NAF World Headquarters

Europe - The Waterbowl Presents: 'Stunty Slam' Manchester 12/07/08

Leipziger - Apr 01, 2008 - 06:32 AM
Post subject: The Waterbowl Presents: 'Stunty Slam' Manchester 12/07/08
Ok, it is now official! The inaugural Stunty Slam will take place at the Vine Inn, Manchester on the 12th July 2008 (it is a Saturday). It is a one day tournament to celebrate the joy of all things Stunty! The tournament is open to Goblin, Halfling and Ogre teams.

It will run from 9am-7pm and we have employed a bar person to be there specially to provide you with drinks (pub actually opens at 12 to the rest of the world). On my last visit they were even serving Hobgoblin

There will be four games, but the schedule will be fairly tight and will rely on keeping the games to 2 hours or less.

Details of format and directions to venue to follow very soon.

The venue:

The Vine Inn
42-44 Kennedy Street
Manchester, M2 4BQ
0161 236 3943

Check out the website if you want to see the place:

The venue is not massive, so there is an upper limit of twenty coaches.

Price: £6.00

NB:Apologies to those who can't make this date. However, if this goes well, then I hope to organise a Winter Slam.

To make a payment, please go to and pay into the account:

If you do not have a paypal account, please contact me via pm and we can make other arrangements.

Polar Bear *paid*
Jimmy *paid*
Beanbag *paid*
Wightlord *paid*
Levinas *paid*
Dazlamb *paid*
Gorgoroth *paid*
Shaniepoo *paid*
Barney the Lurker *paid*
Ginger Ninja
WilburS *paid*
Hoomin *paid*
Evil Git *paid*
PubBowler *paid*
Jordell *paid*
Ambush3 *paid*
The Chosen Gobbo *paid
Leipziger (if needed)
1 (poss 2, if Pug can't play)

Nethrag [Goblin]
Sizzling Gromril [Halflings]
Evil Git
Sann0638 [Ogres]
GingerNinja [Goblins]
Duncan Hargreaves [Goblins]
Igor Tahavanale
PubBowler [Halflings]


EvilTrev - Jun 10, 2008 - 12:34 PM
Post subject: RE: The Waterbowl Presents:
Very interested in this event. However, I do need to get back to Mansfield for a wedding do! Is the event likely to over-run the 7.00pm finish?

Leipziger - Jul 07, 2008 - 07:58 AM
Post subject:
Unfortunately, along with Peter Jones, Fire Olli (due to work committments) and JJB (Can't make it up from London), we have got a space or two available.

Peter's place has been filled by Podfrey and hopefully, Pug will take the place of Olli. The remaining place I will fill if nobody else wants to play, so we definitely have 1 spot up for grabs (2 if Pug does not want to play).

Let me know if you are interested (apologies for the tortuous wording of the post)
Leipziger - Jul 07, 2008 - 08:36 AM
Post subject:
Nippy Longskar may be able to make it - confirmation soon!
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