NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Fanatic movement

daloonieshaman - Apr 27, 2008 - 12:24 AM
Post subject: Fanatic movement
I am sure this is covered somewhere:

the rules are a bit iffy (which process are we repeating)

do you:

place the side out template for each movement (say a M3 then 3 different times)
> ^ <

or place the side out template in one of the 4 facings and it stays facing that direction for all of the said movement


1) Ball & Chain (Extraordinary) - (LRB 5.0 page 43)
Players armed with a Ball & Chain can only take Move Actions. To move or Go For It, place the throw-in template over the player facing up or down the pitch or towards either sideline. Then roll a D6 and move the player one square in the indicated direction; no Dodge roll is required if you leave a tackle zone. If this movement takes the player off the pitch, they are beaten up by the crowd in the same manner as a player who has been pushed off the pitch. Repeat this process until the player runs out of normal movement (you may GFI using the same process if you wish). If during his Move Action he would move into an occupied square then the player will throw a block
following normal blocking rules against whoever is in that square, friend or foe (and it even ignores Foul Appearance!). Prone or Stunned players in an occupied square are pushed back and an Armour roll is made to see if they are injured, instead of the block
being thrown at them. The player must follow up if they push back another player, and will then carry on with their move as described above. If the player is ever Knocked Down or Placed Prone roll immediately for injury (no Armour roll is required). Stunned results for any Injury rolls are always treated as KO???d. A Ball & Chain player may use the Grab skill (as if a Block Action was being used) with his blocks (if he has learned it!). A Ball & Chain player may never use the Diving Tackle, Frenzy, Kick-Off Return, Leap, Pass Block or Shadowing skills.
KarlLagerbottom - Apr 27, 2008 - 01:18 AM
Post subject: RE: Fanatic movement
You can choose the orientation of the template again for each square of movement.(Including GFIs)

Since you are "repeating the process" from the first square...part of that process is placing the template however you like.

Doubleskulls - Apr 28, 2008 - 06:09 AM
Post subject: RE: Fanatic movement
As KLB said - the first option you listed is correct
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