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Strategy and Tactics - Starting Orc League Team Composition

ThrudsFan - Apr 19, 2003 - 06:41 AM
Post subject: Starting Orc League Team Composition
Hi Guys,
I have put together an Orc league Team and would like your thoughts, suggestions on my line ups:
1st Line up:
4x Blitzers 320gp
2x Black Orcs 160gp
1x Ogre 120gp
1x Thrower 70gp
3x Lineman 150gp
1x Goblin 40gp
2 Rerolls 120gp
2 Fan Factor 20gp

My thoughts were the 2 BO and Ogre would be able to take beating or dish one out. The Ogre could throw the goblin if i needed a one turn score. Or should I dump the Ogre and goblin, and go with mor normal lineman. Your suggestions would be appreciated. Very Happy
Dave - Apr 19, 2003 - 09:03 AM
Post subject:
I'd ditch the ogre and get more RR
Higher FF is nice too Perhaps you need just 11 players. It is a risk when having a gobbo but with AV9 all around..
Elan - Apr 19, 2003 - 09:14 AM
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[b] Dave wrote [\b]

Higher FF is nice too

What sort of FF should be used in a tourney??Question
Elan - Apr 19, 2003 - 09:14 AM
Post subject:
Nice [b] there, huh?? Mr. Green
skummy - Apr 19, 2003 - 09:53 AM
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7 FF is the lowest I'd go for a starting team in a league.
Dave - Apr 19, 2003 - 10:48 AM
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I also take a high (6) FF at most tournies I go..
Gertwise - Apr 19, 2003 - 12:45 PM
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I would drop the gobbo and the ogre, take another BOB, and pump the rest into FF.

After the first game, I would get the Apoth and then save up for the ogre.

Of course, because of the way I play, I prefer the troll. He's just there to get beat on and if you do manage to injure him, then he has regen. [/quote]
Darkson - Apr 19, 2003 - 02:46 PM
Post subject:
      Elan wrote:
What sort of FF should be used in a tourney??Question

In a tournament where the team is reset after each game I'd be quite happy with FF 1 or 2. If it's a tournament based on league rules, or a league like thrudsfans said, I wouldn't start below 7, and would prefer to max out at 9 if I could.
mroswick - Apr 20, 2003 - 07:05 PM
Post subject:
3 BOBs
3 Blitzers
4 Linemen
1 Thrower
3 RR
7 FF

Buy an Apothecary (hopefuly after game 1.) You might have AV 9, but you know how much that means when you're not covered Smile

You have the FF to make money, and you have enough Rerolls. You don't have to worry about more for some time. All of your income can go into the Apoth and filling out the rest of your roster. (Ending up with, of course, the much-hated "Linemen? We don't need to stinkin' Linemen" team.)

Plus, 3 Blitzers (or 4 with 2 BOB) actually allows you some offense from the get-go, using the 3 RR for failed skill-stuff.
ThrudsFan - Apr 21, 2003 - 06:31 PM
Post subject:
Thanks guys for all the good advice. I roll so bad I will probably start with 3 Rerolls. Drop the Ogre and Goblin and risk the starting 11.
Doubleskulls - Apr 22, 2003 - 06:38 AM
Post subject:
      Elan wrote:
What sort of FF should be used in a tourney??Question

Well that depends on lots of things. First of all is money used? If it is then take the highest FF you can (8/9). If not, FF is only useful for kickoff results so you need to balance your FF to suit the team you are playing.

If you are playing a low scoring team FF is less important than for (hopefully) high scoring teams. Skavs I'd be tempted by high FF, Dwarves not.
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