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Strategy and Tactics - Necromantic team, sound good?

shartma2004 - Jul 24, 2007 - 01:00 PM
Post subject: Necromantic team, sound good?
Hi everyone,
I am currently playing an Orc team and while it has character I don't like it very much. So when my league starts up a new season I think I'll be switching teams, and I was thinking Necro.
This is what sounds fun to me.
2 ghouls
2 werewolves
4 rerolls
8 zombies

Basically use the 4 fast fellas as the core running and hopefully passing game once they get a few improvements.

Does this sound like a decent starting team? what kind of trouble do you think it would have, besides not having anyone with pass, catch, or sure hands?
Cramy - Jul 24, 2007 - 01:21 PM
Post subject: RE: Necromantic team, sound good?
I'd try to get a couple of Wights in there. They are fairly resilient, and start with block. This can make a big difference. So trade a RR and a couple of Zombies (or something like that) for a couple of Wights.

Aside from that, if you tell us what other teams you will face and the length of your league, we can help a bit more.
shartma2004 - Jul 24, 2007 - 01:31 PM
Post subject:
right. well as of now the league is
wood elves
dark elf
orcs (me)

Everyone else has played before and I'm really new. So I'm learning the game, pretty quickly, but overall the orcs just aren't what I'm looking for. Which is faster mainly. I was thinking skaven or elves but have a hankering to paint some undead models.

Anyways, wights would be good. I could fit 1 in easy. and maybe get a second one later in the season.
Cramy - Jul 25, 2007 - 07:36 AM
Post subject:
You may want to consider starting with only one Ghoul. Although an excellent player, they are fragile, and they don't regenerate. It will be difficult to protect both of them early-on. Once the first Ghoul gets block, then you can buy the second Ghoul. FG take forever to skill-up. So get one early. He is not that great early on, but with a few skills (block and guard) he becomes pretty nasty.

Consider the following roster:
1 Ghoul = 70k
2 Weres = 240k
2 Wights = 180k
1 FG = 110k
6 Zombies = 240k
total for players: 840k
2 RRs = 140k
1AC, 1CL: 20k
Total: 1M

The FG is a great road-block. But just one is enough early-on. This gives you 12 players, so you can foul more with the Zombies. 2 Wights, 2 Weres gives you decent blitzing power. Add 1 Ghoul to this as the ball carrier, then you have 5 players that can score. Instead of AC and CL, you could keep the cash towards your next purchase.

Your top priority is to score with the Ghoul and the 2 Weres. Then need block ASAP. They will be targets, so don't leave them stranded by themselves.

Sure Hands is a good skill on one Ghoul (after block), as it allows you to protect against Strip Ball from flying Elves. (WarDancers, DE Blitzers/Witches), and allows you to save your rerolls for other things than picking-up the ball.

For the Weres, I'd go block, dodge then Side Step. They can hold their own and they are a threat to push people in the crowd at all times. I don't expect that there will be that much tackle in your league, so dodge is your friend.

You will want tackle and guard and the Wights, probably tackle first in your league, to counter the elves, human catchers, skinks, ghouls and goblins.

This post is now a jumbled-up mess. Sorry for the rambling. Hope this helps.
Punkpogoer - Jul 25, 2007 - 11:03 AM
Post subject:
I am starting my first Blood Bowl team and I've been looking at the Necro team also. I think I'm going to try your setup there Cramy, but I need to ask a stupid question, I assume that the AC=Assistant Coach and CL=Cheer Leader, is that correct? I've also seen a few posts on different boards that say FF is very important for early winnings, what do you think about that point?
Cramy - Jul 25, 2007 - 12:18 PM
Post subject:
Yes, you have AC and CL right.

As for FF, it was critical in LRB4. For LRB5, not so much. FF gives you a better chance of getting +FAME. But winning will give you a guaranteed +10,000gp to your winnings. And if you win, you can reroll the winnings. So getting a better team instead of more FF will probably allow you for more winnings. And the more you win, the higher your FF will be.

If you are comparing FF with AC/CL, then I have heard different opinions as well. AC/CL give you a better chance of getting a reroll (and more importantly, denying a reroll to your opponent). I often end-up spreading my left-over money between FF, AC and CL. It often depends who you are playing against. If they have more FF, AC or CL than you have, then it may be a moot point. So I spread, as I don't know what my opponents will do.

For resurrection tournaments, then AC/CL only. There are no winnings, so AC/CL are better value for the money IMO.
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