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Rules Questions - Timing on Kick Skill

VitaminT - Jan 12, 2008 - 09:23 AM
Post subject: Timing on Kick Skill
When do you have to decide wether or not you wish to use the kick skill? Do you need to declare it before you roll for scatter or can you decide after you roll?

daloonieshaman - Jan 12, 2008 - 09:55 AM
Post subject: RE: Timing on Kick Skill
you MAY CHOOSE to halve the number of squares that the ball scatters on kickoff rounding fractions down. You MAY CHOOSE to use the skill after the die is rolled. (as long as the player is set up according to the description.)
Cramy - Jan 12, 2008 - 06:20 PM
Post subject: RE: Timing on Kick Skill
If you look at the skills section (LRB5 page 23, 5th bullet under SKILLS), it states that unless otherwise noted, you can always chose to use a skill after the dice are rolled. So you can chose to use the kick skill after the dice are rolled. Same goes for Mighty Blow, Dirty Player, Diving Tackle, etc...
Doubleskulls - Jan 13, 2008 - 06:38 PM
Post subject: RE: Timing on Kick Skill
Yep, so you always get a choice of where to put the ball. This is all done before rolling on the kick off table though, so if you get a High Kick they can still put someone under the ball.
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