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Converting - Dark Elf Runners and Asassins

Skeelo - Dec 28, 2007 - 07:44 AM
Post subject: Dark Elf Runners and Asassins
I was wondering what other people were using to represent these two models? Or if anyone has done any conversions.

daloonieshaman - Dec 29, 2007 - 09:34 AM
Post subject: RE: Dark Elf Runners and Asassins
the runner ..... Dark elf Shade leaning over with the swords cut off
well the assassian ... just use a fantasy assassian the one leaning over with the hooded face cut the knives out of his hand (he has one on his belt
Cramy - Dec 30, 2007 - 09:18 PM
Post subject: RE: Dark Elf Runners and Asassins
Runners: I use a Dark Elf thrower, and an Impact! Miniatures Night Elf.

Assassins: GW has two Dark Elf Assassin models for BB. They are hard to find when searching in their on-line store, but they are there. I use one of them. The other Assassin I use Horkon Heartripper.
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