NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Strongbowl 2008, 30th and 31st August

Lowny - Jul 30, 2007 - 09:07 AM
Post subject: Strongbowl 2008, 30th and 31st August

Unfortunatly Ronnie4655 has given up the strongbowl this year as he has other comitmients. Crying or Very sad

But have no fear because Lowny is here. I have helped Ronnie over the last 2 years and have agreed to take over the organisation of the Strongbowl 2008.

I will post details on the forum as soon as i can get all the info i need (times, dates etc).
The only thing i will say is that there will still be stars and it will still be 1.1 million gold peices per team.

I have had a fiddle with the way skills are gained and hope to have a new and original way of doing things.

The venue is the same as the last few years. (Ambassador Snooker Club, Evesham).
Please post if you would be interested in coming. The more people come the cheaper it will become.
Lowny - Oct 23, 2007 - 08:30 AM
Post subject: RE: Strongbowl 2008, 1st and 2d March
After many talks with Lycos i have changed the dates of the strongbowl to allow as many players as they wish to turn up.
The first dates were in march so please make sure you all check you have the new date guys
All times are
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