NAF World Headquarters

General - World Cup coin and more, sadly on Ebay

antipixi - Aug 31, 2008 - 12:43 PM
Post subject: World Cup coin and more, sadly on Ebay
As it is with an number of other posters on this forum, I'm feeling the crunch and need to free up some cash.

As such I have put a number of items onto Ebay.

These include:
BloodBowl GT memorial coins from 2005, 2006 and 2007
One of the NAF logo Balls given out at Thrudbowl 2006
A copy of Wilhelm Chaney (Werewolf Star Player, but you knew that already!)

And most upsettingly, my World Cup Coin! (This was not an easy decision because it is such a nice reminder of an excellent tournament! I so wish my car didn't need petrol!)

Anyway, you can find them all here:

Hope that some of you want something from the list!

Thanks for listening! Wink

SBG - Aug 31, 2008 - 01:53 PM
Post subject: RE: World Cup coin and more, sadly on Ebay
I'm watching a couple of these items Antipixi. I'm sorry it had to come to this...

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