - hope to see

bellowthunderslam - Feb 05, 2007 - 02:52 PM
Post subject: hope to see
I hope that halfling teamm is going to the next tournament, so i can squash him again. Smile

2007 C.C.K. Casualty Champion Very Happy
Spazzfist - Feb 05, 2007 - 04:32 PM
Post subject: RE: hope to see
Dan said that he would be coming the Canadian Open, but will probably not be bringing the flings. Guess he has had enough of being a punching bag! Very Happy
Taxal - Feb 06, 2007 - 07:59 AM
Post subject:
You know I have had a blast playing the Flings in two tournaments, but yep its time to move on and see what I can do with a proper team.
The Mighty Sweetbuns are taking the pots off their heads and onto the stove. They will be played in my local league.
So i`m not sure which team to bring.....caught between two teams.
The two are Skaven and Khemri. Two totally diffrent styles of play. Many of you have seen my style of play....would like feedback on the two of them.


Maybe now I can be the one scoring and hitting. lol
Notorious_jtb - Feb 06, 2007 - 09:24 AM
Post subject:
Khemri are dull, you'd have more fun playing skaven I reckon.
Easier to pick up the ball and score and do cool stuff.

But maybe I don't want to play against Khemri...............

Spazzfist - Feb 06, 2007 - 09:32 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Khemri are dull, you'd have more fun playing skaven I reckon.
Easier to pick up the ball and score and do cool stuff.

But maybe I don't want to play against Khemri...............

Here here. Khemri's tactic is really to just pound the opposition into oblivion and then score when he has nothing left to oppose you. Not as exciting as the skaven plays, )for either player)!

I would suggest getting on with FUMBBL and trying out the teams there, find out which style you prefer to play. Just 'cuz Joe and I are terrified of any team with four mummies, doesn't mean that you shouldn't play them!
Cramy - Feb 06, 2007 - 12:03 PM
Post subject:
Played lots of Skaven and a bit of Khemri. Skaven are the team that I have the most fun with. The GRs are amazing, and you can go nuts with them at resurection tourneys. The Linerats are dirt cheap and MA7, loads of fun. The Blitzers are amazing grinders. Add access to mutations depending on the tourney, and here's a fun team.

As others have said, Khemri are quite uni-dimentional. Not too many crazy plays. But if you just want to out-CAS your opponent while making your way up the field, then that's the team to take. Just don't forget that there is a ball to pick-up, and if you don't against a speedy team, you may be completely screwed.

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