NAF World Headquarters

North America - CANADIAN OPEN 2008 *CANCELLED*

Ben - Feb 20, 2008 - 09:58 AM
Post subject: CANADIAN OPEN 2008 *CANCELLED*
Hello all

I was going to start preparing the Canadian Open but realized that it wouldn't be until late March, and what's the point as we have the Qermitt just around the corner.

I promise this is not the end, but rather just a 1 year break. I had to much planned and was pre-occupied with other events i have been organizing to concentrate on the Open this year. The Canadian Open in 2009 will be the best one yet as i have many plans i want to implement.

Let's all make it out for the Qermitt this year and make it a huge success!!!

I will see you there.

Spazzfist - Feb 20, 2008 - 10:51 AM
Post subject: RE: CANADIAN OPEN 2008 *CANCELLED*
Glad to hear that you have not abandoned us Ben! We could use a player with your skill (and incentive) to help us put those Northern Boys in their rightful place!

... and no Joe, that is not at the top of the heap! Very Happy
Taxal - Feb 20, 2008 - 11:31 AM
Post subject: RE: CANADIAN OPEN 2008 *CANCELLED*
To bad about the Open this year. Good news is it will still happen, but we just have to wait one year.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 20, 2008 - 11:52 AM
Post subject:
No worries Ben, I'll help you in 09 anyway I can.

Ben - Feb 20, 2008 - 01:48 PM
Post subject:
I am deinately not abandoning the Canadian Open as i love Bloodbowl and organizing the tournament. I just don't want to put together a poor tournament at the last minute especially so clow to the Qermitt.

I have registered for the Qermitt with my Dwarfs who have been the champions everytime they have competed. Who's tough enough to take em on?
Clan_Skaven - Feb 20, 2008 - 10:18 PM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:

I have registered for the Qermitt with my Dwarfs who have been the champions everytime they have competed. Who's tough enough to take em on?

I'm registered as Lizardmen, but I'm not bringing them, I'm most likely bringing Skaven, but I'm toying with some Orc rosters....

Xtreme - Feb 21, 2008 - 04:39 AM
Post subject:
If you guys need a BB fix, you could give the Zlurpee Bowl a try. Wink We'd love to have some visitors from the North, we are expecting about 50 coaches this year so It should be a lot of fun. The official website will be up by Friday but all the info you may need if you're interested is on the Zlurpee forums.

Good luck at the Qermitt!
Talons - Feb 21, 2008 - 06:20 PM
Post subject:
Well, this just isn't right Ben!!!!!! Are you losing your incentive?????? Just kidding......any help that you may need from me is there for the taking. I look forward to next year as I will be able to plan a trip to the Canadian Open. By the way......I think my dwarves are tough enough.......see you at the Qermitt.
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