NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Inducements

EvilTrev - Jul 09, 2008 - 11:19 AM
Post subject: Inducements
Are inducements only available for League matches, or can they be used in "friendly" one off games as well?

Example: In a one off game I pick a team that only has a TV of 750K. My opponent picks a 1000K team. This gives me 250K of inducements + I can transfer up to 250K to petty cash giving me 500K to spend. Having read the sections on League games and Inducements several times, I err to the side that they cant be used in one off games, but more to the point is that how everyone is playing it? I am just returning to BB after several years and dont want to cause any probs........well not too many!

Spazzfist - Jul 09, 2008 - 01:31 PM
Post subject: RE: Inducements
I don't see why you couldn't use inducements in a friendly game - in fact I would think that it should be encouraged to allow people to become more familiar with the tinducements before putting their precious teams at risk! Razz

However, I feel that I should point out that the inducements are done after petty cash has been transferred from the treasury, so this would avoid any dodgy tricks like the one you were suggesting. So 750K value + 250K Petty Cash = 1000K TV. So in this case there would be no inducements.

What you might do in the one off game is agree to a certain value of inducements that each player can take before the game - (e.g. each of you can take up to 200K in inducements) and then you can select what you want to try things out - (200K Random Event Cards rock!)
Apocrypha - Jul 09, 2008 - 05:58 PM
Post subject:
I never thought I would have had to correct the mighty Spazzfist, but I well, you did overlook something my friend.

Under team value on page 25 does say the following:

"Note that gold in the treasury and any players missing the game due to injury do not count towards the Team Value".

So I guess he would have only a 750K value team.
daloonieshaman - Jul 09, 2008 - 06:07 PM
Post subject:
How dare you even consider doubting the almighty Spaz

Pre-match Sequence of play
Transfer Gold from Treasury to Petty Cash

...blahh blahh blahh...
and adds directly to the TV for the match ... blahh blahh ....
EvilTrev - Jul 10, 2008 - 12:46 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for that. I can see the error in my example now.

Apocrypha - Jul 10, 2008 - 05:25 AM
Post subject:
Oh woe is me for I see the error of my ways. I have been rightly smited by the valourous daloonieshaman for my error in judgement against the omnipotent Spazzfist. I shall never doubt again Wink

(But I'll get you next time! Next time! *Merrroooowwww*)
sydalv - Sep 29, 2009 - 03:00 AM
Post subject:
In other words If I have a team with TV 1220 and cash 50k gc
My opponent hav a TV of 1290
that will give me 70k petty cash.
Then it doesn't matter how much money I spend, I won't any inducements that cost over 70k gc
What is the point with the pettycash?
Spazzfist - Sep 29, 2009 - 06:00 AM
Post subject:
      sydalv wrote:
In other words If I have a team with TV 1220 and cash 50k gc
My opponent hav a TV of 1290
that will give me 70k petty cash.
Then it doesn't matter how much money I spend, I won't any inducements that cost over 70k gc
What is the point with the pettycash?

There is a difference between "petty cash" and money in the treasury.

When you do not spend a money after any given game then that is considered "money in the treasury". Money isn the treasury does NOT count towards your total Team Value. When playing your next game if you should decide to spend some of it (to buy a bribe for example), then that money becomes part of the "petty cash" and DOES count towards your team value.

Just follow the pre-game sequence in the rulebook. If you want to spend some of your cash before the game then it counts towards the inducements (either lessening the amount you get or increasing the amount your opponent gets).
Bjorn9486 - Sep 29, 2009 - 09:09 AM
Post subject:
      sydalv wrote:
What is the point with the pettycash?

Spazz explained it perfectly. The point with pettycash is basically for the overdog. If I've got 100k sitting in the bank and I'm an elf team, maybe I want 2 BB babes. However, me being the overdog, I'm also going to thus give away 100k more of inducements to my opponent, so I need to weigh the pro's and con's of the situation.
GalakStarscraper - Sep 29, 2009 - 09:42 AM
Post subject:
Petty cash is really only for the Overdog. The only reason to use Petty Cash if you are the underdog is if you are getting almost no inducements and really want something.

Example ... I'm playing Flings and am a 10k underdog but I REALLY want a Master Chef (LRB 5+ rules) ... so in this case as the underdog I transfer money to petty cash to get the Chef that I cannot get.

Outside of needing to get an inducement that you really need/want because you have 40k or less in inducement money is about the only reason I can think of for an Underdog to ever use Petty Cash .... outside of this .... Petty Cash was written with the Overdog in mind.

Setomidor - Sep 29, 2009 - 11:30 AM
Post subject:
To be honest I have a hard time imagining even the overdog using Petty Cash, unless the Overdog is Goblins or Halflings and can take advantage of their special race discounts (and having these teams as overdogs are not that common...)

I've brought this up before, but in my opinion the entire Petty Cash mechanic is wasted space in the rulebook and a constant source of confusion to many players. Hands up everyone who actually used it even once?
Spazzfist - Sep 29, 2009 - 12:31 PM
Post subject:
      Bjorn9486 wrote:
Spazz explained it perfectly.

Stop, I'm blushing! Laughing

      Setomidor wrote:
To be honest I have a hard time imagining even the overdog using Petty Cash, unless the Overdog is Goblins or Halflings and can take advantage of their special race discounts (and having these teams as overdogs are not that common...)

I was reading on Talkbloodbowl about a guy who has a dwarf team with 14 players and something like 300,000 in the treasury. If he didn't want to have to wait for inducements for a Star Player, or just wanted to get a bunch of bribes so that he could foul at will, then why not! Some people have the cash to burn!
Setomidor - Sep 29, 2009 - 02:32 PM
Post subject:
Simply because if you spend your cash on bribes, you will generate the same amount of inducements for your opponent! In other words, you'll be paying for those bribes yourself, and he gets an equal amount for free...
Bjorn9486 - Sep 29, 2009 - 07:23 PM
Post subject:
      Setomidor wrote:
I've brought this up before, but in my opinion the entire Petty Cash mechanic is wasted space in the rulebook and a constant source of confusion to many players. Hands up everyone who actually used it even once?

I've done it to buy a 50k card; having the scare tactic of the card keeps your opponent in-line.
Spazzfist - Sep 29, 2009 - 07:23 PM
Post subject:
      Setomidor wrote:
Simply because if you spend your cash on bribes, you will generate the same amount of inducements for your opponent! In other words, you'll be paying for those bribes yourself, and he gets an equal amount for free...

True, but if you have the cash, then there may be some things worth buying even if only for one game. Especially considering that many of these things would not be normally available to you otherwise.
smeborg - Sep 30, 2009 - 02:07 PM
Post subject:
Galak - I think a cash-rich underdog can consider taking inducements if he is underdog by 14 points of TV or less. In an important match, he may wish to consider hiring a Wizard, safe in the knowledge that his opponent cannot do so.

And if an underdog Halfling coach can consider putting money into petty cash in order to hire the Chef, surely a Gobbo coach might wish to do the same in order to get one or more bribes? (I accept that cash rich Gobbo teams are likely to be rare, but they are not impossible.)

Looking instead from the overdog's point of view, I would also have thought that a typical use of petty cash (in a crunch match by a cash-rich team) might be to hire a Wizard (as a counter to the underdog's Wizard). This would be especially true for teams that are most vulnerable to Wizards (which in my experience are the slow, caging teams - many of these teams also tend to be cash-rich).
SumBloke - Oct 30, 2009 - 07:11 PM
Post subject:
Another possibility for use of petty cash would be to grab a star player both teams have available and would be a problem to play against before the underdog can take him/her. I doubt this would happen much (if ever), but it could be a strategic play in certain situations.
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