NAF World Headquarters

General - Could Slann, Underworld & Chaos Pact be NAF sanctioned?

Igor_Tahavanale - Jul 30, 2008 - 01:05 PM
Post subject: Could Slann, Underworld & Chaos Pact be NAF sanctioned?
I pulled a thread on TBB totally off topic with this -

(here's the thread...

- and have been advised to stop yanking threads all over the bloody place and put it here where it should be Embarassed So, the question is exactly what it says in the thread title;

Should the Slann, Underworld, and Chaos Pact teams be made NAF rankable at NAF sanctioned tournies even if GW refuse to make them part of the next rulebook due to figure availability restrictions?*

*which don't exist for two teams, and are their fault for the Slann
Spazzfist - Jul 30, 2008 - 01:09 PM
Post subject: RE: Could Slann, Underworld & Chaos Pact be NAF sanctio
Looks like you yanked this thread from it's position in the Comments section: Wink
Darkson - Jul 30, 2008 - 01:28 PM
Post subject: RE: Could Slann, Underworld & Chaos Pact be NAF sanctio
Yeah, sorry Igor - after you posted on TBB, and I replied to take it here, I thought I should put my money where my mouth was, then forgot to post a linnk on TBB.
Igor_Tahavanale - Jul 30, 2008 - 01:34 PM
Post subject:
No problem (except making me look like a twit Laughing )

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Go here instead...

Can you lock this now please Question
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