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Painting - Do you still paint around the bases to denote player type?

Azrael - Jan 31, 2008 - 07:10 AM
Post subject: Do you still paint around the bases to denote player type?
Back in the day we used to colour the edges of our bases to remove any confusion as to what role each model took.

Is this still the case?
Colin - Jan 31, 2008 - 09:59 AM
Post subject: RE: Do you still paint around the bases to denote player typ
Some people still use coloured base rings, usually for converted models or minis that are hard to tell apart (such as the Amazons, blizers look too similar to linewomen).

Before you ask, there was a system of colours back in 2ed, but nothing official for the current edition so you can use whatever colours you wish as long as you're consistant.

Just in case you were wondering the 2ed base ring colours were like this;
Red for blitzers
White for throwers
Yellow for Catchers
Green for blockers
Grey for Linemen (actually the linemen never really had different colour base rings, as all models came with grey bases because of the grey styrofoam Astrogranite pitch that was included in the 2ed box. So technically linemen would just have bases that would be the colour of the pitch, grass green, dirt brown, or whatever)

There were no colour schemes for the different players included in 3ed and current edition (3.5?), so people have come up with their own for positions like Trollslayers, runners, Witch Elves, etc. So like I said before, you could just come up with your own colour coding scheme for your teams, just be consistant about it and there should be no confusion on the part of your opponants.
Cramy - Jan 31, 2008 - 11:28 AM
Post subject: RE: Do you still paint around the bases to denote player typ
Haven't seen people do it in this area, but in some cases it would be very useful, as Torg mentions. If your players are easy to distinguish due to the model or the paint job, then no need. If they are hard to distinguish, then I think it's a great idea.

What I may do for my next team, which is a Khemri team built from Warhammer Fantasy Skeletons, is just paint a square or circle on the base where I'll put my player number. I paint numbers on the side of the base on 4 sides of the miniature (well, it's a round base so doesn't have sides, but I'm sure you get the point Wink). So where the numbers will go, I'll paint a square or circle that represents the position based on the colours that Torg put in his post, and paint the number in the square/circle. Or I may do the whole ring, not sure yet.

There are some other colours that people came-up with on the TBB site for Big Guys and other positions that may not be covered by the above (I forget what they are right now).
Lycos - Feb 14, 2008 - 10:17 AM
Post subject: RE: Do you still paint around the bases to denote player typ
It is quite popular in the Uk and I admit that I am one of those that like the colour base rings. With so many conversions and different figures on offer today, a quick look at the base tells you straight away which is lineman or which is a blitzer.
As Torg says... Amazons are a classic example. As are ELves (pro), telling the lineman from the two blitzers is not always that easy. In both cases, I have those two teams colour based. Another that many have trouble with is Khemri, telling the throw ra's and blitras apart. Personally I am ok with those but I notice many struggle.
skars - Feb 14, 2008 - 12:43 PM
Post subject: RE: Do you still paint around the bases to denote player typ
The base rings definitely make it easier to distinguish models that are otherwise pretty similar. I am working on a human team right now and I purchased the models that came out in 2005 from GW. While it's easy to distinguish a thrower and a catcher, I have trouble with the lineman and blitzers. I'll be painting base rings o these for sure.
thechosengobbo - Feb 14, 2008 - 05:52 PM
Post subject:
I don't use base rings right now.

Mainly as my two painted teams are goblins and lizardmen. They are two teams where you need your head examining if you ask what each player is more than once Laughing

The minute I paint my pro elf team I'll be doing something similar to what Cramy mentioned for his Khemri skeletons...
Doubleskulls - Feb 15, 2008 - 12:31 AM
Post subject:
My amazon team (using Shadowforge nuns) has the numbers (on the base rings) painted in different colours for each position. For non-standard teams and the hard to tell apart ones I think its very useful to have a strong distinction. It is quite annoying to play against a team and not be able to tell at a galance which player is which.
skars - Feb 15, 2008 - 02:41 PM
Post subject:
Of course base rings don't really help much once players start gaining skills. I still think they look rather striking hehe
Axtklinge - Feb 18, 2008 - 08:10 AM
Post subject:
In the league I play no one uses the base ring different colours.
There are some cases where I can see real advantages on the colour base ring sistem (convertions in general, amazons, etc), but to tell the truth I find them a bit "bad looking" (or should I say realy ugly?), so whenever I convert something I try to give them distinctive features (armour, spikes, etc) that make them stand from each other quite easily.

Anyway, like it was said, after a few games and a few skills the base rings utility drops a lot...

CirrustheBlue - Aug 27, 2008 - 07:23 PM
Post subject:
I'd been asked to do this in the past with the 2005 Human team figures, but I never thought that they were all that indistinctive of each other's position. I suppose it could get confusing with the Linemen having gigantic blades and stuff on their armor as opposed to the Bltizers, but all that aside, I've always tried to make each member of a team as distinctive as possible between the positions while still keeping everyone looking as unique as possible because with different colours on every base takes away from the overall aesthetics of the team I've always thought. That's just my opinion though.

As for my Chaos Pact team, I've gone to great lengths to make every single figure look entirely different from the others, but it's still readily noticable at a half-glance who the positional players are as my Skaven player is the SKAVEN, the Gobbo player is the GOBBO, and the Dark Elf player I've done up a funky conversion using the Slaaneshi Champion from Fantasy with the tall helmet, so he stands out pretty well, too. Past them, you've got the 3 Big Guys and then it's just Marauders! I've added Beastmen, some old Mutant figures, and some converted and mutated Norsca players and it looks pretty sharp! I'd be surprised if anyone couldn't tell the difference between the core positional players though needing them to have actual base colouring as opposed to what they are, if that makes sense.

I suppose if you were to make a really ambiguous roster where everyone looks kind of the same such as on a Dwarf team or converted Orc team or similar then maybe you'd need to distinctify the figures that way, but 99% of the teams I've seen lately it's dead easy to tell who's who assuming you've had more than 3 games of Blood Bowl already. Wink

- Cirrus
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