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General - Third lot of Cool BB stuff for sale...

dwarfcoach - Jun 29, 2008 - 04:47 PM
Post subject: Third lot of Cool BB stuff for sale...
Ok, so my third lot of cool stuff is here. I will be posting some e-bay links on the weekend for those who missed out on some earlier stuff so this week is your last chance to get something without mad e-bay bidders stealing your stuff...





(If you want fewer numbers of these give me a bid on a smaller number but obviously I want to get rid of all of them so those bids will get priority)

I'm in the UK ...and I will post abroad, P&P per item for UK £1, Europe £2.50 Rest of World £5.
dwarfcoach - Jun 30, 2008 - 06:07 PM
Post subject: RE: Third lot of Cool BB stuff for sale...
I deeply regret it but my financial situation means that this set is up for sale as will:

Incase you were wondering who they are, have a look here:
dwarfcoach - Jul 01, 2008 - 03:33 AM
Post subject: RE: Third lot of Cool BB stuff for sale...
Well alot of interest in the last picture...

Guys, although I appreciate a PM saying 'I'm interested' and 'how much' that really isn't how this works.

Basically you need to check your wallet and how badly you want any of these items and PM me an offer of what you think the items are worth / what you are willing to pay. I will take a list of these bids and contact you back on Sunday afternoon/evening (GMT).

I hope to list any stuff I haven't already agreed a sale on on Sunday too, and if I don't get an offer near their basic value then I'll list them and look to the randomness of ebay.

If we agree a price then I ask you for an e-mail address and I send you a paypal invoice. You then pay that invoice and goods are sent.

Thanks alot,

MaD - Jul 01, 2008 - 07:18 AM
Post subject: RE: Third lot of Cool BB stuff for sale...
hi dude!
i'm interest on all the goblin cheerleaders.
we could use someone as delivers who will goes to amsterdam close tournament on 11-12 of july.
From italy will come Panico. i'll could leave to him the money.
dwarfcoach - Jul 04, 2008 - 06:05 AM
Post subject: RE: Third lot of Cool BB stuff for sale...
So all this lot plus a load more are going onto Ebay this Sunday and I have the following Monday off so can post stuff the net day as long as Paypal reaches me before 3pm on the Monday...
dwarfcoach - Jul 10, 2008 - 02:48 PM
Post subject: RE: Third lot of Cool BB stuff for sale...
Well the Chaos All-Stars are still at a very attractive price (less than £8 each for the coolest mini's on the planet? Surprised ) with only a couple of days left.

In case you have not seen them, check them out here:

Good luck to all bidders...
dwarfcoach - Jul 12, 2008 - 02:12 PM
Post subject: RE: Third lot of Cool BB stuff for sale...
I thought I'd post this Q&A here as Stu was the only one to contact me about this via E-bay:

Questions from other members : 15 x Phils Figs Human team for Bloodbowl Blood Bowl

Q: Stu here from ecbbl. That isn't the snake headed chaos cup figure mixed in with this lot is it? You should probably list that separately if it is.
A: Hi Stu. Yep, the eagle-eyed amongst you have noticed that Snake Saunders has sneaked into this Phils Phigs team, also three other conversions of 2nd edition Linemen. At the current price surely worth the cover price just for this one Chaos Cup figure alone...!
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