NAF World Headquarters

Rest of the World - Canberra league seeks additional players.

Nestyr - Jan 29, 2008 - 04:19 AM
Post subject: Canberra league seeks additional players.
Howdy all,

This message is directed at players in Canberra, ACT, Australia. Apologies to those outside this area.

If enough local players are interested, I'm hoping to start a new league on the Northside of the ACT, to complement the excellent Southern Valley Blood Bowl League (SVBBL) on the Southside.

You don't have to be from the Dark Side (umm... Northside...) to play in this league, but it will be better for you if you are, in terms of travelling to play games.

The intention here is to run the SVBBL and the Northern Wastes Blood Bowl League (NWBBL) concurrently, with a tournament between the best of the best at the end of each season.

The current season of the SVBBL is a Dungeonbowl tournament, with two divisions. Games are scheduled, and each round is played over a three week period (that is, you and your opponent must organise between yourselves and play the game within the allotted three weeks).

You may run a team in each League, if you wish, but if both of your teams make the finals, you would only be allowed to take one through.

The web page for the SVBBL is

If you are interested in playing, please PM me.


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