NAF World Headquarters

North America - Anyone need a room for GenCon

jaylazer - Aug 06, 2008 - 08:30 AM
Post subject: Anyone need a room for GenCon
Hello everyone,

I made reservations for 3 rooms for Gen Con this year and will only need two of them (possibly only one).

If anyone is in need of a room let me know.

Here's the room info:
Sheraton Indianapolis City Centre Hotel
31 West Ohio Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204

The reservation is for a room with 2 double beds and is available from 8/13 to 8/17.
The room is $157 a night plus any taxes and the like.
Colin - Aug 06, 2008 - 11:14 AM
Post subject: RE: Anyone need a room for GenCon
Geez Jay, what happened, did people bail on you? You're rooms tend to be packed (from what I rememeber from the time I stayed there). Wish i could go this year, but can't afford it. Hopefully someone will step up and take a room off your hands.
jaylazer - Aug 06, 2008 - 11:18 AM
Post subject: RE: Anyone need a room for GenCon
Just had a lot of things happen with people between making the reservations and now.

Most of the people will be at the Con so we wont miss much.

Those not there (you included) will be missed of course.
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