NAF World Headquarters

General - how will GW's latest price increse effect BB?

WallyTWest - Aug 27, 2008 - 12:09 PM
Post subject: how will GW's latest price increse effect BB?
I have learned GW metal will increase 50-60%. I suspect this will hurt specialist games more than any other part of GW. (Nothing like 70usd for 11 metal orcs.) Thoughts?
LordHelmawr - Aug 27, 2008 - 01:08 PM
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Buy plastics and make conversions.

That or write them a nastygram and stop playing.
arturin - Aug 27, 2008 - 03:00 PM
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This is the official press release:

      Games Workshop wrote:
As everyone knows costs are going up all over the world, and just like everyone else we are seeing increases in the price of oil, metal, printed materials and transport. Up until now we've absorbed these increases, but the recent and dramatic doubling in the price of tin is simply something we are unable to ignore and therefore some of our prices will be going up too.

As from 29 September 2008 we will therefore be increasing the price of all metal models as well as a selection of other items including most of our books and some accessories including paint.

The good news is that we do not intend to raise the price of our plastic kits at this time which means Games Workshop's plastic range remains excellent value for money for all hobbyists. This has also encouraged us to accelerate our plans for expanding our plastic kit range even more quickly so keep a look out for new projects in the future.

The increase in raw materials is certainly true, although the 50% seems too much.

I would like to see the BB range in plastic cheaper than the current metal price Smile .
Spazzfist - Aug 27, 2008 - 03:06 PM
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Plastics are definitely the way to go! It is my mission to hve one of every team in plastic - am up to about twelve now! Very Happy
daloonieshaman - Aug 27, 2008 - 05:36 PM
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I have seen the list and the price for a team will go up from $45 to $60
arturin - Aug 28, 2008 - 12:24 AM
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Anyway, as long as the plastic prices remain the same, the BB hobby can survive through conversions, as LordHelmwar pointed out. There are also other companies selling metallic BB teams, let's wait to see if they follow GW...

Being optimistic, iIf GW begins selling plastic teams cheaper (I dream teams for 20-25??? Smile ), they would increase the number of players for sure.
kalten - Aug 31, 2008 - 08:11 AM
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I've found that converting models is the best way to go...a friend of mine does it for each new team he makes...they always look awesome, but then he rather speacial at it and he mixes both metal and plastic (and the odd bit of milliput!)
arturin - Aug 31, 2008 - 01:31 PM
Post subject:
Reaper Miniatures, also pressed by the increase in price of raw materials, has gone back to lead alloys:

As long as you don't try to eat your minis, it's safe Wink .
JohnBird55 - Oct 08, 2008 - 09:14 AM
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Ahh so that explains it, had a look at getting a fling team the other day and almost fell off my chair when i saw the (english) box teams at £30 each!! (up from £25)
GalakStarscraper - Oct 08, 2008 - 09:07 PM
Post subject:
      daloonieshaman wrote:
I have seen the list and the price for a team will go up from $45 to $60
Thankfully this prediction did not come true.

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