NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Niggling injuries

wollfe - Mar 25, 2008 - 09:17 AM
Post subject: Niggling injuries
Ok first things first i have done a search for this and found nothing

so the question is "Each Niggling Injury
adds 1 to any subsequent Injury roll made against this player"

does this mean the injury table or the casualty table - i would assume the injury table as that is an injury roll

also do you roll on the casualty table immediately or at the end of the game - basically would affect the use of the apothecary

thanking you all in advance
Spazzfist - Mar 25, 2008 - 09:20 AM
Post subject: RE: Niggling injuries
1) The injury table - adding 1 to the casualty table would have almost no effect!

2) Yes, roll for the casualties right away for exactly the reason you mention.
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