NAF World Headquarters

Painting - Richys Blog (in the Library)

Hangus - Jun 12, 2008 - 10:05 AM
Post subject: Richys Blog (in the Library)
As part of my job as the NAF Librarian I have been asking certain people to write articles on various topics. Richy has agreed to do a blog of his work in progress which is an undead team.

Some of you may know of Richys work if you are active on the UK tournament circuit, if you are unfamiliar, he has won best painted at the Blood Bowl GT in Nottingham (as well as 5 other Best Painted Awards in the last 3 years) and two Best Painted at the NAF World Cup 2007 (the Big Guy section and a superb airship in the Open section).

I will be post some pictures of these fantastic pieces of work when I can dig some out (or if anyone has some please feel free to post them).

I already have part 2 which I will add to the site shortly. I will post here when I have an update.

Thank you Richy and I am already really looking forward to seeing how this team turns out.

In part one Richy tells you of his plans and sets to work on the base.

Enjoy (and forgive me if it looks a little messy I am still learning html )
Pipey - Jun 15, 2008 - 06:34 AM
Post subject:
Good stuff Richy / Ben. Very much looking forward to seeing the conversions!
Frank - Jun 16, 2008 - 02:05 AM
Post subject:
      Pippy wrote:
Good stuff Richy / Ben. Very much looking forward to seeing the conversions!

Agree totally, keep on Richy.
Richy - Jun 18, 2008 - 03:17 AM
Post subject:
Thanks guys, glad that you like it. The next bit with the zombies and skeleton conversions should be on the way fairly soon - Ben's in charge of the technical side of things.

For those who've not seen any of my miniatures before, here are a few pics of my chaos team:

Hangus - Jun 19, 2008 - 04:46 AM
Post subject:

Part 2 is online.
mark_logue - Jun 26, 2008 - 08:36 AM
Post subject:
Wow. Those are some nice miniatures.
Hangus - Aug 05, 2008 - 08:49 AM
Post subject:

Part 3 is now up
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