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General - Collecting Stragety?

WallyTWest - Aug 08, 2008 - 08:39 PM
Post subject: Collecting Stragety?
Looking at starting an Orc team, how would you guys go about collecting it?
Frantic - Aug 09, 2008 - 01:39 AM
Post subject: RE: Collecting Stragety?
What do you mean?

1. Where to buy it?
2. The startup rooster?
3. The full 16 players rooster?

1: Ebay
2: When i played orcĀ“s my team lineup (LRB 5.0, free FF)

4 Black Orc Blockers 320 000
4. Blitzers 320 000
1 Thrower 70 000
2 Linemen 100 000
3 RR 180 000
Total Cost: 990 000

3: My 16 Players teamlist

4 BLack Orc Blockers
4 Bltizers
2 Throwers
2 Goblins
3 Linemen
1 Troll

(Perhaps 1 less Goblin and one more Linemen, youre choise)
Doubleskulls - Aug 09, 2008 - 05:29 PM
Post subject: RE: Collecting Stragety?
I'm assuming you mean minatures?

If this is your first team try and find the plastics on eBay. You may be able to pick them up very cheaply. If you want the metal then be careful that you don't buy plastic on eBay. The shadowforge female Orc team is aesthetically very nice - but probably lacks enough contrast between the line orcs and blitzers for my taste (as well having the wrong number of poses for some positions). Orcs are also easy to collect since there are plenty of 40k/WFB & other systems that have appropriate mintaure.

The team you'd want for all weather

1 Troll
4 BOBs
4 Blitzers
2 Throwers
4~5 line orcs
2~4 goblins
Star players

For playing, start with something simple - 4 Blitzers, 4 BOBs, 1 Thrower, 2 Line Orcs, 3 rerolls. I'd avoid the troll & goblins until you were happy with the normal team.
WallyTWest - Aug 11, 2008 - 05:32 PM
Post subject:
Its not my first team; I have run Chaos, Lizardmen and Dwarfs before. It will however be the first team likely to be made up of entirely blood bowl miniatures (none of this WFB look alike stuff).

The two teams I have chosen to "run" with are Humans and Orcs intrestingly enough. I dont believe in collecting a force based on a rouster after seeing the flexability that it can take to survive in a league.

Thats where it gets intresting. The orc rouster includes Orcs, Goblins and Trolls. I feel like GW has really scr*wed me with eliminating all the bilisters and bits order system. (it actualy came close to driving me out of blood bowl). Buying a whole goblin team for a small number is nonsense, and i find myself also strugling between the new and old orc sculpts.

So my question would be how would you hunt for it if you where in the US? I am trying E-Bay but am being rutinely out bid in the last 20 seconds.
daloonieshaman - Aug 11, 2008 - 07:02 PM
Post subject:
tell me what you need and we should be able to work something out as I have 3 metal orc teams extra goblins and I might have a troll left over
sann0638 - Aug 12, 2008 - 01:58 AM
Post subject:
Or try
Cramy - Aug 12, 2008 - 06:48 AM
Post subject: is probably your best bet. You can buy individual figs, full teams, or packs of 4 or so depending on the team.
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