NAF World Headquarters

North America - Too Poor For Gencon - 4 rd Streetball - August 18, 2007

nyarlathotep - Jun 13, 2007 - 10:10 AM
Post subject: Too Poor For Gencon - 4 rd Streetball - August 18, 2007
I talked to a few of you guys at the Zlurpee Bowl regarding a tournament I was planning on having in August because everybody local was too broke to make Gencon (again!).

This tournament will be played at my house, most likely, unless there are lots of people interested in making the trip to Zeeland, MI instead of Indy. (yeah, right!)

I'm not charging anything for the tourney, and prize support is non-existant. This is for fun and braggin' rights. Maybe I'll print off some certificates at school.

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