NAF World Headquarters

North America - Adepticon 09 - Blood Bowl

Mr.Magoo - May 02, 2008 - 01:00 PM
Post subject: Adepticon 09 - Blood Bowl
OK I am just getting this kicked off. We are planning a Blood Bowl tourny for Adepticon 09 and I would like to get your advice on how to proceed. Whatever Info you want to send my way I will be more then glad to check it out.

What do I have to do to make Adepciton a sacntioned event. Who do I need to contact. That kind of stuff. We are looking to get a large number so we want to do whatever it takes.

Thanks a lot, in advance.
Spazzfist - May 02, 2008 - 01:35 PM
Post subject: RE: Adepticon 09 - Blood Bowl
For those of us too lazy to do a Google search, where and when is Adpeticon?
Mr.Magoo - May 02, 2008 - 02:21 PM
Post subject:
Where Is Chicago IL,
When is the date has not been set yet. Will happen either LATE March Early April. This year it was April the 11th -13th.

Adepticon is a large Games Workshop event that occurs every year in Chicago IL. Hosting nuermours events Including.
40k Team tourny that had 91 (4 Man Teams) this year.
40k Championship
40k Gladiator
Fantasy Championship
Fantasy team Tourny.
BFG Tourny.

This will be the first year for BB at the event but we want to make it huge to start and grow from there.

YOu can check out everything at
Notorious_jtb - May 02, 2008 - 02:56 PM
Post subject:
Sounds like a big deal event.

You should create a tournament in the "Tourneys" section in the links on the top right here (just click and then click "add tournament"). Once you've done that, mention it in this thread and someone official will sanction it (if not pm a mod and it should be sorted).

You should also look to announce your event on, if you haven't already, some people spend more time on those boards than this one.

good luck!
SolarFlare - May 03, 2008 - 08:26 AM
Post subject:
      Mr.Magoo wrote:
Where Is Chicago IL,
When is the date has not been set yet. Will happen either LATE March Early April. This year it was April the 11th -13th.

This will be the first year for BB at the event but we want to make it huge to start and grow from there.

FYI - I'm pretty sure there has been a BB tournament there before.
Mr.Magoo - May 04, 2008 - 07:38 AM
Post subject:
I have been to the event ever since it started. They had a 6 man BB tourny the first year but have not had anything since.
avatar666 - May 04, 2008 - 10:23 AM
Post subject: Adeptibowl
I played in the Adepticup in 2005 and actual was lucky enough to come out on top. That year it was run by a guy who then moved out of state. Some of us in the local Chicagoland area CRUMBBL leagues of POW and OWFuL talked about about continuing it on. Not to discourage you, but what we decided upon was that it was better for us to create and run a seperate tourney from the Con that could be geared totally for Bloodbowl and that is how the Stuper Bowl was formed. What happened back in 2005 the year the Adeptibowl was held at Adepticon was that because the event is like 99% based on 40K and Warhammer Fantasy, is that the BB was brushed to the side like an unwanted deformed mutant child. It was a one-day three game event and the time slot was given from 7PM to 2AM. Combined with the badge price of like $25 plus event cost of $10 or $15 more, the result was only 7 players enrolled. Out of towners did not want to come in for a 3 game tourney at these prices.
Please understand, I do not want to discourage you, but only hope that you improve on all of the negative points I listed if you want to make this an appealing event.
Mr.Magoo - May 06, 2008 - 06:18 AM
Post subject:
All very good points. Unfortunatly I will not be able to do anything about the price. I have nothing to say in that matter. I will be forming the rules and that kind of stuff and was just hoping to get into some program with the NAF. We have not hashed out all the details of any of this yet. RIght now I just wanted to get thoughts from everyone else. I am going to still try it for 09 and we will see how it works. It may fall through due to the reasons above, it may grow to a big success. We will just wait and see.

Can someone point me to a good tournament set of rules? So i can overlook them and see how some of these successful one have turned out.
SolarFlare - May 07, 2008 - 10:15 AM
Post subject:
Zlurpee Bowl and GenCon Bowl are two very common formats that are widely accepted.
Mr.Magoo - May 07, 2008 - 02:49 PM
Post subject:
Thank you sir.
GalakStarscraper - May 08, 2008 - 08:14 PM
Post subject:
      Mr.Magoo wrote:
Can someone point me to a good tournament set of rules? So i can overlook them and see how some of these successful one have turned out.
Chaos Cup rules would be ones that I would look over.
Mr.Magoo - May 09, 2008 - 07:12 AM
Post subject:
Thank you as well.
Sulfurious - May 14, 2008 - 02:27 PM
Post subject:
I'd really like to see this happen. If you can make it happen on a day other than the 40k team tournament, you'll have another player. Wink
Mr.Magoo - May 14, 2008 - 03:50 PM
Post subject:
I would tnd to agree but the issue with that is I really want to make it worth while. I was wanting to do 6 games/ 2 Days. Only problem with that is the team tourny is sitting right in the middle of that, I would like to go to the team tourny as well. Smile So my options are limited. I will bring this up for discussion here, what does everyone think. Please tell my your opinions as I want to get as many people as possible.

We are talking scheuling here. I know a lot of poeple attend the Team tourny so here are some thoughts and I really dont like any of them. Smile

Opt 1 and 2 are there to get around the team tourny.

Option 1
Friday 12-9 4 Games

Option 2
Sunday 9-6 4 Games

Option 3
Saturday 9-9 5 Games

Option 4
Firday 2-9 3 Games
Saturday 9-5 3 Games

Option 5
Saturday 9-5 3 Games
Sunday 9-5 3 Games
HeavyJunk67 - May 14, 2008 - 06:39 PM
Post subject:
Just a quick idea. If you are wanting to work around the team tourney. Why not go Friday and Sunday, 3-4 games each. If you make it worth coming, people will show up as previously stated.
avatar666 - May 14, 2008 - 09:22 PM
Post subject:
Not sure how many out-of towners will come in on a Friday by noon. I'm a local and I know my odds of getting out of work on a Friday would be diffucult.
Also, most BB tourneys end at a resonable time on Sunday allowing for those traveling back longer distances to get home and ready for the rat race (Skaven?) sure to follow come Monday morning.

Seeing as though it sounds like you have some wide variety pick of times, my suggestion would be to include another couple options:

Option 6
Saturday 9-5ish 3 Games
Sunday 9-2ish 2 Games&awards

Option 7
Saturday 9-8ish 4 Games
Sunday 9-2ish 2 Games&awards

Just my thoughts.
Sulfurious - May 15, 2008 - 05:39 AM
Post subject:
I have a feeling if you want it to succeed you'll have to throw out the idea of scheduling around the team tournament and just do it at the best times. This was my favorite option even though it means I wouldn't be able to participate.

Option 4
Firday 2-9 3 Games
Saturday 9-5 3 Games
Mr.Magoo - May 15, 2008 - 12:22 PM
Post subject:
ONly problem with splitting the days is people that would come in from Out of town. would not want to sit for a day doig NOTHING. I think splitting is a bad Idea.

Right now I am leaning toward.

Saturday 9-?? 4 games
Sunday 9-2 2games
Saturday 9 - ?? 5 Games.

I actually like the Saturday 5 it would allow me to join in on the Gladiator on Friday and the RTT on Sunday. But how would people feal about 5 BB games in 1 day.

Schedule like

9-11 game 1
11-1130 break
1130-130 Game 2
130 -2 Break
2-4 Game 3
5-7 Games 4
7-730 break
730-930 Game 5

Or we could start at 8 and end at 9
SolarFlare - May 16, 2008 - 08:35 AM
Post subject:
I recommend just going with a one-day four game tournament. Most players are just plain done after four games.

Also, I recommend extending the allotted game time to two hours and 15 minutes. The time will slide, and this just makes the entire day more relaxed and fun.
HeavyJunk67 - May 16, 2008 - 12:01 PM
Post subject:
Solar you have a point. it is a long day to play 5 games of any system.

I also think Sulfurious is also right in not worrying about conflicting with the team tournament. I think if you make the BB tourny big enough on its own it will draw enough BB players who dont play the "big 3 " systems. Make it worth being a part of. It would only make Adepticon a bigger event itself. If you promote the hell out of it people will come. How many Blood Bowl websites do we, who posted on this thread, now about? Maybe putting a poll on each site what would they like to see in a blood bowl tournament @ Adepticon 09 would help get a idea of what people would go for.

My point is, to make it a 2 day event. A 2:15 time limit so people can enjoy the games, two to three games each day (depending on total games) so they feel that they got their moneys worth and good enough prizes to make it competitive.

Sorry about the bad writing skills
Jonny_P - Jun 08, 2008 - 11:40 PM
Post subject:
      Mr.Magoo wrote:

I actually like the Saturday 5 it would allow me to join in on the Gladiator on Friday and the RTT on Sunday. But how would people feal about 5 BB games in 1 day.

Do you really think you should be making coaches play one long, tiring day of 5 BB games because YOU want to play in events the other days?

If you are running an event, that event should be your #1 priority, and the other games you want to play in should be secondary.

Don't make Blood Bowl just a bullshit filler event like it was at Adepticon 04.
Sugarwookie - Jul 04, 2008 - 03:14 PM
Post subject:
The only way I'd return to Adepticon would be if there was a BB tourney, so kudos that someone is finally getting us something together!


StoutYoungblood - Jul 09, 2008 - 12:21 PM
Post subject:
My opinion on the options:

Option 1
Friday 12-9 4 Games
Will lose the out of town crowd, not many will come to a one-day tourney. Also, many can't take the day before off to make it for the noon start time.

Option 2
Sunday 9-6 4 Games
This option, too, will lose the out of town crowd. Also, the time constraints don't leave a meal break or much time between matchs (given two hours for each game).

Option 3
Saturday 9-9 5 Games
Two things about this: 1) 4 games in one day is murder, would not participate in a tourney of 5 games in one day. 2) Also, if you allow the normal 2 hours per game, you have already used up 10 of your 12 hour time slot. Not leaving much if any time for you to set up the next round or lunch/dinner breaks or even to use the bathroom. At most tourneys I have been to, it takes between 20-30 minutes to set up the next round.

Option 4
Firday 2-9 3 Games
Saturday 9-5 3 Games
Not a bad option but I don't believe you are giving yourself enough time to set up the next round and give a meal break. Also, you will lose people due to the early Friday start time.

Option 5
Saturday 9-5 3 Games
Sunday 9-5 3 Games
Just a little tight on the time allowed as stated for option 4. Also, would be a late departure time for coaches going home out of state.

I agree with Solarflare: a one day, four game event with 2:15 game limit would be the best option.
Sugarwookie - Jul 13, 2008 - 11:37 AM
Post subject:
In all honesty I won't return unless there is a BB event to lure me back. The BFG tournament went pretty well from what I saw! I'd say take a poll, throw something up on the Adepticon boards and then see how much interest you have. I'd go one day, or two days. In all honesty I prefer it to anything else, so I'd sacrifice to play in a good tournament.
I'd also see how many folks are playing in the team tourney, or the other events and guage your days on that as well.


Jonny_P - Aug 07, 2008 - 01:10 PM
Post subject:
The Stupor Bowl, one of largest tournies in the Midwest may be moving to Adepticon. More on this story as it develops.
AK_Dave - Oct 30, 2008 - 04:04 PM
Post subject:
I played 6 games in one day and I was DONE after 4. Then we went to dinner and came back for the last 2, at which point I caught my second wind (thanks to INTELLIGENT eating) while my last two games were against people who totally crashed-and-burned after dinner. I won! Go me!

My first GT, I ate a burger for lunch and it was a terrible afternoon. Ever since then, its been nothing but fresh fruit and fruit smoothies for long tournaments and I have as much energy for my last game as for my first.

Thus, I like the 5-game long day option the best. Mostest bang-for-buck on a single day of BB, and better odds of playing someone who has his brain stuck in idle for the last game.
Jonny_P - Nov 28, 2008 - 11:15 AM
Post subject:
Make sure to register for Adepticon AND Stupor Bowl (Saturday Only - $10, Sunday Only = $10, or Both Days! - $15)


IF YOU WANT TO REGISTER FOR BOTH DAYS, USE THE LINK TO SATURDAY EVENTS (It gives you the option of Sat only, or both days there)

Do this by Jan 31, 2009 to save a couple bucks! ($25 on entry fee instead of $30)

Click on the ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK on the left at for more info!

You can stay at the Hotel where Adepticon is at, but if you want a cheaper alternataive look up Red Roof Inn on Butterfield Rd in Downers Grove/Lombard.

Lastly, check out those Friday events, some you can do for FREE like Necromunda or Legends of the Old West!


Hope to see you all there!
Jonny P


Info from ADEPTICON site...

Lets Give Thanks - AdeptiCon 2009 Registration Now Open!
Registration for the ???can???t miss??? miniature wargaming event of the year is now open! AdeptiCon 2009 will return on April 3rd to the Chicagoland area for our seventh year of Games Workshop and other miniature wargaming madness.

Click here to check out our new and improved lineup of events!

Pre-register online at:

This year we will be moving to the Westin Lombard Yorktown Center in Lombard, IL, located just outside of Chicago.

AdeptiCon 2009 Hotel Information
The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center

70 Yorktown Center
Lombard, Illinois 60148
Phone: (630) 719-8000
Fax: (630) 719-8079
AdeptiCon Room Rate: $109.00/night
Group rate available until March 11, 2009 (Subject to availability)
Parking: Free

Reservations can be made by calling the The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center directly (1-630-719-8000) or by visiting the AdeptiCon 2009 Online Reservation Center.

Full details of our new host can be found on the Hotel Information page.

Register Early!
Pre-register online and your AdeptiCon Weekend Badge (required for entry to all AdeptiCon events) will be discounted to $25. This discounted price will be available until January 31, 2009.

On February 1st, the price for the AdeptiCon Weekend Badge will go up to $30, so don???t delay and register online today at

What???s New at AdeptiCon 2009
We???ve added new events to the roster this year, including a Lord of the Rings singles tournament, a 2-day Blood Bowl tournament, a new Warhammer Historical demo, and a new, improved lineup of Hobby Seminars.

Many of our signature events have been modified and updated, including the Warhammer 40K Gladiator, which now offers players a chance to field 2250 point armies in four rounds of no-holds barred competition. Read the new rules for all events carefully ??? even if its got the same name as before, there may be differences you don???t want to be surprised by!

AdeptiCon 2009 Allowed 40K Units/Codexes
Are you wondering exactly what is allowed at AdeptiCon for 40K players? Wonder no longer ??? download our list of allowed 40K rules/codexes, and our list of allowed 40K ForgeWorld units from the links below.

Click here for the list of armies allowed in AdeptiCon tournaments.
Click here for the list of current Imperial Armor rules

Register Today!
Remember, your AdeptiCon Weekend Badge will be available for $25 until January 31, 2009. All events are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so register online today and reserve your spot at AdeptiCon 2009.
Jonny_P - Dec 28, 2008 - 08:51 PM
Post subject:
This site is now up to date with the rules listed in the BLOG section.
Jonny_P - Jan 21, 2009 - 01:39 PM
Post subject:
I had some people ask me what they get besides 6 fun and competitive games of Blood Bowl at STUPOR BOWL II. Here is the answer...

With your Adepticon Pass (again, save $5 by pre-registering at by 1/31) and your 1 or 2 day Blood Bowl ticket you get the following:

- Limited Edition Slim McHamm figure (pic below
- Limited Edition Avatar of War Chaos Dwarf figure (pic below)
- Limited Edition Imperial Citizen/Femme Militant figure (no pic yet)
- Two Black Library books (one 40k, one Fantasy)
- Two AWC D6's
- Adepticon Poker Chip Coin

Easily a $40 value.

And in the next update I make to the rules, I will be listing more awards. In the spirit of "spreading the wealth" more, we are going to have most of the awards broken out Day 1 and Day 2....So Day 1 Casualty Award, Day 2 Casualty Award.

This not only adds more prizes and more people winning, but it allows all the people that are just playing one day something to shoot for.

1. 1st 100 registrants to check-in will receive a free 1" foam tray.
2. 1st 200 registrants to check-in will receive (2) 40K radio dice.

There will also be the following:

1. 10% off painting services by Bill Kim
2. 5% off coupon for any purchase at Battle Foam
3. Battle Wagon bits grab bag with 10% off coupon

Hope to see everyone there!

Jonny_P - Feb 01, 2009 - 08:46 AM
Post subject:

Jonny_P - Feb 01, 2009 - 09:01 AM
Post subject:
A few updates to the rules have been made.

Mainly.....More Awards! Awards for people that are just playing one day!

I also added in some clarification on what you need to bring and updated the sportsmanship scoring.

I will have printouts of these at the tournament so you DO NOT have to print these out beforehand.
Jonny_P - Apr 06, 2009 - 03:06 PM
Post subject:

Does anyone know the NAF names or numbers of the coaches I'm missing? I know some are new sign ups, and some will not sign up, but I think there are some existing NAFers on here.

Also, I will have pics and a video up sometime this week.

Thanks to all who attended!
Jonny_P - Apr 07, 2009 - 09:56 AM
Post subject:
Just want to take a sec to say a big THANK YOU to the sponsors of STUPOR BOWL II

The Game Room -
Impact Miniatures -
Heresy Miniatures -

If you are in the Ohio area, make sure to stop at The Game Room in Toledo. If you are looking for a new team or extra cool models to add to your existing team, check out Impact and Heresy.
Jonny_P - Apr 15, 2009 - 09:10 PM
Post subject:
NAF Rankings entered. Pics at the link below
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