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Painting - Good tip or link for painting red rocks?

SBG - Sep 15, 2008 - 11:32 PM
Post subject: Good tip or link for painting red rocks?
As in Nevada desert rocks?

Can't figure out what colour combination to use. FYI, I'm using GW paints.


nyarlathotep - Sep 16, 2008 - 09:57 AM
Post subject: Re: Good tip or link for painting red rocks?
      SBG wrote:
As in Nevada desert rocks?

Can't figure out what colour combination to use. FYI, I'm using GW paints.



Nevada desert rocks are "red" because of iron oxide - rust.

It's really an orange-brown color, but they can also be a considerably darker brown-red.

Try a mix of graveyard earth and fiery orange. Deepen it with (a really tiny bit) of scorched brown, lighten with one of the yellows, or bleached bone.

New Mexican desert red rocks are pinker (in certain layers) and are interspersed with whiter sandstones. This also continues into the painted desert in Arizona. West of Flagstaff, the rocks are more volcanic in tone, with black rocks mixed into the sedimentary sandstones.

Good Luck!
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