NAF World Headquarters

North America - Blood Bowl Tourney 7/26/08 Greenville SC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sugarwookie - Jul 04, 2008 - 03:21 PM
Post subject: Blood Bowl Tourney 7/26/08 Greenville SC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to throw this up. We'll once again be satisfying the huge hunger for Blood Bowl by throwing a one off tournament at Borderlands Comics And Games!

We will be playing swiss style, three rounds, with LRB 5 in use. All teams are legal and miniatures need to represent what they are supposed to be.

We generally have a turn out of around 16 players and would love to have some new blood in the mix to add to the fun! Entry fee is $10.00 for a day of fun! If you have any questions contact me directly!

Borderlands directions and contact info:
KarlLagerbottom - Jul 04, 2008 - 05:05 PM
Post subject: RE: Blood Bowl Tourney 7/26/08 Greenville SC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to try to make this.
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