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Painting - The Xlanhuapec Carnivores, Lizardmen team (WIP)

Pil - Aug 13, 2007 - 07:27 AM
Post subject: The Xlanhuapec Carnivores, Lizardmen team (WIP)
Hello all. Me and my friends recently (last week) started a new league, and after playing Goblins last time we played I decided to for a team which has a bit more future, and which I haven't played before: Lizardmen.

I already play Lizardmen in Warhammer, and since I don't like the BB models nor the new plastics I decided to convert some 5th edition metal Saurus warriors for my team. I split the saurus in three groups of two: Blitzers (who have to protect the skink with the ball), Blockers (to stand in the line of Scrimmage with the Kroxigor), and defenders (to intercept enemy ball-carriers).

At the moment all players have had their first coats of paint, they will be mid green, probably with black scales, and magenta and blue-purple team colours. This is not set in stone, but I'll try it out and see if it works Smile

I made the Blitzers from champions as they have a nice running pose, and cool head-dresses:

I removed all weapons and added a Lizardmen shoulderpad.

These are the blockers, the knuckledusters look stupid but I assure you it's intentional. I mean to paint them up like polished slabs of stone, hence the round form. If after a complete paintjob they still look bad I'll cut them into more conventional shapes. Again I removed all weapons, bent some arms and added shoulderpads and a bit more flesh to the throat. Made from standard bearers.

My defenders look least glamourous, they are made from metal saurus warriors with the weapins removed and some converting done to the arms. Again I added the shoulderpads.

My Kroxigor was also converted from a 5th edition model. I removed the weapon and repositioned the arms, then I added a shoulderpad from green stuff with plastic spikes, and a codpiece because it looks cool (and Blood Bowl-like).

My skinks are new plastics, simply because they're much easier to convert than the old models, and much more varied as well, and not as ugly as the plastic Saurus Warriors. I removed the weapons and added green stuff shoulder pads.

I hope you like them, I know I do, I will post more pics when I'm done painting, and I hope I can get at least some models completely done before tomorrow (when they will play their second game). Smile
DarkDancer17 - Aug 13, 2007 - 08:04 AM
Post subject: RE: The Xlanhuapec Carnivores, Lizardmen team (WIP)
Very nice stuff! Very Happy

Now if only the Lizards had more positions! Smile But they are excellent conversions... Very Happy Can't wait to see them painted!
Pil - Aug 14, 2007 - 02:41 AM
Post subject:
Well, here are the first examples. It took me a lot of trying to find a colour scheme that worked but in the end I settled on just purple, with some hints in white where neccesary. Together with the orange scales I now added they are quite a colourful bunch. I painted three models completely so far:

Buggrit - Aug 14, 2007 - 05:05 AM
Post subject:
They look really nice. Are you basecoating and then dipping them before finishing off with the orange/purple white or are they just basecoated and then inked?
Pil - Aug 14, 2007 - 06:24 AM
Post subject:
Huh? Who said anything about dipping? Razz

They're drybrushed and painted using other old-school techniques Cool
TanteKaethe - Aug 15, 2007 - 02:17 AM
Post subject:
They look great Very Happy , I like the skin tone very much! Keep up the fantastic work!


Tante Käthe
Pil - Aug 17, 2007 - 05:53 AM
Post subject:
Here's a short update: my Kroxigor:

He looks finished (apart from the base), but yesterday I painted a lot (finished the Saurus and almost finished the skinks too), and when I put him in the middle between my painted saurus warriors he didn't fit in enough. He will get some minor changes. When the team is fully done, based and varnished I'll make some proper pictures and you can see the rest too Cool
Pil - Aug 20, 2007 - 02:41 AM
Post subject:
Well, they're done, this is copied from another forum (talkbloodbowl):

Some of you may have seen some WIP shots on other fora, but last weekend I finished my team and took pictures. I chose to convert 5th edition Lizardmen models because:

1) I like the models
2) I had them at hand
3) I don't like the new BB lizardmen team, and don't have the old one
4) I don't like the new plastics

I did use new plastic skinks as they're a breeze to convert, and look very nice in the end Smile

Here are the pics:

The whole team:

Click here for a bigger pic:

I painted up four more skinks after taking pictures, these 11 models are the team as it is now, I hope to add the extra skinks soon!

Here are the blitzers:

I know there's no difference between Saurus positions but I decided to give them seperate roles: Blitzers for protecting the skinks, Blockers for standing in the LOS, and defenders to beat down the opposition that gets through. In reality they all do a bit of everything but at least I got to theme my models Wink These are made from champions as they have a nice running pose Smile
These are the blockers, made from standard bearers. The knuckledusters are sculpted and painted to represent stone slabs. I've had some mixed reactions to them but I like them Smile
The defenders. Since I didn't have an endless supply of command groups and I ran out of all variations anyway I made these from regular Saurus warriors. Not as flashy as the other ones but they do the job.

All shoulderpads are 6th edition Lizardmen shoulderpads with some details filed smooth. The markings are Mayan numbers, a dot is 1 and a stripe is 5. Other details are mostly Green Stuff.

This is my Kroxigor, after building and painting it (pic) I decided that he did not fin in well enough with the saurus frontline, so I painted the codpiece purple, and added feathers. I love the look of the feathers, though I'm not too sure on the codpiece, though I won't change it again.

My skinks, the one with the ball obviously had the most conversion work done, for the others I just cut off the weapons and added green stuff shoulderpads (the spikes are from the spiked ball which the skink is holding).

Hope you like them, I personally am really pleased with the look. The colours work well together, and they look very flashy, rich (as befits such a heroic team Wink) and still look very "Blood Bowl" to me. Now let's hear your thoughts Cool
Stratford - Sep 07, 2007 - 12:45 AM
Post subject:
Great job, im not a big fan of any lizardman team that ive seen but these guys have my vote!
KarlLagerbottom - Sep 07, 2007 - 04:39 PM
Post subject:
I also like the touch of the lizard numbering scheme...was thinking of this as well, but was unsure how this worked in practise. Any complaints from opponents?

P.S. Where did the feathers added to the Krox come from?

EDIT: Changing the cod-piece to purple was a brilliant stroke...much nicer than the metal. IMO

Great Work!
Pil - Sep 13, 2007 - 07:03 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the comments! Smile

I haven't had any complaints from opponents about my numbers but for my own convenience I've also added regular numbers to the back of all the bases. I've also seen another lizardmen team on eBay (by Laughing Ferret Studios, can't find pics) that used Mayan numbers as well, since the numbers are easy enough to 'read' they shouldn't really be a problem for opponents. They are difficult to recognise though from a distance (8 looks a lot like 9 and 10 on a small shoulder pad), so that's where the numbers on the bases come in Cool

The feathers on the Krox come from the 6th edition plastic Saurus standards:

There are two variants: the feathers on top of the snake head make up the middle three feathers, and the two outer feathers are taken from the other standard where the feathers are in the back of the snake head.
Axtklinge - Sep 24, 2007 - 03:14 AM
Post subject:
The team looks great!

Scarpo - Oct 27, 2007 - 12:11 PM
Post subject:
I have the same minis and the same plan for a long time. Thanks for showing the way. Their very nice. Where are the shoulderpads from?
Axtklinge - Nov 05, 2007 - 04:32 AM
Post subject:
They look like they're made of "green stuff" with some spiky bits on the top, but I may be wrong...

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