NAF World Headquarters

North America - New NTO and RTC appointed for North America

Lycos - Feb 22, 2007 - 12:23 PM
Post subject: New NTO and RTC appointed for North America
I would like to keep you up to date and make you aware of two new NAF appointments that have been made in 2007.

Firstly, with Cyberhare stepping down, Ben Tusim (Ben) has stepped up to be Canadian National Tournament Organiser. There maybe, RTC's appointed in future but Ben may want to see how the work load goes.

Second, Jason Karr (Jkarr) has been appointed Regional Tournament Co ordinator for USA. He joins Bryan (Extreme) (NTO) who has been outstanding in doing all of it on his own (with help from other noteable names I think).

With Jason on the West coast, Bryan on the East and Ben in Canada it gives North America a much greater presence which was clearly needed IMO.

One quick point - please give them a chance on things like tourney packs and trophies, dice etc. These are only just finding thier way over there and Jason certainly hasnt had much in the way of guidelines yet. Dont fire too many questions at them yet!
Colin - Feb 22, 2007 - 06:01 PM
Post subject: RE: New NTO and RTC appointed for North America
Dave, I really think that there needs to be a regional tournament director in western Canada. You acknowledge that the US is big enough to have someone in the eas t and someone in the west, well Canada does share a border with the US (their whole northern border, our whole southern border) so we aren't any smaller. Yes, I realise that most of the Canadian tournaments are in eastern Canada and I'm sure Ben will have no problem handling those, but one thing that gets overlooked is that htere is a budding tourney scene in western Canada (primarily in Alberta) which needs to be encouraged. The Spike trophey tourney is being held in Calgary this year, we alos have the Apocolypse Challenge and my tourney in Red Deer as well as a probalbe tourney in Edmonton sometime in the fall. There is also interest in Lethbridge as well as in BC, the province nest door t(here have been interest in starting up tourneys in places like Vancourer for example).
I have met Ben and I do like him, I have no doubts in his abilities as the National Tournament Organiser, it's just that he's so far away from the regional tourney scene here in western Canada, it would be hard for him to have alot of influence being all the way out in Toronto (for you Euros, going from Toronto to Calgary is on par to travelling from London to Moscow), I think someone close by should be resposnible for and encouraging the growing tourney scene here in this reagion of Canada. Ben will be busy with the many tourneys in Ontario as well as encouraging the tourney scene to get going again in Montreal (and possibly the rest of Quebec).
If you need someone for this job, I would like to put forth my own name for a candidate. I know it will be alot of work, but I have no problem with that as I believe the NAF needs a bigger presence here in western Canada to help encourage the regional tourney scene. I have probalby the most tourney esperiance out of anyone (that I know of) in western Canada, I have been to 10 tourneys to date not counting my own. I know it's not much by European standards, but no one in this reagion seems to want to travel any great distance to attend a tourney, that's why it's important to have someone to encourage the developement of tourneys in this region. I have attended tourneys in eastern Canada, US, and Europe as well as the ones here in Alberta and have seen many examples of well run independant tourneys and I think I can make a difference here in western Canada.
Anyway thought I'd get that off my chest and I'm sure if you ask Ben, he wouldn't mind the help. Even if I'm not picked, I still think a regional tourney director for western Canada is needed. 'Nuff said.
Xtreme - Feb 22, 2007 - 06:25 PM
Post subject: RE: New NTO and RTC appointed for North America
Not to kill the argument of large countries here, but Jkarr isn't in the West he is further East then I am. So the US has a Midwest/Great Lakes guy, and a East coast guy.
KarlLagerbottom - Feb 22, 2007 - 07:03 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: New NTO and RTC appointed for North America
      Xtreme wrote:
Not to kill the argument of large countries here, but Jkarr isn't in the West he is further East then I am. So the US has a Midwest/Great Lakes guy, and a East coast guy.

Hey...I can be your West Coast guy if NAF is providing a relocation package. I'd choose...and represent...San Diego if I had my druthers. (See I'm thinking efficiency already...Northern CA is way too expensive! Smile )

-RobO For Left Coast RTO
Lycos - Feb 22, 2007 - 07:23 PM
Post subject: RE: New NTO and RTC appointed for North America
Torg, I wont disagree you need more representation. You and I have met, you know what kinda guy I am and only a fool would not appreciate that given the geographical challenges of North America, localised RTC's are required. I dont disagree. And I see Bryans comments too, more USA coverage is almost certainly needed.

I do beleive I said above "North America a much greater presence which was clearly needed IMO"............ I think I also said " There maybe, RTC's appointed in future". But it's 2.23am and I have work in the morning.
snew - Feb 23, 2007 - 08:35 PM
Post subject: RE: New NTO and RTC appointed for North America
BC is Western Canada. They have a large crew there.

We have no one in the West. There is no BB West of the Mississippi. Wink Not even one single match.
jkarr - Feb 25, 2007 - 12:22 PM
Post subject:
Sweetness, Thanks for the appointment. I will do my best to support the East Coast Tournament scene and help the hobby grow as much as I can.
Temujin71 - Feb 26, 2007 - 01:10 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: New NTO and RTC appointed for North America
      snew wrote:

We have no one in the West. There is no BB West of the Mississippi. Wink Not even one single match.

I'm in Colorado and closest tourney I can find is Chaos Cup in Chicago. . . 14 hours away by car.

I guess I'm going to have to run one myself. . . but then I couldn't play. Confused
Colin - Feb 26, 2007 - 05:56 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: New NTO and RTC appointed for North America
Actually Snew is mistaken, I know that Iron Mike (FeMike) ran some tournies in Spokane and there have been others in Washingtom state. probably very small scale ones, but tournies none the less.
Zinak - Mar 19, 2007 - 04:04 PM
Post subject:
      jkarr wrote:
Sweetness, Thanks for the appointment. I will do my best to support the East Coast Tournament scene and help the hobby grow as much as I can.

Ohh man did my East coast Tournament Cord. just say 'Sweetness" .... is there a way to get a recount!

jkarr - Mar 19, 2007 - 05:06 PM
Post subject:
Bah, like zinak ever runs a tournament.
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