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Strategy and Tactics - Fan Factor

AlexBrown - Aug 05, 2008 - 06:28 PM
Post subject: Fan Factor
I've tried searching for relevant topics on this (and haven't had my account approved at TalkBloodBowl yet, thought it's been nearly a week) but remain perplexed: Why do so many recommended lists here buy so much Fan Factor?

I think new rules were released in '04? Was FF a bigger deal under LRB4? Under LRB5 rules it doesn't seem like you are getting a lot for having large amounts of FF (as in 3+). Of course I may be wrong, but with only the potential for +1 at the end of the game IF you have the Fame, am I missing something?

Any advice would be appreciated.
Darkson - Aug 06, 2008 - 04:05 AM
Post subject: RE: Fan Factor
There are no outstanding accounts on TBB, and they're all being approved in 24hrs or less. If it's been more than a week, see:

Yes, FF was a bigger deal under LRB4 and before, and it was a deliberate design goal to make it less important.
AlexBrown - Aug 06, 2008 - 06:53 AM
Post subject: RE: Fan Factor
K thanks I will try them again.

So is there any general consensus on how much FF to run when starting a new team in a league under LRB5? Until now I have simply been spending excess cash on FF when I couldn't get a better player. Is this the default or are there reasons to spend on FF beyond leftover cash?
tenwit - Aug 06, 2008 - 02:45 PM
Post subject: RE: Fan Factor
In tournaments you might buy a fair bit, but for league play, I don't think that there's any reason to buy more than 2FF. I never buy any, I'd put the money in ACs and CLs instead. When your FF is 0 or 1, you'll get 1 free FF when you win or draw a game. When it's 2, you are guaranteed to never lose any. If you buy more, you might lose some on your first game. If you're joining an existing league, you're very likely to lose your first few games, and probably against teams with higher FF anyway, so they won't earn you any FAME before you lose them.
Cramy - Aug 08, 2008 - 07:39 AM
Post subject: RE: Fan Factor
I now have a slightly different view on FF and ACs/CLs.

In a league, I tend to start with no ACs and CLs, and get some FF with leftover money. So I don't go out of my way to buy FF, but I will get a couple if I have money left. As the + FAME adds to your winnings, it helps getting new players, especially early-on. And the FAME helps on the kick-off table too. A couple of FF won't guarantee that you win FAME, but it will help. I buy ACs and CLs later on. An exception is when playing stunties. I try to avoid giving rerolls to my opponent, so I get some ACs, CLs and FF on my starting roster. Tenwit's point about joining an established league is valid though.

In a tournament, I don't take any FF, but will get ACs and CLs with excess cash. There are no winnings in most tournaments, so the FAME has less impact. So the ACs and CLs have a bigger impact as they guarantee a bonus on the cheering fans and brilliant coaching rolls.
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