NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Botz Bembel Bowl III Frankfurt 3. and 4. May 2008

Sharky2k - Nov 17, 2007 - 02:56 AM
Post subject: Botz Bembel Bowl III Frankfurt 3. and 4. May 2008
We are proud to announce the third Blood Bowl Tournament in Frankfurt/Germany. The date will be the 3rd and 4th of May 2008.

Location: A big room in the centre of Frankfurt/Main with many Bars around it. This room is easy to reach by car and bus or subway.

Place: We got place for 60 Coaches.


Price: Trophys:

Pre-Registered Coaches:

1. lauth81
2. p4m
3. Flix
4. Evil Schulz-Brothers
5. Evil Schulz-Brothers

More Infos will follow, stay tuned

You can preregister by sending a Private Message to me
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