NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Journeymen (LRB5)

Angeblich - Sep 21, 2008 - 09:48 AM
Post subject: Journeymen (LRB5)
1. Do they stay in your team? If not, do they stay if you still don't have enough players left?

2. Can they be MVP?

3. Can they generate SPPs? If they can generate SPPs but leave after the game. Could you offer them a contract (buy em) and keep SPPs?

Maybe a short overall explanation would be fine. Maybe with examples. Are they mentioned anywhere else in the rulebook except in the Post-game-section?
Lyracian - Sep 21, 2008 - 10:08 AM
Post subject: RE: Journeymen (LRB5)
1. No, Unless you buy them at the end of the next game they leave the team.
2. Yes
3. Yes, see Page 29

6. If your team has any Journeymen (see step 7 below) on the roster you must either fire them from the team or you may permanently hire them by paying their rookie cost if you have less than 16 players on your roster. If you hire a Journeyman, he loses the Loner skill but may retain any Star Player points he earned or skills learned from Improvement rolls.
Angeblich - Sep 21, 2008 - 11:06 AM
Post subject: RE: Journeymen (LRB5)
thanks a lot!
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