NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Italian Open 2008, Bologna, 11-12 october

Aramil - Jun 24, 2008 - 04:51 PM
Post subject: Italian Open 2008, Bologna, 11-12 october
Again it's Italian Open time, the oldest two-days-tournament in Italy! Very Happy

Swiss, two days, 5 games.

1.100.000 gp for building the team and 120.000 gp for buying the improvements (following the LRB 5.0 improvements table values).

All the improvements will be given at the beginning of the tourney and the team will remain the same troughtout the whole competition.

Special IO figure for the attendees, made by a new Italian miniatures company! Wink

More to follow on the new website we're creating! Cool

And let's hope this year nobody oversleeps loosing the plane for coming...
Rolling Eyes Laughing
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