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General - Anybody knows of a good schedule builder?

SBG - Jun 15, 2008 - 01:42 PM
Post subject: Anybody knows of a good schedule builder?
Anybody knows of a godd schedule builder?

My roommate and I are starting a league from scratch to get accustomed to LRB5.0, so we're playing 4 teams each, seprated into 2 divisions. Our own teams don't face each other. I know I could do the schedule myself, but if anybody knows of a good builder with a few options, I'd like to know.

Doubleskulls - Jul 02, 2008 - 05:26 PM
Post subject: RE: Anybody knows of a good schedule builder?
A couple of games with each team won't give a great feel and mean you spend more time learning the flavour of each team rather than the rules or deeper game play.
I'd probably recommend you play fewer teams and play more games with them - say two teams each. Then just play pairs of games until you want to stop (e.g. say your teams are A & B, and his X& Y then A vs X, B vs Y, A vs Y, B vs X and repeat until you've played enough - say 6 games with each team. Randomise the A/B X/Y pairings at the start.
SBG - Jul 02, 2008 - 05:28 PM
Post subject: RE: Anybody knows of a good schedule builder?
Thanks Ian, but we tried almost every teams in the book, this is why we want to play a "short" season with a couple of teams each!
Hammer - Jul 03, 2008 - 09:32 PM
Post subject: RE: Anybody knows of a good schedule builder?
This site makes generating a draw really easy. Some manual stuff required, but it takes the pain out of the exercise:
SBG - Jul 07, 2008 - 10:35 AM
Post subject: RE: Anybody knows of a good schedule builder?
Thanks! I'll definitely take a look and make some tests.

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