NAF World Headquarters

General - A bit of a BB clearout

Angora - Jul 15, 2008 - 08:21 PM
Post subject: A bit of a BB clearout
Hi all,

Sorry to make my first post a "sales pitch" but these items are close to finishing now.
I'll have a more interesting post soon - honest!

Just listed a bunch of my old Blood Bowl models on Ebay Very Happy
Includes: Bellow Thunderslam, Lwedgrip Whiparm, Dorjak Sureclaw, Duke Luthor Von Hawkfire, Withergrasp Doubledrool, Slarga Fourstrike, Chaos Chainsaw Weilding Loony, Minotaur Player 3, an Orc Lineman, a bunch of Skaven, Fungus the Loon and Bomber Dribblesnot.

All are in good nick and some are quite well painted. Some could also do with a bath in the stripper Embarassed

[EDIT]: If forgot to say that ALL items can be shipped internationally - I missed it when I listed a bunch of them.

Hope there's something there of interest.

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