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Strategy and Tactics - Pro elf v chaos

guitarman68 - Mar 27, 2007 - 10:23 AM
Post subject: Pro elf v chaos
Whats the best way for a pro elf team to take on a choas team, anyone have any good tactics. Idea
Jon93y - Mar 27, 2007 - 09:25 PM
Post subject:
Well, couple things first...are you both rookie teams? What's the makeup of your roster? Re-rolls? Is it a long or short term league, or just a one-off?

Knowing nothing else, the Pros are all about passing, what with their catchers coming with NoS. Break open a hole in the line and run them into the backfield followed by more elves to assist/tie up the defense. Retrieve the ball, get it to your thrower/halfback and stand out of blitz range till turn two. Your opponent will have to mark each catcher with at least two defenders, so you will have to try to blitz open a hole/place to dodge to once your catcher has the ball (and with NoS, he WILL have the ball). Use blitzers or lineelves for this block. Get the ball to your catcher, and dodge for the score...a 2+ dodge and free is preferrable, but a 3+ followed by a 2+ is acceptable with a reroll.

On D, things get a bit more tricky. Kick as deep as possible without giving up a touchback, and try to get your elves down there before he cages up. If he does cage, use your sidestep blitzers to make things difficult (if in a longer term league, you'll want to play more carefully with your blitzers, but shorter term, feel free to mix it up a little bit. Basically worry the cage with your elves, but stay out of tackle zones unless you have a good shot at knocking the ball loose. Gang up on fallen foes, pref Chaos Warriors, and try to foul them out of the game with your lineelves. You want to force your oppo to do one of two things here: 1. Cough up the ball/not score at all, or 2. Score too quickly so you can score again before the half/match ends.

If both teams are TV 1000000, Pros have the advantage due to their skills, so you should be able to score a victory. One good rule of thumb for any Pro/Wood Elf team: Ideally, your opponent should only be able to block one of your players a turn, on his blitz. DO NOT foolishly leave elves in TZs to be smacked on the next turn for free...this is the key to winning with them, short or long term.

Hope it helped, and good luck! Wink
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