NAF World Headquarters

Europe - V. Dungeon Bowl + 07 BB Rules Review

CoachRattenfetza - Jan 18, 2008 - 01:34 AM
Post subject: V. Dungeon Bowl + 07 BB Rules Review

please note that we will only use the rule clarifications of the rules review.

The changes will remain experimental.

You will find the Rules review here:

Lycos - Jan 18, 2008 - 01:23 PM
Post subject: RE: V. Dungeon Bowl + 07 BB Rules Review
Coach - what is the story about having to register your team by Feb or something? I was told this by another coach who is going and I missed that. Do we need to advise you which team we are going to use in advance as many will be painting the team and may not finish so change thier mind etc.
CoachRattenfetza - Jan 18, 2008 - 02:50 PM
Post subject: RE: V. Dungeon Bowl + 07 BB Rules Review
The idea behind this is to get things organised some time BEFORE the tourney (check the roster, cut down the registration time on saturday and also for a surprise). There will always be ways for you to change your mind (team) if you want to; you can always get in contact with me (so I hope you know out there)!
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