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Strategy and Tactics - TV statistics

wollfe - Apr 06, 2008 - 05:36 AM
Post subject: TV statistics
Hi there

i was wondering whether anyone had any up to date statistics for all the LRb5 teams at various TV levels - i've done a search here and at TBB and haven't found one.


i need this to help keep our league alive - by hopefully showing our norse and lizardman team coaches that their teams will get better once they start increasing in TV.

cheers again
Apocrypha - Apr 06, 2008 - 09:02 AM
Post subject:
I play a Norse team in my league. I took a 2 - 1 loss in my first game against my friend's Dwarf team. I was quite beaten up as well. 1 badly hurt; 1 got a smashed ankle; and a berzerker was killed; and knock outs kept me constantly playing with no more than six men. I carried three journeymen into my next game against humans. I won 3 -1 and one journeyman caused three causalties.

Though I'm not downplaying that TV has some factor in the game, don't also underestimate the roll of the dice. As well, are they playing their lizardmen and norse teams in a fashion that suits their stats? I used to be very bloodthirsty with my norse in my earlier games but I always ended up taking severe causalties. Then I learned to team up and basically play a bit more tactically. There are some instances where strength doesn't make up for skill. (not that I really have any hahaha)
tenwit - Apr 06, 2008 - 03:24 PM
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I'm not aware of any such stats. As a lizardman coach, I can testify that it's one of the best- and quickest-improving teams as the TV goes up. Along with Chaos, Slann and a few other teams that don't have too many of the basic skills (Block, Dodge, Sure Hands, Catch, Pass), good (basic) skill choices early will see a rapid improvement in team performance.

I would imagine that this is less true of Norse. I've never played them, but looking at their starting skills, I'd say that they're a team that probably improves less as they get extra skills. Obviously they improve, I'd just say that lizardmen improve more. Same applies for Dwarves, Amazons and Humans. That said, they do improve, and a few lucky stat rolls can make huge differences.
Lyracian - Apr 09, 2008 - 01:59 AM
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Teams always get better as there TV increases but it is more to do with the level of the opponent. If all teams are equal Value then it is usually those with more skills that are better.

I think at low TV (under 150) Norse are one of the better teams due to all the Block, but as other teams improve they loose this advantage as almost everyone else has it too! Lizards need to score with the occasional Saurus to ensure they are getting skills then all that ST 4 is a force to be rekoned with.
Hangus - Apr 09, 2008 - 11:35 AM
Post subject:
Not sure if this helps buts a very interesting site none the less
Spazzfist - Apr 09, 2008 - 01:58 PM
Post subject:
      Marlow wrote:
Teams always get better as there TV increases but it is more to do with the level of the opponent. If all teams are equal Value then it is usually those with more skills that are better.

Well that kind of goes without saying! But there are some teams (Chaos and Nurgle jump to mind) that lack a lot of the basic starting skills that other teams have (block, sure hands) that can really impact the team. So there are some teams which do improve more dramatically with the devleopment of the team than others.
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