NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Wrestle

Opus - Jul 06, 2007 - 12:21 PM
Post subject: Wrestle
In preparation for GenCon Bowl, I want to make sure that I understand how the Wrestle skill works. Let me put it into the four scenarios, and in all cases the 'Both Down' result is chosen on the blocking dice and the players involved are NOT carrying the ball:

(1) A1 blocks B1. A1 has Wrestle, B1 has no skills. A coach can decide to use Wrestle, and both players go down with no armor rolls and no turnover. Correct?

(2) A1 blocks B1. A1 has no skills, B1 has Wrestle. B coach can decide to use Wrestle, and both players go down with no armor rolls and no turnover. Correct?

(3) A1 blocks B1. Both players have Wrestle but not Block. *Either* coach may decide that both players go down with no armor rolls and no turnover. Correct?

(4) A1 blocks B1. Both players have Block and Wrestle. *Either* coach may decide that both players go down with no armor rolls and no turnover. Correct?

Thank you for helping to clear this up for me. Smile Mark
Spazzfist - Jul 06, 2007 - 12:55 PM
Post subject: RE: Wrestle
Yes on all counts.
Opus - Jul 06, 2007 - 05:04 PM
Post subject:
Ok - so far so good. So let's say we are dealing with the fourth scenario - both players have Wrestle and Block. Coach A (the one throwing the block) decides *not* to use the skill, but Coach B decides *to* use the skill. A has no choice, even though his player threw the block?
Primesupreme - Jul 06, 2007 - 06:15 PM
Post subject:
I think that is correct. The coach with the wrestling coach can choose...even if the other would rather not.
Frantic - Jul 07, 2007 - 01:54 AM
Post subject:
Ok... I have a wrestle question.

If you make a Blitz move and wrestle someone to the ground, can you after that, if you have movements left get up so you will be standing?
Primesupreme - Jul 07, 2007 - 02:09 AM
Post subject:
hmm I don't think so...but can't site a rule for it
Frantic - Jul 07, 2007 - 04:12 AM
Post subject:
      Primesupreme wrote:
hmm I don't think so...but can't site a rule for it

I dont either but it would be nice if it was so....
Wosret - Jul 07, 2007 - 06:44 AM
Post subject:
U will not be able to stand up the player

      LRB5 page 11 wrote:
The only time a player can stand up is at the beginning of an
Action at a cost of three squares from his movement. ...

Doubleskulls - Jul 07, 2007 - 02:53 PM
Post subject:
You can't stand up as Wosret correctly shows
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