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Strategy and Tactics - Should my orc teams second purchase be a fourth reroll?

tomros - May 24, 2007 - 12:53 PM
Post subject: Should my orc teams second purchase be a fourth reroll?
I am very new to Blood Bowl, I have played only two games, and am playing an orc team. After my first game I purchased an apocathery which seemed like a smart move to me, now I am wondering if I should save my money untill I get the 120000 required and purchase a fourth reroll. Would the reroll be the best thing or should I pursue a better plan of action.

My team is as follows:

Da Gang Green

Four Blitzers
Four Black Orc Blockers
One Thrower
Two Lineorcs
Three Rerolls
Zero Fan Factor

I play primarily vs amazons but as my regular opponent and I have decided to both run two teams for added variety I will probably have humans or skaven as regular opponents as well.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated by a newbie trying his best. Smile
Herkufels - May 24, 2007 - 11:58 PM
Post subject: RE: Should my orc teams second purchase be a fourth reroll?
I may be a bit dense at the moment, but why do you pay 120k for a reroll, when they just cost 60k. At least when I last checked the LRB.
In my opinion, if you play league, buy some FF. Mo Money after the game.


Doubleskulls - May 25, 2007 - 01:59 AM
Post subject: RE: Should my orc teams second purchase be a fourth reroll?
Rerolls cost double after intial team set up - so a 60k reroll costs 120k to buy but still only adds 60k to your team value (so your TV drops 60k). Its been that way since 3rd ed.
SolarFlare - May 25, 2007 - 06:21 AM
Post subject: RE: Should my orc teams second purchase be a fourth reroll?
An extra reroll is never a bad thing. However, at this point, with your roster, I would get a troll. The troll is just such a nuisance for the other team to have to deal with. (Note: Some people don't like the troll. The trick to using the troll well is to try not to put it in a place where it is throwing the critical block/blitz. Generally, always have the troll be one of the last pieces you move each turn...)

Hope this helps.
tomros - May 25, 2007 - 06:39 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the tips. I posted this same question over at TBB and many people thought I should go for the troll. Since I have a, I am fairly sure this is the name, Ripper Bolgrot chomping at the bit to do some damage on the pitch I think he will have to be added before I purchase a fourth reroll.

As for the FF, Herkufels, It will only get me an extra 10000 after the game depending on if it modifies my FAME above my opponents. I prefer the idea of earning FF through wins as opposed to purchasing it right now. Maybe later on when I have more loose cash to spend I will buy some but not right now.

Thanks again for giving some advice to a pathetic newbie,
Doubleskulls - May 25, 2007 - 07:40 AM
Post subject:
You can't buy FF after the team is created.
tomros - May 25, 2007 - 11:00 AM
Post subject:
Doubleskulls thanks for pointing that out. After reading my rulebook another four or five times I will hopefully have everything down pat. Embarassed

I think its cooler to earn FF anyway. Very Happy
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