NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - LRB 5.0 TTM

Kwek - Dec 12, 2007 - 12:17 AM
Post subject: LRB 5.0 TTM
Okay people,

I have a cage standing like this:


3 has the ball of course.
I trhow a halfling inside the cage, scatters 3 times and lands on n°1
Then the fling scatters to 3, 2, 3, 4, Lands on an empty square.

The question is verry simple, how manny players go down?

I have seen this play (with more or less scatters) quite a few times already, and everyone is telling me diffrent answers. Pls tell me the right one, and why?

Xtreme - Dec 12, 2007 - 05:13 AM
Post subject: RE: LRB 5.0 TTM
He hasn't landed until you are done scattering. So only player 4 would go down.
Kwek - Dec 12, 2007 - 05:25 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: LRB 5.0 TTM
      Xtreme wrote:
He hasn't landed until you are done scattering. So only player 4 would go down.

Okay ... I heard :
All down
The first one down

And now you are telling me te last one is going down.

if everyone would go down (wich would be logical... if there is something logical abouth a halfling that is thrown by a tree) it would make sence (see the other remark between brackets).
Guy lands on an occupied square, guy goes down, he rolls himself up like a ball an plays pinball until he finally crashlands in an empty square.
At least this would give flings an edge, at least thats how they got played in the last 2 tournaments I went too until the discussion came up. Everyone was sure the FIRST player would get a beating but what happened to the others? Fling coaches of course tought they all go down (me included) at least that would give flings just a small break after the new f****d up LRB 5.0 rule set for halflings. They are even more broke then in the old days, the bombardment game gave them just a small edge.

You are saying that the fling that lands on an occupied square, must scatter again, IF this place is occupied (just like the rules say) it scatters... SO the fling never landed on the first square... for some reason he never got too that square ? ... Is nuffle working other miracles again?
skritter - Dec 12, 2007 - 06:11 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: LRB 5.0 TTM
You have got scattering all wrong. It doesn't represent the ball (player) bouncing about. It is the method used to find out where a poorly thrown ball (halfing) lands. It is only the end result of the scatter rolls that gives the conclusion of where a bad throw has gone.

The individual scatters DON'Trepresent the moment by moment traveling of the thrown object.
Darkson - Dec 12, 2007 - 06:43 AM
Post subject: Re: LRB 5.0 TTM
      Kwek wrote:
I have a cage standing like this:


3 has the ball of course.
I trhow a halfling inside the cage, scatters 3 times and lands on n°1
Then the fling scatters to 3, 2, 3, 4, Lands on an empty square.

Ok, I'm assuming you mean after the 3 squares scatter from the inaacurate TTM, it hits #1.
#1 is knocked down. If you mean the fling bounces to #3, #2, #3, #4 and then empty square, then no one else is hit, and ther fling can attempt to land.
Notorious_jtb - Dec 12, 2007 - 08:42 AM
Post subject: Re: LRB 5.0 TTM
      Kwek wrote:
Okay people,

I have a cage standing like this:


3 has the ball of course.
I trhow a halfling inside the cage, scatters 3 times and lands on n°1
Then the fling scatters to 3, 2, 3, 4, Lands on an empty square.

The question is verry simple, how manny players go down?

I have seen this play (with more or less scatters) quite a few times already, and everyone is telling me diffrent answers. Pls tell me the right one, and why?


just the one player in square 1.

The entry for throw team mate in LRB5 says quite clearly only 1 player can get knocked down.

"If the final square he scatters into is occupied by
another player, treat the player landed on as Knocked Down and roll for
Armour (even if already Prone or Stunned), and then the player being
thrown will scatter one more square. If the thrown player would land on
another player, continue to scatter the thrown player until he ends up in
an empty square or off the pitch (i.e. he cannot land on more than one
player). See the Right Stuff entry to see if the player lands on his feet or
head-down in a crumpled heap!"

Spazzfist - Dec 12, 2007 - 08:48 AM
Post subject: Re: LRB 5.0 TTM
      Kwek wrote:
Okay people,

I have a cage standing like this:


3 has the ball of course.
I trhow a halfling inside the cage, scatters 3 times and lands on n°1
Then the fling scatters to 3, 2, 3, 4, Lands on an empty square.

The question is verry simple, how manny players go down?

The question may be simple, but you are not clear. Is the halfling landing....

a) on #1
b) on 4 (the last roll)
c) an empty square

The halfling only lands on the square indicated by the last scatter roll. So if it is #1 or #4, then that is where the halfling lands, and any player (and only that player) in that square is knocked down. If the halfling lands in an empty square, then they may attempt to land.
Notorious_jtb - Dec 12, 2007 - 09:24 AM
Post subject: Re: LRB 5.0 TTM
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Kwek wrote:
Okay people,

I have a cage standing like this:


3 has the ball of course.
I trhow a halfling inside the cage, scatters 3 times and lands on n°1
Then the fling scatters [bounces] to 3, 2, 3, 4, Lands on an empty square.

The question is verry simple, how manny players go down?

The question may be simple, but you are not clear. Is the halfling landing....

a) on #1
b) on 4 (the last roll)
c) an empty square

The halfling only lands on the square indicated by the last scatter roll. So if it is #1 or #4, then that is where the halfling lands, and any player (and only that player) in that square is knocked down. If the halfling lands in an empty square, then they may attempt to land.

I feel pretty sure the "scatter" was done first. then the word "bounces" should have been used for the sequence which resulted in all the other "hits" which don't count, see above for correction, and see my early post for the rule.
Notorious_jtb - Dec 12, 2007 - 09:29 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: LRB 5.0 TTM
The player will end up on his ass too

"If the landing roll is failed or he landed on
another player during the throw he is Placed Prone and must pass an
Armour roll to avoid injury."
LordWriggly - Dec 12, 2007 - 01:09 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: LRB 5.0 TTM
Hi Kwèk,

I posted the same question on TBB ('bad landing pinballing stunty').
There the answer was clear.
First player landed on falls prone.
Bounce halfling until he gets in an empty square.
All other players stay upright even if the fling bounces through their square.
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