NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - howto design own players?

Gabriel - Apr 18, 2007 - 08:29 AM
Post subject: howto design own players?
Greetings, everyone Smile

I have planned to design a team, that is currently not included in LRB5 (a tzeench-team with blockers, runners and common fieldplayers).

However, I have no idea, how to tell proper costs for players as well as rerolls.

I was told, that rules concerning the creation of an own team do exist, however I didn't find any via google.

I tried searching using the following phrases:
blood bowl design own players
blood bowl calculating gold costs
blood bowl create own players
blood bowl tools

I'd be very very grateful, if anyone of you could help out with some information or at least a hint about how to google properly Smile

Thanks and bye,
Kai Smile
Darkson - Apr 18, 2007 - 09:23 AM
Post subject: RE: howto design own players?

But note these are for LRB 4 (and before) era, and just guidelines.
Gabriel - Apr 19, 2007 - 01:03 AM
Post subject: RE: howto design own players?
At least someting to start with - let's see, what the league-chieftain says Smile

Thank you very much Smile
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